I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 86 86 Ducklings hatch, sharks attack

Chapter 86 86. Ducklings hatch, sharks attack

This peaceful life seems to be caused by the power emitted by the ancient grass fungi - it can calm the monsters down completely.

Kloya estimated that even if some carnivorous monsters were put in, they could live in harmony with the herbivores under the effect of the ancient grass fungi.

"This kind of grass looks really good."

He muttered, shook his head and ran to see the sea ganoderma growing over there.

It's better to leave quickly after seeing it, the environment here is not very suitable for him to stay.

After a period of growth, the mycelium of the sea ganoderma has occupied the entire reef, and the mycelium is intertwined and entangled and developed upward, and the prototype of ganoderma has grown.

The translucent blue cap is at most the size of a baby's palm, which looks extremely small and cute.

The initial growth is more time-consuming, but after the prototype is formed, their growth rate will become faster.

It is estimated that in more than a month, it will grow up and start to secrete sea ganoderma secretion, and then sea ganoderma potion can be made.

He nodded with satisfaction.

This process of watching the crops he planted have obvious changes and waiting for them to grow and be harvested is a bit long, but it is really exciting.

After confirming the situation of the sea ganoderma, he wanted to go out to see the situation of the sea clams, but the fishtail sea duck king came over and grabbed his pants.

"Quack quack!"

There was some urgency in its call.

"What's wrong?" Kroya was a little strange.

"Quack quack!"

The sea duck king continued to pull his trouser legs, as if he wanted him to go somewhere. Looking at the direction of the pull, it seemed to be the fertilized duck eggs.

Something happened to the duck eggs... huh? It can't be that they are going to hatch, right?

He followed the sea duck king to the reef where the duck eggs were placed.

The duck eggs in the nest were indeed trembling slightly.

It was not taken care of by the mother duck, but under the continuous magic stimulation here, it still successfully reached the hatching level.

As long as they can be hatched, they can be considered to have started their life.

"You want me to watch them being born?" Kloya patted the head of the Sea Duck King.

The Sea Duck King nodded: "Quack~"

It turned around a little uneasily, but used its wings to drive away all the ducks that came over, not allowing any ducks to get close to this side.

The ducks seemed to know that their children were about to be born.

Although they were forced by the Sea Duck King to not come over, they still stood far away, huddled together, and nervously waited for the result.

The emotions of Warcraft are no less indifferent than those of some humans.


Kloya had nothing to do anyway, so he just watched the ducks hatching as entertainment.

He stretched out his hand and was about to shape a chair, and a chair immediately grew under his butt, just holding him up.

"Oh?" His expression did not change, and he sat down directly.

At this time, two fatter earthworms climbed up the armrests of the chair on the left and right, bowing to him and chirping a few times.

Just like a servant coming to pay respects.

It seems to be getting smarter and smarter.

Kloya rubbed their heads, leaned back a little, held his cheeks with his hands, and stared at the trembling duck eggs.

This kind of monster duck seems to break the shell very quickly.

After just a few minutes, you can see the eggshell breaking from the inside. At first it was just a small gap, which was slowly enlarged.

The wet little fishtail sea duck broke out of the shell and made a tender "quack" sound towards the world.

Then, they didn't even rest or eat the eggshell, but staggered directly into the chaotic sea outside the bubble.

"..." Kloya was silent.

He watched the little ducks that had just broken their shells enter the sea one by one, flapping their little wings in the chaotic sea.

The magic of the sea baptized their still wet wings, and it seemed that some light blue layers were quickly formed on their feathers.

That was the innate ability of the fishtail sea duck.

Ordinary ducks secrete oil to keep their wings from getting wet, but they use this magical barrier to keep their feathers dry.

After forming this magical barrier, they all swam towards the sea surface - the fishtail sea duck is indeed an amphibian, but it also needs to float to the surface to breathe air.

If they can't breathe air, they will definitely drown in the sea water.

This is actually a very difficult thing.

Ordinary fishtail sea ducks are hatched in the cracks of reefs. They just need to go into the sea and then float to the surface.

And they were born on the seabed!

This place is dozens of meters deep from the sea surface. Whether it is water pressure or chaotic magic, it is incomparable. It is simply hellish difficulty.

Some of the ducklings failed.

They were exhausted and struggled to sink to the bottom of the sea. They died completely before they saw the sun on the sea surface.

But more ducklings still swam towards the sea surface.

Survival of the fittest.

For Warcraft, this is a very basic thing.

Not strong enough means death.

Cloya had good eyesight and could clearly see them struggling to swim upwards in the seawater.

Soon, the first successful duckling appeared.

