I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 74 74 Sunflower Fairy, Orange Light (Please read on)

Chapter 74 74. Sunflower Fairy, Orange Light (Please read on)

There is a very good experimental subject next to it.

Yes, it is the Thick Soil Potato.

This magical plant similar to potatoes has a very high yield. It is said that one plant can produce a full ten kilograms.

In terms of quantity, it can be said to be quite powerful.

So what if most of it is cut off? Only a small part is left to absorb all the magic power of the plant. In this way, when it is cut and propagated, the quality of the new Thick Soil Potato will definitely be improved.

The problem is how to make it feel that it needs this.

Without the desire in this regard, it is impossible to perform the Star Body Imprinting Technique to transform it.


"Take it back."

In the end, Cloya decided to take a Thick Soil Potato back and plant it in his laboratory. Generally speaking, this kind of magical plant will reduce its yield due to the lack of magic power.

He wanted to try if he could artificially control the supply of magic power, combined with his quiet serenade, whether he could successfully make it have this desire.

So, he picked a plain plant and put it away, then called Elena and told her:

"You will take care of this magic field with Jamie recently."

"Here are the introductions and instructions about these two magic plants. Remember to pay special attention to the soothing lily planted alone."

He said a few words and took out a booklet and handed it to the latter.

Elena took the booklet given to her by Cloya and saluted: "Lord, I will take good care of it!"

In her opinion, this is a sign that Cloya gradually trusts her.

To be trusted by the lord...

What an honor!

"I'll see the result."

After saying this, he stood up and left.

Everyone can say good things, and he is no longer interested in this kind of thing. In the end, it depends on the result.

After inspecting both places, it is time to see the situation over at Sunflower.

He has a hunch that this time he should be given a surprise.



He first returned to his own laboratory in the castle, handed the thick potato to the King of Mu Yao Qu Teng, and told him to put it away.

He then went to the terrace garden.


Just when he came up, he took a look, blinked his eyes, and smiled.

At this time, some small creatures were visiting the terrace garden - they were bees with golden patterns on their bodies.

They were busy "buzzing" and collecting nectar between sunflowers.

The sunflowers that had experienced the baptism of wind and rain looked even more charming, proudly holding their heads up to face the sun, and the light inside the sunflower seeds was like fragments of the sun.

It was so beautiful that it was hard to describe.

After admiring it for a few seconds, Cloya asked curiously: "Where did the bees come from?"

He took a closer look, grabbed one directly with the hand of the mage, and took a closer look.

These bees were actually first-level magic insects.

There was a faint breath of magic on them.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!!"

The bee was obviously panicked by being caught suddenly. The stinger on its tail kept pushing, trying to break free while gathering some small wind blades to attack Cloya.

But its tiny magic power...

Cloya waved it away and released it.

After being released, it did not run away, but continued to collect honey from the sunflower, diligently.

Sunflower honey.

To be honest, Cloya really wanted to taste it. It is said that the honey of sunflower has the "smell of sunshine", so wouldn't his honey be more powerful?

He was thinking about how to send someone to see where the nest of these bees was, and suddenly felt a strange consciousness.

He turned around suddenly.

It was the red sunflower!

On its flower disk, a translucent shadow of a small sunflower appeared, surrounded by red light, just like a small sun.

It seemed to be "looking" at Cloya.

There was also some consciousness transmitted——

"Ah, ah, ah..."

The consciousness was not very clear, but at least Cloya had some strange connection with it and figured out what it meant.

Probably: I was born!

Cloya: "..."

The soul of the sunflower?

No... Is this a sunflower elf?

He really never thought that this sunflower could actually give birth to an elf, which is even rarer and more rare than the soul bred by the magic plant.

The so-called "elves" refer to the elemental spirits that can only be born from a special magic plant or environment, not those elves who are good at bows and arrows and live in the forest.

Generally speaking, they are all spiritual changes.

They have some innate strange powers. For example, this kind of magic plant elf can release some magic for its kind, speed up their growth, and increase their magic power.

Moreover, they will become stronger as the magic power of the body and the surrounding people increases, and there is no limit.

"How did you come into being?" Cloya stretched out his hand carefully and watched the sunflower elf fall into his hand.

The palm-sized sunflower elf pressed against his palm, sending a warm magical power.

At the same time, there was a strange, wonderful feeling of soul connection.

The source of this feeling was... the Crimson Song!

Was it a spirituality born from its own Crimson Song?


After sticking to Cloya's palm, it made a series of sounds, which seemed to be urging and eager.

"What do you want to do?"

Cloya was very confused and slowly injected his magic power into its body. With the injection of red magic power, its color became more and more brilliant.

Red and gold blended perfectly.

Circles of invisible ripples spread from the sunflower elf.

There seemed to be a breeze.

The surrounding sunflowers shook their flower disks at the same time, and the music of the red song was echoing.

The sunflower's newborn spirituality resonated with natural consciousness!


It stands to reason that it is a group of first-level magic sunflowers, which should not cause too much noise, but they did.

The sunlight around was obviously falling here.

The strands of golden halo were like the rain from the kingdom of God above the sky.

They slowly fell on Cloya's body, and then couldn't wait to penetrate into the latter's body.

Croa's magic power level, which was already close to level three, increased rapidly under such power infusion.

In just a moment, the third cyclone gradually took shape in his magic pool.

And that's not all.

The last two chapters of the Scarlet Song that he usually read were a bit obscure, but at this moment, it was like a blessing in the mind.

He quickly understood and learned it.

He was immersed in this wonderful state and didn't notice that the power around him and the singing of the sunflowers were spreading farther and farther.

Finally, a magnificent light mist formed again on the Reef Island.

This time, it... was orange.

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