I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 76 76 Same world, different life (first order required)

Chapter 76 76. Same world, different life (first order requested)

The current situation is that the red sunflower has become significantly stronger. It can still control the power of other sunflowers, but those sunflowers have not changed as much as it has.

In other words, they can still continue to produce sunflower seeds formed by the gathering of solar magic.

There is no trend of changing to red magic.

This is a good thing to be honest.

It is enough to have only one special sunflower.

The sunflower elves can communicate with themselves, and it will be easier for them to control other sunflowers. Let them focus on Yangyan magic.

After this incident, Kroya did not plan to engrave the magic related to the Rainbow Poem on other magic plants or magic beasts.

It is one of his biggest trump cards. It is enough to have the two special ones, the Thirsty Sea Fluorescent Algae and the Red Sunflower. He must not give it out again.

Even the Thirsty Sea Fluorescent Algae, he only plans to give one to the Red Song, and not to give the subsequent ones.

The Orange Song involves mental power. If the mental power it produces affects himself... then it will be troublesome unless there is a way to solve it.


To celebrate his successful advancement to level three and learning the Orange Mantra, he decided to reward himself.

The shell magic tool he carried with him still contained seafood caught by the dolphins and the kitchen utensils he placed there. He really wanted to try the food made with the new orange flame...

Will it taste better?

He slowly took out the stove, wok, grill and other kitchen utensils - these were all made by the blacksmith shop on the island at his request.

There are actually very few people cooking in this world now.

Like most space magic tools, this kind of magic tool naturally has the function of preserving freshness, and the seafood taken out is the same as it was just put in.

Considering his appetite, he took out scallops, a fish, and a few sea urchins and stopped temporarily.

Don't take so much for now, it's not enough.

First, start processing the scallops.

Each of them is the size of a football.

The surface has special patterns like the sea of ​​clouds, and it is still shining slightly, which looks very beautiful.

This thing is a second-level magic beast "Cloud Sea Shell". It is said that they like to rush out of the sea with certain fish and can only be caught in foggy weather.

Of course, that is difficult for ordinary people.

For the sea dolphins that have become the overlords of the nearby seas, it is simply easy to catch, without any effort at all.

Kroya broke the huge shell and immediately revealed the plump scallop meat inside, as white as the white clouds in the sky.

"Let me try the new magician's hand."

He began to split his attention, using the magician's hand to deal with the inedible parts of the scallops such as the viscera and gills, while using magic to heat a pot of hot oil.

The two magician's hands were busy, while he himself was lying on a comfortable recliner, squinting his eyes and enjoying the warm sunshine.

When the scallops were processed, they also heated up a pot of hot oil, and then added spices such as chili peppers and ginger in turn and stir-fried them over low heat.

Finally, add the processed scallop meat.

The magician's hand diligently took the spatula and began to stir-fry.

Even though this dish lacked a lot of seasoning, the scallops themselves were of good quality, so the special aroma was still hard to ignore.

He cast an ice wind spell to cool it down slightly, and he didn't have to worry about being burned. After it came out of the pot, he picked up a piece of scallop meat with the magician's hand and put it into his mouth to chew carefully.

The unique taste of the sea was not covered by the taste of the seasoning at all, but complemented each other. It was extremely delicious and a little spicy to stimulate the taste buds.

It was simply impossible to stop eating.

"Ah~ This is life."

Kroya squinted his eyes and tasted the scallop meat. The other pair of magician's hands had already processed the fish and put it on the grill and slowly grilled it with orange flames.

No spices were sprinkled.


But the domineering aroma almost immediately overwhelmed the aroma of the fried scallops just now, and it echoed around like mist.

A deafening sound like a dragon's roar can be faintly heard.

This is actually the special feature of this precious golden dragontail fish - there is a layer under its scales, and when it is stimulated by magic, it will emit a resonant sound like a dragon.

Most fish will flee immediately after hearing this roar, and some unlucky fish will panic and die.

That's when it's time to feast on it.

It is said that this fish has a trace of dragon blood.

Considering the integrity of dragons in this world, Kloya inexplicably feels that it is quite possible.

Because they have dragon blood, their bodies are extremely powerful. If they hit the tumorous protrusion on their foreheads that looks like a dragon horn, even fish stronger than them can't stand it.

So even the sea dolphins only caught this one.

Kloya is looking forward to its taste.


Due to his strong control over magic, Cloya could sense when the precious second-level magic fish should turn over and when to control the flame to grow or shrink.

