I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 66 The Wisdom of Ducks (Please read on)

Chapter 66 66. The Wisdom of Ducks (Please read on)

The air coral base on the seabed has expanded from the original three to ten. They seem to adapt to growing in the sea more than in freshwater lakes.

Now it has covered an entire acre of land.

The huge bubbles are clearly visible on the seabed.

You have to know that this is the seabed. The back mountain is just a small freshwater lake. Whether it is water pressure or the chaos of magic, it is incomparable.

Ten corals support an acre of bubbles. To be honest, it is already quite amazing.

Given time, it may really form a huge seabed base, and even allow humans to live in it.

As he dived down, he looked into the bubble with a puzzled expression.

The bubble had been lit up by the magic lamp he sent people to transport, and it was very conspicuous in the dark sea.

It should be a bare bubble, but the same green color as the bubbles in the lake appeared in it.

What's going on? Can the seabed grow like this? You can't grow another mushroom for me, right?

This was his first time here after planting the air coral. He was quite curious about what was going on here, so he immediately sped up and rushed into the bubble.

With a "pop~" sound, he successfully entered.

After entering the bubble, he stepped on the soft grass. These grasses were very ordinary and common green grasses, nothing strange.

If he saw it on land, Kloya would not feel any surprise, but he felt very strange when it appeared on the seabed.

So he bent down and touched it with his hand.

The result...

"Isn't this green grass?"

He was immediately surprised, and then pulled out some of them and put them in his hand for careful observation.

They are all very uniform, about two centimeters, and look no different from green grass. But in fact, they are slippery in the hand, and have no feel of green grass at all.

Moreover, they are hollow.

You can see the characteristics of mycelium.

Kloya felt a little speechless.

"Why are there mushrooms again? Can mushrooms grow on the seafloor?"

He could vaguely sense that there was a clear flow of magic power in the unknown fungus in his hand. It was actually a magic plant?

Well, in this world, mushrooms are also collectively called magic plants. Although they are not plants at all and do not have the ability of photosynthesis.

But they are magic plants.

In short.

The large area of ​​mushrooms in front of him, which is about two acres, is all magic plants...

This is really too sudden, and he is a little overwhelmed.

"Did something happen that I don't know about?" He rubbed his eyebrows and felt speechless.

"I have to find something to ask."

The dolphins have been trapped outside the bubble, so there are only the fish-tailed sea ducks left to ask - these ducks are leisurely gathering together and building nests on the seafloor.

They use corals, gravel, and their thick duck feathers to build a nest on the open space, and many ducks are lying safely in it.

The ducks are quite satisfied with this place, and each one is very comfortable.

Stay away from natural enemies, no danger to life.

They have all started laying eggs!

You can vaguely see blue-green duck eggs inside, and there are dozens of them after a rough count!

"Oh, are they laying eggs now... I can fry some duck eggs later."

Kloya licked his lips.

I don't know if he felt that someone wanted to eat his eggs.

Anyway, when he walked over, the ducks were in a panic for a moment, but soon, a particularly strong duck majestically "quacked" twice, and the ducks stopped making a commotion.

The king of the fishtail sea duck came to Kloya and nudged the latter's legs with his flat mouth. The "quack" sound was full of flattering meaning.

When the ducks were tamed, as the strongest duck in the duck group, Kloya took good care of it, and almost turned it into a roast duck under the bombardment of the fireball.

It took a long time to recover.

If it were a human, they might hold a grudge, but monsters are born to admire the strong. The more Kloya showed off his powerful fighting power, the more they obeyed.

And they obeyed sincerely.

Even if Kloya came to their nest with a swagger and took away the eggs that the ducks cherished, the ducks did not dare to resist.

The egg was very big, almost the size of a goose egg.

The surface was blue-green and felt very smooth, without any burrs.

He touched the duck egg and habitually used the Astral Body Imprinting Technique to take a look, and saw a gray. There was only chaos inside the duck egg, and there was no breath of life at all.

"Dead egg?"

It was obvious that the egg in his hand should be an unfertilized egg.

There was not even any embryonic development inside, so it was naturally impossible for a duckling to hatch.


After discovering this, he checked several eggs one after another, and the result was... all dead eggs!

He immediately felt something was wrong.

If there were only a few cases, it could be said to be accidental, but more than a dozen eggs were found to be dead, so it was not accidental, right?

The sea duck king seemed to have sensed something.

It quacked, pulled the corner of Kroya's clothes with its mouth, and came to the border area of ​​the air coral.

Because it is close to the sea, and the bubbles of the air corals are fighting against the sea water, the magic power is very chaotic.

However, in such an area, you can see several hidden small nests, in which are placed smaller duck eggs.

They are not taken care of by the ducks, just lying alone in the nests built of broken stones, and the only thing that can keep them warm is some seaweed.

It seems to be abandoned.

However, when Cloya reached out to pick it up and check it, he immediately felt the rhythm of life in the duck egg, and the Astral Body Imprinting Technique could clearly see the embryonic form of a duckling inside.

This scene made Cloya a little stunned.

To be honest, he really didn't expect... In such an environment, there are fertilized and hatchable sea duck eggs.

On the contrary, the eggs that are warm and comfortable and taken care of by the ducks are all dead eggs.

"So why?"

He looked down at the King of the Sea Ducks who was following him, and said in a slightly more serious tone: "Why put the eggs here?"

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the King of the Sea Ducks. It walked to the nest, stretched out its wings, lay on the ground and struggled for a few times, and then suddenly rushed out of the bubble.

It struggled to swim in the sea water, from unfamiliar to proficient. Finally, it returned to the bubble, shook the water off its feathers, and looked at Cloya very seriously.

It made a sound:


"So that's how it is."

Although there was no contract, Cloya still understood what it meant-the ducklings had to learn to swim after they were born.

This is probably the survival experience of the fish-tailed sea ducks.

Even if they did not build nests in the reefs on the seashore, they still created a difficult enough challenging environment for the ducklings.

The living environment of the Warcraft is not so wonderful. If you don't work hard from birth, you will definitely die.

He smiled knowingly.

Then he gently patted the duck's head, "Not bad."

After praising the duck, he pointed to the strange green fungi in the distance and asked curiously, "Where do those things come from?"

Thanks to Lazy Blue Lan, Book Friend 20240131172816588, Book Friend 20181104093559618, There Are Gods and Demons in the World, Live Treasure Heart Light, Blank Space in the Universe, Red Pig, bbb4312280, Lion Fourteen, Book Friend 20220204023449236 for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets.

Thank you very much, please read it every day~

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