I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 78 78 Evergreen Olive Tree

Chapter 78 78. Evergreen Olive Tree

After confirming the type of this strange thorn, Cloya looked at Robert in confusion and asked curiously:

"Rob, how did you know?"

The butler did not hesitate at all, as if he had already thought of the answer: "I had barely come into contact with a member of the Sethen royal family before.

I learned from him that the thorn of justice was the magic plant cultivated by his ancestors through the belief in order.

The sect is actually the royal ancestor of Sethen."

He mentioned his past frankly.

That was the story before he was sold as a slave, and it was also something that the original Cloya knew very well.


Rob's full name should be Keen Robert Nast.

He was a noble captured in the war between the Sethen Kingdom and the Nolant Kingdom not long ago.

After that war, the army of the Nolant Kingdom chose to hand over all of them to the Mage Association after capturing these nobles.

The Mage Association has many special means to ensure that these nobles will not escape to the greatest extent possible.

As for whether the Mage Association will use these former nobles to conduct experiments that will make the church feel uncomfortable... that is the Mage Association's business.

It has nothing to do with the Kingdom of Norant. They probably hope that all these nobles will die.

After recalling these somewhat vague memories, Cloya continued to ask: "What is the use of the so-called justice thorn?"

Robert replied: "Each kind of justice thorn can be hinted at in its seedling stage, so that it can resonate with the power of order to form a contract.

As long as the contract is followed, it will be integrated into the human body, not only can it heal almost all hidden injuries, but also has a restraining effect on evil things.

But if the contract is violated, the justice thorn will gradually penetrate into the human body within seven days. When the sun rises on the seventh day, it will be completely formed and can never be taken out again."

He paused here, "It is said that the Sethen royal family used this method to create thorn warriors, who were invulnerable to swords and guns and ignored most magic, and successfully established a country.

But with the disappearance of order, the justice thorn can no longer be cultivated. The Sethen Kingdom has also weakened year by year, and was finally destroyed."

There was a sigh in Rob's voice.

But there was not much nostalgia.

Cloya was only interested in these ancient histories, but he didn't say he was particularly interested.

He narrowed his eyes.

It's strange, why is it called the thorn of justice? I always feel that it should be called the thorn of "contract" or "oath".

As for why the baron was so "lucky" to get it.

He guessed that it should be obtained by Kemoye in the wizard tower of the legendary wizard Ilist. It is normal for a legendary wizard to have some adventures.

Knowing its effect, the current situation is how to remove these thorns.

"If you say so, if Kemoye completes the oath, can he pull out these thorns of justice."

Rob shook his head: "No, they will turn into ashes and become seedlings again on the night after seven days, because they don't have enough order power to absorb.

Master, I think he should be on the third or fourth day now, you just need to wait patiently."

Kroya suddenly realized it after hearing this.

No wonder Rob was so happy just now. Now this strange thorn of justice has no side effects, but can be used as a treasure to heal hidden injuries?

After learning about these things, he had a clear idea in his mind and smiled slightly, saying, "Very good, you can tell me what reward you want."

"Think about it carefully."

As he said that, Cloya patted Robert's shoulder and slowly walked towards the carriage that was wrapped in white thorns.

He walked to the front of the carriage.

He took a quick look inside and was immediately shocked by the scene inside - Baron Kmoye had been buried in the thorns, which looked like some religious torture paintings.

White thorns covered his body.

Even under the exposed skin and blood vessels, you can see the flowing thorns and flames.

"... You."

He considered for a while: "Do you want me to help you get rid of it? Then I can help you."

Of course, he said this on purpose.

You must not let the other party feel that you can solve it too easily, but make the other party feel that you have to make great efforts to get rid of it.

Baron Kmoye poked his head out of the thorns.

His tone was full of helplessness: "Master Kloya, as long as you can help me solve these problems, I am willing to give you the treasures I got in the ruins."

"Oh? What treasure?"

"It's an unknown magic plant branch."

The baron gestured to the servants standing next to him, and they immediately took out a very exquisite crystal box and respectfully held it in front of Kloya to open it.

I saw that there were very complicated magic arrays engraved in the box.

The center point of these magic arrays gathered at the bottom of a branch that was at most the size of a finger. It showed a very green and natural color, the wood grain was a little rough, and it was still flashing a faint light.

Just from the magic patterns of these magic arrays, this strange branch should indeed be some particularly precious magic plant.

'What is it? '

He narrowed his eyes and performed the Star Body Imprinting Technique.

