I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 61 61 Heavy rain comes suddenly (please read later)

Chapter 61 61. Heavy rain comes suddenly (please read again)

Finally, Cloya was awakened by hunger.

After all, he was still a miserable second-level wizard. It was impossible for him to fill his stomach with meditation without eating anything.

After a good sleep, his mental strength and magic power recovered a lot, and his mind was clear enough.

"Huh, it's really comfortable to have a good sleep."

He stretched his body, and didn't let himself think about things. He completely relaxed and looked at the ceiling without focus.

The elegant magic lamp on the ceiling was still emitting soft white light and a refreshing fragrance that made people feel relaxed and happy. The whole bedroom seemed particularly comfortable.

After two or three minutes, he came back to his senses.

Glancing at the magic clock next to him.

It was eleven o'clock in the evening, but outside the window, he could vaguely hear the sound of howling winds and thunder and lightning.

"It's raining?"

He walked slowly to the window and looked out.

What came into view was indeed a violent storm.

The rain poured down like a huge hole in the sky, and the rain poured down like a waterfall. The trees growing on the island swayed in the wind and rain, as if they could be uprooted at any time.

It was pitch black in the distance, and could only be vaguely seen when there was lightning and thunder - the waves became extremely fierce under the push of the strong wind, raising huge waves several meters high, hitting the coast of the island fiercely, splashing countless water.

Even through the window, Kroya could feel this terrifying power. The power of heaven and earth can really make people feel deeply powerless.

This is the first time he has encountered such a heavy rainstorm in so long. Before, it was just some ordinary light rain.

If it was before the time travel, he would definitely continue to hide in his house and sleep well. This violent storm and comfortable environment are simply the best time to sleep.

But... now he is a lord, he has to consider the situation outside.

He thought: 'I wonder what happened to the lily of the valley and the thick potato that I just planted, and what happened to the sunflowers, and whether there will be casualties...'

To be honest, he had already told Robert: If you encounter extreme weather, you don't need to ask him for permission, just mobilize the troops and resources in the territory.

No one came to disturb him now, it seems that the situation outside should be handled well.

But he still cares a little.

He exhaled lightly and asked the King of Mu Yao Qu Teng beside him: "Did anything happen when I was sleeping?"

"When you fell asleep, the heavy rain started to fall."

The latter said: "Butler Rob came to see you once, but I told him that you were resting. He left.

Before leaving, he asked me to tell you that the castle has been prepared, and everything can be left to him. "

Hearing this, Kloya smiled slightly, "Sure enough, Rob is still reliable, which makes me worry-free. "

"What about the situation of the magic field vines and sunflowers? "

The only thing he was worried about was these two places. The sea god barley and olive trees had to stand aside.

It can be said that these are the most important places for him. It doesn't matter if other things are lost, but if they are destroyed by the storm, it will be a big problem.

"I just need you to take a look." King Mu Yao Qu Teng touched the monitoring magic circle placed aside: "I have recorded the images of the magic field vines."

The light flashed inside the magic circle, and the images saved by King Mu Yao Qu Teng gradually appeared.

"Oh?" Kroya stared at the screen.

The expression changed from calm to surprised, and finally with a touch of joy, he smiled and said: "Not bad, I said that this thing can't be paralyzed by a storm no matter what. "

In the midst of the storm, the magic field grape vines covering an acre of land were flashing a faint blue halo.

Its leaves and vines were absorbing the ocean magic brought by the storm, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye and becoming more luxuriant.

The leaves and vines intertwined to block the direct fall of the heavy rain from above; the roots growing in the ground bulged high to form gullies, blocking the rain from invading the land.

The two cooperated with each other, and it can be said that they directly formed a greenhouse made of vines, completely isolating the wind and rain.

The soothing lily of the valley and the thick soil inside The potato was motionless, not even a sign of being blown by the wind, and it was obviously very comfortable.

But that's not the end.

Some blue grapes seemed to grow between its vines. Those grapes should also be absorbing magic power, and soon they were filled with the blue light of water magic.

A blessing in disguise?

Such a terrible storm originally contained a huge amount of magic power. Although violent, the magic plant was supposed to withstand it, so it obviously absorbed it very quickly.

It can grow a lot.

Seeing this scene, Kroya couldn't help clapping his hands: "Not bad, not bad, now I can rest assured. So, how are the sunflowers?"

The Wood Yao Qu Teng King moved again, and the picture began to change, turning into a scene on the terrace of the castle-the eleven sunflowers were swaying in the storm, but they still stood upright.

Even the sunflower seeds in their flower disks became more golden under the washing of the storm, and they were almost turning from a semi-flowing gas to a solid.

It was particularly dazzling in the darkness.

"Is it the flushing of water magic power, and then further purification?"

Kloya thought, it stands to reason that if there is external magic stimulation, it can be further purified. For example, the magic forging of Kabamon is the case.

Blacksmiths use flames and hammers to hit, and magicians use magic vibrations, which are similar concepts.

"Then if I artificially create a magic array that can continuously release alien magic power, and then stimulate the magic plants in the array, it will be OK?"

This idea is the same as his previous idea of ​​roasting water-attribute magic plants with fire. He can only wait for news from Dolphin and Baron Kemoye, and if it doesn't work, he can buy it from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

Thinking of this, he completely relaxed, and the feeling of hunger came again.

He directly ordered King Mu Yao Qu Teng to let the kitchen send him food.

As a lord, he can eat whenever he wants, and there are people on duty in the kitchen waiting to cook for him.

Soon, his feast came.

A piece of toast, seafood soup and noodle soup, and a bottle of wine bought from a merchant not long ago.

To be honest, it was a little simple, but the conditions on the island were pretty good.

He ate slowly, watching the video recorded by Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang as if it were a TV, and he was quite satisfied with the meal.

After eating, he studied the tree and the sea in the bottle, but found that he couldn't get in.

It seemed that he couldn't get in until his mental strength was fully restored.

He could only give up.

Finally, he stared at the wind and rain outside the window and fell into deep thought.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that the rain seemed to last for a long time.

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