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"Uh... that's not what I meant..."

The man waved his hand and said, "I mean, we can just stay in the same room at night."

"Not really."

Bai Yuan shook his head and said seriously:

"How can I How can I launch a sneak attack if I'm not facing the evil spirit head-on? "

"Ah? ? "

The man was slightly startled.

Are professionals with accompanying ghosts also going to do this...

Seeing his strange expression, Bai Yuan was serious. :

"The famous psychic Bai Yuan said that a battle without sneak attacks is an imperfect battle, and the person who initiates such a battle can only live a relatively failed life."

"What the hell?!"

Man The corner of his mouth twitched, and then he asked: "Who is Bai Yuan?"

"That's me."


The man's cry He paused for a moment. The more he looked at this guy, the more he felt that he was a little unreliable...

Is this really to solve supernatural incidents...

He thought for a while and then said:

"How about this, you hide in my Under the bed! This will not only ensure my safety, but also allow for a sneak attack! "

"That's even worse!"

Bai Yuan glared and refused:

"Hiding under someone's bed, who do you think I am, Bai Yuan? ! A bit It's an insult to my dignity..."


The man's expression froze,

No, it seems that you have to send me away because this and that are not allowed...

"Okay, you can relax a little bit."

Bai Yuan shook his head , said: "As long as it appears, I will be able to detect it immediately."


The man was still full of worries,

He didn't dare to joke with his own life.

He hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth, fumbled in his pocket, and said:

"As long as you agree, this is for you!"


Bai Yuan didn't care at first, but when he saw that the other party had something in his hand, When he saw two ghost crystals, he was stunned.

"Ghost crystal?"

"I think it should be useful to ghost people?"

"Where did you, an ordinary person, get it?"

"This is what I bought in the past six months " "Bought it? You are not a ghost, why did you buy this thing?" "Aren't you just waiting for it to appreciate in value..." "Investment?" Bai Yuan looked strange, he didn't expect the other party's eyes to So unique.

"I can't believe you're rich? But rich people live in this old neighborhood?"

This ghost crystal is worth six figures, and ordinary people can't afford it.

"I just went back to my hometown to stay for two days, but I was fine when I came here, and I can't go back..."

The man shook his head, lamenting his bad luck in his heart,

Then he said in a hopeful tone:

"Is this exchange okay?" "Of course it's no problem! Under the bed, I'm waiting!"

Bai Yuan took the ghost crystal and didn't allow anyone to stop him.


The man twitched his mouth and said tentatively: "Well, It doesn't involve personality?"

"What is personality?"


He rubbed his head. He should have thought of it earlier. How could he be a decent person if he could justify the sneak attack so confidently...

"However, can you solve ?"

At this time, he had some doubts about Bai Yuan's ability.

"If I can't solve it, no one in the entire Ping'an City can solve it."

Bai Yuan smiled slightly and said: "First "Let's go upstairs."


the two of them arrived at a room on the third floor.

"This is my hometown, it was left by my grandparents."

The man took Bai Yuan to see the facilities at home, and then said:

"Do we need to prepare anything?"

"No need, just wait for me to show you what I am doing. "

Bai Yuan shook his head, then sat on the sofa and said:

"The evil spirit will appear at 12 o'clock in the evening. There are still two or three hours left. I will study for a while."

After that, he He opened his phone and started learning about ghost science...


The man's mouth twitched. It was already so late, and he was still studying...

But he was also relieved. Seeing that the other party was so nonchalant, he must have some skills. The brush...


At 11:50 pm,

"Brother, please..."

At this time, the man on the bed spoke softly.

"Relax, I'm here, nothing unexpected will happen!"

Bai Yuan was lying with his eyes closed. Under the bed, he silently waited for the evil spirit to come.


As if thinking of something, he said, "Why don't we turn off the lights?"


The man was slightly startled and said, "Is there anything particular?"

"No, I just want to create a good atmosphere."


The man's mouth twitched and he decisively rejected the proposal.

He was feeling uneasy with the lights on. If he turned off the lights, wouldn't he be dead?

As time passed,

the man couldn't stand the quiet atmosphere and spoke again:

"Brother, if you can't beat it, will you abandon me..."

"What are you thinking about? Of course."


The man's mouth twitched. Why was he so confident...

Just when he was about to speak again, he was interrupted by Bai Yuan.

"Don't talk, it's coming!"

Hearing this, the man's heart was shocked, and he quickly huddled himself in the quilt.

Although it was useless, it at least gave him some psychological comfort...

Sure enough, at this moment,

Outside the silent door, there was a faint "dong dong" sound...

The man's body trembled, and he instinctively felt fear,

And his fear seemed to make the evil ghost come faster...

Only the "dong dong" sound quickly became clearer,

And a cold breath began to appear out of thin air, making people tremble...

Obviously, the evil ghost is gradually approaching!

"It doesn't seem to be a knock on the door..."

Bai Yuan looked cautious, and at the same time turned around and lay on the ground to better attack.

Soon, there was a sound of a door opening.

The door of the living room was strangely opened...

Then, the sound of 'dong dong' began to appear in the living room...

"Here it comes! Here it comes!"

The man's heartbeat suddenly stopped, and he began to sweat coldly.

As long as he thought of a fierce ghost walking back and forth in the living room outside, he couldn't help but feel fear...

Dong dong dong——

The fierce ghost didn't rush into the bedroom, but wandered around the living room, as if looking for something.

But soon, it began to approach the bedroom.

At this moment, the lights in the bedroom began to flicker, and the frequency was the same as the dong dong sound outside...

The man was sweating coldly, and his whole body was shaking continuously, just like twitching.

The fierce ghost didn't even approach, but his fear was already maximized...

This is the state of ordinary people facing fierce ghosts.

"It's really scary..."

Bai Yuan below didn't feel it, but the man's fear could be seen from the shaking bed.

"If I catch a bunch of ghosts and open a haunted house, wouldn't I make a lot of money?"

His mind was so open that he thought of this unconsciously...

And at this moment,

Accompanied by a creaking sound,

The locked bedroom door opened strangely...

In an instant, the cold air surged and swept the whole room like a tide!

"Go away, go away, go away..."

The man's pupils contracted and he began to keep muttering in his heart.

And at this moment, a cold and silent voice without any emotion sounded:

"I... saw you!"


The man couldn't help but screaming, and his whole body twitched as if it was equipped with batteries...

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