Soon, a delicious roasted golden dragontail fish was ready.

After roasting, the skin of this long fish that looked like a dragon's tail was still dazzling gold, but only six scales stood up, reflecting the sunlight.

These scales are actually flesh scales.

It is said that there is a trace of dragon blood contained in it.

The only things this fish can eat are its flesh scales and the "dragon horns" on its forehead.

Its flesh is actually inedible.

"The second-level devil fish has dragon blood, which is really weird."

Croya took a piece of meat scale and put it into his mouth to chew. The first thing he felt was elasticity, and then an indescribable magic power rushed into his mouth.

This magic power was really like a giant dragon rampaging through his mouth.

The flesh scales are alive!

He quickly bit it hard several times, swallowing up the magic power contained in the flesh scales, and then felt the magic power inside strengthening his body.

"Well, is it really the blood of a giant dragon?"

The feeling of this magical power is really wonderful. He can feel that his body is slightly stronger. You must know that he is a mage, although it is far less exaggerated than a warrior.

But daily absorption of magic power will also wash the body, making the body gradually become stronger.

Like the kind of weak mage who can't even pick up the staff... It's just some people's slander against the mage.

If the body is really that weak, even the magic power cannot be suppressed.

After tasting the strange flesh scales, he controlled the mage's hands to remove the dragon horns, which were also formed by bulges of flesh and blood.

Compared with the meat scales, the texture of the dragon horn is...well, it's a bit crunchy and tastes nothing, just sweet and slightly cold.

But similarly, it also has the ability to strengthen the physical body.

And it seems to have some strange effect...

Croya looked down, and then the corner of his mouth twitched.

"This, uh."

"If those nobles knew that this thing had such an effect, I don't know how many people would be sent to die just to catch this kind of fish?"

He shook his head and began to taste the last sea urchin - it was still the first time he tasted the blue moon sea urchin.

The sea urchins know that they love to eat, so almost every seafood has this kind of sea urchin.

After finishing the sea urchin, he ate some fresh melon seeds as dessert. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the recliner with his eyes closed to relax.

Let's leave the chores until tomorrow.

Today, he wanted to give himself a holiday, just lie here and bask in the sun.

Compared to a certain mage's carefreeness.

Baron Kemoye, who was rushing to the pier of Hanjiao Island, was in a very unhappy mood.


He was half leaning on the soft blanket, staring at a strange magic plant on the palm of his hand - it was a white thorn, piercing deeply into his flesh and blood.

You can even see the white thorns burning with the sacred white flame inside the veins.

The strange thing was that there was no pain in his expression.

Even a little bit of enjoyment.

Although thorns covered his body, the sacred flame flowing inside was also healing the old wounds in his body, and he was now in a semi-good condition.

"The thorns." He murmured to himself: "I hope Master Croya can help me get rid of it, otherwise... I'm afraid I will never be able to leave here."

After sighing deeply, he glanced at the carriage.

The carriage, which is supposed to never grow thorns, is already covered with these sacred white thorns. The wooden boards, cushions, and even the lamps are covered with them.

They seem to continue to grow visibly to the naked eye.

If it really took a while, the entire car, including Baron Kemoye, would probably be surrounded by thorns, or even be swallowed up.

And the cause of all this was because he... did not abide by the oath on the stone tablet in the ruins and opened a storage room in the ruins.

Although they obtained a treasure inside, all the men who entered the ruins were entangled in such thorns.

The carriage behind was already crowded with his men, and they were also his most capable men.

completely annihilated.

He originally thought that this kind of thing could be solved by the paladin he hired, but the moment the latter saw these thorns, he fainted and has not woken up to this day.

Later, he sent more men into the ruins of the undead and accidentally got a bird inside the ruins.

It was the white owl sitting in front of me now, but there was a faint white halo behind the owl's head.

It's like a magical bird.

But it is actually a ghost bird.

Covered by its sacred-looking feathers, there are beating soul flames and a golden skeleton. The same golden flames beat inside its eyeballs.


The ghost owl seemed to notice that Baron Kemoye was looking at it, and turned its head in confusion.

Then... the white halo behind its head seemed to flicker, and wisps of fluorescent light fell out, and there were suddenly more white thorns inside the carriage.


Baron Kemoyer could only wrap his blanket tightly in silence, looking forward to arriving at Hanjiao Island soon. As long as Master Croya could help him, he was even willing to offer the treasure he found!

I would like to ask you if this kind of daily life will be a bit procrastinating. If you think it is not good, I will reduce these plots.

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