After a long journey, the two sides of the river were separated.

An hour later,

Bai Yuan took the train and arrived in Dafan City.

For him, this was the first time he left his own Ping'an City, and there was a little novelty in his eyes.

But he didn't have much time to travel now, so he took a taxi and went straight to his destination.

"Master, go to the Jiang'an Villa in the central area."


The taxi driver's eyes moved, that was the wealthy area of ​​Dafan City.

"Brother, are you going home?"

"No, I'm going there to check the situation."


The driver's expression froze,

Are people now so unconcealed?

Bai Yuan didn't care, he did go to see the situation first, and then consider how to rescue Liu Banxian.

"Riverside Villa..."

He muttered to himself. He had already looked up relevant information on the train.

People who can live there must be rich or noble.

Since they invited Liu Banxian from another city to look at Feng Shui, it can be seen that they are not ordinary families.

"But is Lao Liu so famous?"

Bai Yuan touched his chin and was a little surprised.

After all, he had never seen Liu Banxian leave Pingan City in all these years.


Bai Yuan got off the car and came to the vicinity of the destination.

Although this is the city center, the area is quite secluded and close to an artificial lake. Just from the beautiful surroundings, it can be seen that the housing prices here are not cheap.

"Is this the place?"

Bai Yuan stood on the street next to the villa area.

Although it was rush hour, there were not many people around.

He ignored the passers-by and looked at the villa area inside, and began to observe secretly.

As he wandered on the street, everyone's attention was gradually attracted by him.

This guy really looked like he was scouting the place...

"Something is wrong..."

Bai Yuan ignored the eyes of others and still stared at the villa area in front of him.

At this time, he also noticed the clues.

Although it looked quiet from the outside and there was no trace of the supernatural,

But the key point was that it was too quiet.

During the time he was wandering, no one came in or out.

And more importantly, as a high-end residential area, there was not even a security guard at the door?

"Is there something wrong with the entire villa area?"

Bai Yuan frowned slightly, and there was a little thought in his eyes.

He went straight to the entrance, and just as he was about to enter, he was stopped by someone,

"Please wait a moment."


Bai Yuan was slightly startled, and looked back,

He saw three people walking slowly from a distance, looking at Bai Yuan back and forth.

At this time, a bald man in the lead said:

"Are you here to save people?"


Bai Yuan did not speak, but looked at the three people, and sensed a spiritual aura from them,

Three ghosts?

He thought for a while, and then nodded as a reply.

"Are you a ghost?"


Bai Yuan shook his head honestly.

If he said yes, the other party would definitely ask him to show his companion ghost, which would expose himself immediately.

However, he still didn't want the other party to treat him as an ordinary person, and added again:

"But I can deal with ghosts."

"Forget it."

The three of them were slightly startled, and then couldn't help laughing.

"The black dog blood set has no effect on high-level evil ghosts."

Obviously, they mistakenly thought that Bai Yuan was an ordinary person who could use medium weapons.


Bai Yuan was startled, but he didn't explain anything.

"We are here to save people too."

One of the women smiled.

The people in the villa area are either rich or noble, at least they belong to the upper class in Dafan City, so it is not surprising to know a few ghosts.

At this time, the woman said again:

"There is a high possibility of evil spirits appearing inside. If you don't mind, you can go in with us so that we can take care of each other."

The three of them didn't know each other,

but because they were afraid of the evil spirits inside, they spontaneously teamed up together.

Although they were all cursed, they were ghosts from the folk, and they were not as good as the students in the special class in terms of combat power or psychological quality.

Teaming up to solve supernatural events is the common way for ghosts from the folk.


Bai Yuan thought about it for a while, and nodded and agreed.

At this time,

The four of them went to the entrance of the villa area together.

Although they looked like a team, the three of them stood at the back, which pushed Bai Yuan to the front.

Obviously, the three of them teamed up with Bai Yuan, but not for the so-called mutual care, but just to let Bai Yuan explore the risks for them.

After all, he was just an ordinary person.

"Boy, let's go."

The man's tone was a little commanding.

Bai Yuan frowned slightly. Although he didn't care about anything on his face, he had already remembered it in his heart.

This guy must be beaten up afterwards!

Because there was no security at the door, the four of them easily entered the villa area.

"It's a bit strange..."

As soon as Bai Yuan stepped into it, he sensed a spiritual breath.

And the surroundings were extremely quiet, as if even the sounds on the street were isolated.

And the other three also felt something in their hearts and summoned their companion ghosts, with vigilance in their eyes.

"We are going to Building 3, you go ahead!"

At this time, the bald man ordered again,

Bai Yuan's destination was also there, so naturally he didn't say anything more,

Following the road signs beside the grass, the four of them went straight to their destination.

As time passed,

the surroundings became quiet, and the voices of pedestrians on the street were completely isolated, as if they had come to an uninhabited place,

"Is there no one in every villa?"

Bai Yuan frowned slightly, with thoughts in his eyes,

"What's going on?! Everyone in the entire villa area is in trouble?!"

The bald man in the lead had an irritable look on his face, but there was a little uneasiness in his eyes,

This kind of deathly silence can already make people feel a little fear,

And at this moment,

Bai Yuan suddenly stopped,

"Boy, what are you dawdling about?!"

The bald man was already uneasy, and seeing Bai Yuan stop for no reason, he couldn't help but scold him.

"It's foggy!"

Bai Yuan looked calmly and looked forward.

The three of them were slightly startled, and then they saw wisps of white fog appearing in the villa area full of birdsong and flowers.

In a flash, the fog rose up and completely blocked their vision.

"Damn, it's foggy at this time?!"

The bald man was shocked and complained: "I should have checked the weather earlier."

"What weather?"

At this time, the young man with glasses in the trio remained calm and said:

"It's noon now, how can this be a real fog?"

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