It swam hard and broke through the sea water. It suddenly rushed out of the sea, facing the golden sunshine and warm sea breeze, flapping its wings and making a "quacking" sound of joy.

The sun and sea breeze quickly dried its feathers.

At this moment, the sea breeze seemed to become much gentler.

The sea spirit dolphins that had been waiting nearby saw it successfully emerge from the water, hurriedly swam over, opened their mouths and spit out a ball of pale silver minced meat.

"Chirp chirp~" the sea dolphin signaled it to eat it quickly.

Not sure if he felt the kindness of Uncle Dolphin and Aunt Dolphin, the little duck immediately started gobbling it up.

Croya, who was sitting on the bottom of the sea, looked at the somewhat familiar silver fish flesh and couldn't help but curl his lips.

Isn't that the Silver Moon Fish?

It is a very rare warm-blooded fish, with fish blood containing special magic flowing in its body. It is an excellent food to nourish the body.

For these newly born ducklings, being able to eat such a big meal is of course of great benefit to their growth and development.

The dolphins watched it eat the minced fish meat, their eyes shining with joy - during this period of time together, they had already established a good relationship with the ducks.

Love the house and the crow, and of course they will care about each other's cubs.

That's why they specially catch this kind of fish and prepare to feed it to the ducklings.

While the ducklings were devouring the minced fish meat, more than a dozen ducklings came out of the water one after another and gathered over to start devouring the minced fish meat.

Also...there are only these fifteen.

Croya sighed softly.

There were a total of more than sixty fertilized duck eggs, but only fifteen ducklings successfully reached the sea surface, which means that dozens of them sank to the bottom of the sea.

This survival rate is a bit cruel to be honest.

He couldn't help but glance at the fish-tailed Sea Duck King beside him.

The latter did not stare at the ducks on the sea, but at the little ducks that had sunk to the bottom of the sea, with obvious sadness in his eyes.

As the duck king of the duck flock, it must of course take strengthening the race as its first mission, but while strengthening the duck flock, it must also ensure that the duck flock becomes stronger.

That's why it lets the ducks put their fertilized eggs here.

Although many died, although its children also died, but... those new-born ducklings will definitely be stronger than them.

It couldn't help but move closer to Croya, cupped Croya's trouser legs with its mouth, and buried its head in it.

Being spoiled by a duck...

Croya didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't drive it away.

"Don't be sad, habits come naturally." He was about to comfort the Sea Duck King, but the surrounding ducks suddenly became restless.

"Quack, quack, quack!"

The ducks' voices were filled with panic and nervousness.

One by one, they left the bubbles of the air coral and swam rapidly towards the sea surface, just like torpedoes traveling on the seabed.

After the Sea Duck King heard this voice, he immediately left Croya's trousers, showing no trace of decadence at all, just like a warrior rushing to the battlefield.

"What happened?"

Croya looked up, and his pupils shrank.

He saw some huge gray-black sharks swimming towards him in the distance. Their skins were filled with the aura of ominousness and death on the bottom of the sea.

The leader is the level four magic shark!

It was extremely huge, almost like a black submarine.

The swarm of magic sharks is coming menacingly, and the target is obviously the ducks and dolphins on the sea.

"Phew, you came just in time." Croya calmed down quickly after being briefly surprised, and his expression became serious.

He took out his staff from the shell magic weapon and held it in his hand, then stood up and left the bubble.

A level four monster, he wanted to see if he could kill this shark with his current strength - it was always a time bomb swimming around like this.

Croya had planned to get rid of it very early on.

Now comes at the right time.

When he left the air coral bubble, the sea dolphins had already discovered these old opponents, and they made a "chirp" sound.

The cry of the sea dolphin was very penetrating in the sea water, and it quickly attracted the attention of the fish swimming around.

Fish of all colors gathered like a whirlwind, surrounding the dolphin, wary of the sharks.

The ducks had already assembled at this time. The ducks, which had cooperated many times, gathered into a group. Under the leadership of the Sea Duck King, they gathered their magic power and planned to give the sharks a hard blow.

Seeing the war between ducks, fish and sharks about to break out.

At this time, a crimson light suddenly flashed from the bottom of the sea. It was as fast as teleporting. It only took a moment to hit the Demon Shark King.

Thanks to Big Big Wolf who loves pans, Book Friends 33021212571784, Sunset 1206, Penguin Tang Fei, Book Friends 20240401080848794, Book Friends 20220711005739202, Harman 0u0, Guangtou, Shirasawa Benzawa for their monthly votes and recommendation votes from everyone.

Today’s update is over, have a happy Saturday~

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