His sight penetrated the surface of the branches and clearly saw what was going on inside - a very dense astral body, tall, but somehow it looked familiar...

‘Why does this astral spirit look so much like an olive tree? ’

As soon as the doubts arose, the prompt came——

Evergreen olive trees.


Co-authorship is really an olive tree.

Croya was growing olives himself, but he didn't expect to get branches of another olive tree. What is the difference between the Evergreen Olive Tree and the ordinary olive tree, and what level of magic plant is it?

He is very interested in all unknown magic plants.

But here comes the problem: the magic circle of this box is still running, and there is a dangerous atmosphere brewing, which is probably some kind of defense method.

To get it, you must first unlock the magic circle.

‘If Baron Kemoyer obtained this branch from the mage tower of the legendary mage Eliste...can he use the magic power in the note to remove it? ’

He thought about it carefully and decided to take it first and then take his time.

Temporarily looking away, he looked at Baron Kemoyer who was waiting: "If you, Baron, can take out the mysterious sealing circle, you won't need me, right?"

The latter immediately showed a somewhat bitter smile.

"I understand. I also captured a strange magical beast this time. There are also magic plants and blue sheep that I searched for in the carriage over there.

As long as you help me and my men get rid of these thorns, these things are yours. "

For the baron, as long as these things can buy his own life and the lives of his men, it is definitely not a loss.

He didn't even mention the holy white iron thing.

‘There’s a lot to pay. ’

He originally thought he was going to bleed profusely, but he heard Croya's voice, and the content was like the sound of nature——

"We have cooperated quite happily. I am a person who abides by the contract. The holy white iron has been refined. When these vines are eliminated, you can leave with them."

Baron Kemoyer suddenly raised his head in surprise: "You..."

The mage just smiled faintly: "If the batch of magic beasts and magic plants you gave me can exceed the price of refining holy white iron, plus the branches of this unknown magic plant, I will help you."

"It's a pleasure to work with you, Mr. Baron."


The baron's mood was extremely complicated for a moment. He didn't expect that Croya didn't sit down and raise the price, and he didn't have to bleed heavily!

Gratitude to Croya rose in his heart.

And a little guilty.

"Thank you for……"

Just when he was about to continue thanking him, a pair of light cyan wings appeared behind Croya, and the light wind magic surrounded his body.

With a slight flap of his wings, he flew up into the sky and disappeared, leaving only the faintest trace of magic power.

Kemoye: "..."

Just leave? Wait, this magic...

He is also a warrior himself and can feel the magic power. It seems that this Croa mage is close to the second level.

If he really wanted to advance to the second level mage, he would have to be more respectful to Croya.

But he is obviously willing to cooperate...

Can you ask him to help you think of a way to crack the next mechanism in the ruins?

Some of the contents were given to Croya, and he was willing to do so.

While meditating,

Rob stepped forward: "According to the master's instructions, you need to live in a house by the sea and wait for him to drive away the thorns for you.

Before that, I need to count the magic plants and monsters you brought for the master. "

"Okay, I'll bother you then."

After discovering that Croya was about to advance to the second level, he did not dare to neglect this butler - besides, he originally felt that this butler was a bit special.

In front of him, I was inferior in terms of momentum and majesty.

Should I be said to be Master Croya's butler?

It's really special.

The reason why Croya left in such a hurry was actually to arrange the "treatment venue" in advance.

The castle must not allow these people to live, so he needs to think of ways to arrange an area.

On the way to the flight, he thought about what happened just now - what he said just now was intentional.

If you make the other party feel that you want to add more money, but don't, you will naturally feel grateful to him. In addition, you deliberately show your strength close to that of a second-level mage, making the other party feel that you are not someone to be bullied.

With this two-pronged approach, future cooperation will definitely be smoother.

He doesn't plan to leave the island casually, so he needs someone to help him find various resources. Baron Kemoye is obviously a good candidate.

the most important is……

According to the special features of the Mage Association in the Kingdom of Norant, if a noble takes refuge with a mage, he can retain his title.

As a third-level mage, he can already start to plan things around him.

At least in the surrounding area, you must arrange eyeliners and manpower to understand the changes in the situation, so that you can farm with peace of mind.

To be honest, he was very optimistic about Baron Kemoyer, and he was even more optimistic about the ruins he found.

It's normal for him not to go there himself and let his subordinates explore while he provides technical support from behind, right?

Dear readers, from now on we will update at 12:00 noon and 7:00 in the evening, but there are two updates tonight!

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