The monks were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Are you... from the Supernatural Department?"

Bai Yuan's expression changed, and he asked tentatively.

The abbot smiled, but did not answer directly.

"It's a bit strange... It doesn't look like a ghost slave..."

Bai Yuan muttered in his heart.

"Xiao Yuan, how about you go up to the pillar?"

At this moment, Zhou Han's father spoke up.

He saw that the temple master in front of him had a kind face and didn't seem to be lying.

"No need."

Bai Yuan still refused and said, "Uncle Zhou, let's go."

Seeing this, the others did not persuade him anymore, but left with Bai Yuan.

It was not that Bai Yuan was afraid, but that he instinctively didn't want to worship the ghost in front of him.

Maybe it was because of the ghost face in his body, or maybe it was because of the power of the Yin ghost. After all, he was like a ghost, so there was no need to worship his own kind...

Zhou Han's father, who was driving, said:

"I may have something to do in the afternoon, so you two brothers can play by yourselves?"


Zhou Han nodded and asked: "Brother Bai, play games in the afternoon?"

"That's fine..."

Bai Yuan was indeed a little free now, so he agreed and said:

"Brother will reluctantly lead you..."

"Forget it."

Zhou Han curled his lips and said: "I have won 18 games in a row, and I have always been C. Do I need you to lead me?"

"I checked yesterday, and you have lost all the games."

"Hehe, I didn't scare you. OK, then you lead me!"



In the afternoon,

the two really went to the Internet cafe to play games for the whole afternoon, and even skipped dinner Solved it inside...

After losing 18 games in a row, their heroic words turned into nonsense...

"Brother Bai, I clicked surrender, I can't fight."

"I initiated..."


The two looked at each other, and there was a little melancholy in their eyes...

After a while, Zhou Han sighed and said:

"But I don't think it has much to do with us."

Although the two have been losing, their records are actually quite good, and they can beat their opponents every time they go on the line.

"I think so too."

Bai Yuan nodded and continued:

"Now I want to know a question, who is this ID 'Invincible Tyrannosaurus'..."

The two played for an afternoon, and they met in every game, even if they changed their accounts...

As long as the other party is in the game, they will definitely lose, without any surprises!

"I can't check..."

Zhou Han shook his head, with a helpless look on his face.

Bai Yuan shook his head, then looked at the sky outside the window and said:

"Let's forget about it today, how about going home?"

"No! We haven't won our first victory yet..."

Zhou Han looked stubborn, this was a great shame for him...

"Next round, I will win!"

"Are you so confident?"

"Of course!"

Zhou Han smiled and changed the mode decisively.


Bai Yuan was slightly startled, then frowned and said:

"Xiao Han, to be honest, what you did... is exactly what I want!"

The two looked at each other, then smiled and prepared to start the game happily.

After losing all afternoon, it's time for them to have a good time...

However, when they saw their teammates' IDs, their expressions changed instantly!

"Damn! We can even encounter this?!"

Zhou Han widened his eyes, looking at the familiar 'Invincible Tyrannosaurus', and even felt fear in his heart for a moment...

"No, this guy picked us, right..."

Bai Yuan also had a headache, and then said: "How about we just retreat?"


Zhou Han shook his head and said: "The opponent is just a robot, with the two of us, we can just win!"

"Are you... sure?"

Bai Yuan raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of doubt.

Half an hour later,

Zhou Han collapsed in his chair, looking at the bright red word "failure" on the screen, he seemed to be drained of energy...

"This is really poisonous!"

He scratched his head frantically, already a little twisted from the torture...

Bai Yuan looked at the ID of 'Invincible Tyrannosaurus', also suffering from torture, muttering to himself:

"I really can't imagine that the person in front of the screen is a human..."

"Ghosts can play better than him!"

Zhou Han took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and said:

"I'm really scared today, let's go."


At that moment, his fear overcame his stubbornness, and he didn't even want to take the first victory...


Bai Yuan nodded decisively.

This is much more torturous than killing ghosts...


Soon, the two returned home,

"Xiao Han, what's wrong with you two? You look so bad?"

Zhou Han's parents were watching TV in the living room, and they could tell at a glance that something was wrong with the two.

"It's okay. I was punished by a Tyrannosaurus."


"Mom and Dad, I'm a little tired. I'm going back to my room to sleep first..."

Zhou Han was dejected, as if he had suffered a cruel blow in life...

Bai Yuan smiled bitterly and returned to his room as well...

Late at night,

"No, why is it so uncomfortable..."

Bai Yuan lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep...

"No, I must get the first victory!"

His eyes were firm, and he sat up directly, muttering to himself:

"But there is no computer, how about going out?"

At this moment, his expression moved, and then he looked at his mobile phone.

"Computer games are not good, I'll play mobile games, okay, I don't believe I can meet this again..."

He was a little scared of the 'Invincible Tyrannosaurus' in his heart...

When Bai Yuan logged into his mobile account, he saw 'your brother Han' online!

"Xiao Han?"

"Brother Bai?"

The two of them sent messages almost at the same time, and then they couldn't help laughing.

Soon, the two of them formed a team with tacit understanding, ready to win the first victory of the day.

"Brother Bai, this time, it's steady."

Zhou Han lowered his voice, as if he was playing in the bed.

Bai Yuan smiled slightly and whispered:

"It must be steady!"

However, when the game started, the smiles of the two people almost froze at the same time!

It was 'Invincible Tyrannosaurus' again!

"Damn, you are haunting me!"

Zhou Han directly transformed into a canyon pianist and started his typing interaction.

But just like during the day, the other party would not give any reply.

Seeing this scene, both of them felt a little uneasy,

Could it really be the other party?

Bai Yuan had a better attitude and consoled him:

"Try it, maybe it's just a coincidence, this isn't even a game anymore."

"That makes sense."

Soon, the two started the game.

They were full of confidence, but they suffered a huge blow again. They lost again, and the advantage was overturned...

"Damn, there's something wrong!"

Bai Yuan took a deep breath, and felt that he couldn't win the game anyway.

"It's okay, Brother Bai, maybe it's just a coincidence."

This time, it was Zhou Han who consoled him again.

The two consoled each other today...

"Okay, let's try again!"

Bai Yuan sorted out his emotions and said, "Let's go to bed after we win tonight!"


After five in the morning...

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