The teacher was speechless.


Teacher Zhao was speechless for a moment. This is not your way of progress, right?

But because it was the policy from above, she had no right to stop it. She could only sigh and say:

“Well, be careful.”

Bai Yuan nodded, took the flyer and strode out of the class without any hesitation…

Everyone looked at Bai Yuan’s figure as he left, with different expressions. Some were envious, some were calm, and some were sorry.

Taking this step,

means that Bai Yuan's life trajectory will be completely different from that of ordinary people...


Soon, Bai Yuan came to the office of the ghost class on the first floor,

"Hey, so many people?"

He was startled. He didn't expect that there would be a queue of more than ten people in the office.

Now it seems that many people are brave and have a long-term vision.

Now that supernatural events have come, if they can accumulate some experience, their ability to save their lives will be greatly improved.

After all, although the intelligence class is dangerous, all missions are accompanied by professionals, and the safety is already great.

If you don't seize the opportunity now, you will encounter evil spirits alone in the future, and that will be a life-and-death struggle.

Soon, it was Bai Yuan's turn to step forward,

"Huh? You are here, kid?"

Wang Li, who was sitting at the table, raised his eyebrows. Bai Yuan's impression of Bai Yuan can be said to be quite deep.

"Teacher Wang."

Bai Yuan smiled slightly, which was also a greeting.

After all, the whole school is now under the protection of the other party.

"The intelligence class is a good choice for you."

Wang Li nodded, having understood the other party's amazing psychological quality.

"I just need to fill out this form?"

Bai Yuan looked at the form in his hand, which required basic personal information.

"Of course not."

Wang Li shook his head and said, "This is the registration form. If you want to enter the intelligence class, there will be an assessment!"

"Assessment? When?"

Bai Yuan asked while filling out the form.

Wang Li said, "Saturday, and the specific location will be notified in advance."


Soon, Bai Yuan handed in the form and turned to leave.

"You don't even ask about the specifics of the intelligence class?"

"No need to ask."

Bai Yuan smiled back and then strode out of the office.

"Maybe he can really make a name for himself..."

Wang Li shook his head and paid more attention to Bai Yuan.


Saturday came quickly.

Bai Yuan, who was in class, was suddenly notified and immediately went to the front of the teaching building to gather.

Under the gaze of his classmates, Bai Yuan strode away.

At this time, about two or three hundred people had gathered downstairs of the teaching building, which looked very impressive.

The intelligence class also recruits people aged 15 to 30, which means that in addition to the school, there are many people from the society.

And this is only the first wave of people taking the exam, and there are several more rounds to come.

In addition, this is only the intelligence class of Ping'an No. 5 Middle School, and other middle schools also have intelligence classes.

After all, the population base is here, even if only one thousandth of the city participates, it is not a small number.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet."

At this time, Wang Li came to the front of the crowd, and the powerful momentum instantly made the crowd quiet.

"The so-called assessment task is actually very simple, just watch a movie."

When this was said, many people breathed a sigh of relief, and some even smiled, thinking that they had already passed.

Seeing the look on everyone's faces, Wang Li just smiled and didn't explain.

Soon, nearly three hundred people took the bus and left Ping'an No. 5 Middle School and went to the Ocean Cinema in the center of Ping'an City.

"Watch a horror movie?"

Bai Yuan sat in the car with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Since it is a test of courage, it is naturally a horror movie. It is impossible to play anime...

However, in his expectation, it will not be so simple. After all, a horror movie will not discourage anyone, and this will not achieve the purpose of the test.


Everyone got off the bus one by one and came to the door of the Ocean Cinema.

The once bustling cinema was now empty. It was obviously cleared out long ago to prepare for the test.

At this time, Wang Li was standing at the door of the cinema, looking at everyone and said:

"Each of you needs to wear a heart rate watch. If there is a startle reaction, the watch will record it.


For a while, people complained, is it necessary to be so professional...

Sure enough, the assessment is not that simple.

If you are scared, you are scared.

Your expression can deceive people, but your body's reaction cannot.

What's even more shocking is that 3D glasses were distributed to everyone...

"Damn, a 3D horror movie? No one has said that. ”

“It’s my first time watching it, it’s quite interesting…”

“I hope it can give me some excitement…”

People were talking about it, and they all took the 3D glasses and entered the largest hall of the cinema, which could just accommodate so many people.

At this time, some people were talking about it, speculating about the upcoming movies, and some were taking deep breaths and adjusting their state.

Since they dared to sign up, they naturally thought that they were amazingly courageous, far beyond ordinary people.

Soon, accompanied by a gloomy and terrifying BGM,

The movie officially started…

And the originally dark screen suddenly appeared a pale woman’s face, staring at everyone,

Because of the 3D glasses, everyone felt that the woman’s face seemed to be right in front of them,

The resentful look hit everyone’s heart.

In just a moment, many people’s watches made a beeping sound,

According to the rules, if the watch rang three times, they would be eliminated.

“Damn, it’s so sudden, who can stand it! "

Someone couldn't help but curse inwardly.

In this situation, anyone's heart would beat faster...

But Bai Yuan, who was sitting in the back row, remained calm and watched the movie with interest.

He was completely immune to things like shock, horror and blood.

This was the confidence his illness gave him!

The plot of the movie was simple. It was about a woman living in a remote mountain village who was dismembered and then came back with resentment to seek revenge. This was also a common plot in horror movies.

However, the horror scenes were very cleverly set up, and coupled with the gloomy background music, it could easily arouse people's fear.

"A bit boring..."

Bai Yuan yawned and was a little sleepy.

The horror movie that everyone feared was a bit like watching a cartoon for him...

"Huh? ! "

Just when he was bored,

Bai Yuan's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes couldn't help but look around.

He felt a warm feeling in his chest!

And this also means that there is a ghost in the movie theater!

At this moment, a cold feeling came over, and Bai Yuan almost instantly determined the type of the other party.

It was the weak ghost that day!

"It's so thoughtful to give snacks when watching a movie."

At this time, Bai Yuan licked his lips, and he had no intention of leaving. Instead, he was eager to try.

As long as you are weaker than your buddy, then be prepared to face a heavy punch!

At this time, Wang Li, who was waiting outside, looked leisurely, silently waiting for the end of the assessment.

"Instructor Wang, are we a little too cruel? After all, they are just ordinary people. "

At this moment, a man came to Wang Li's side, looking at the movie hall from time to time, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

Who would have thought that a test for courage would actually let a ghost in...

"What are you afraid of?"

Wang Li shook his head and said, "It's just a ghost, not even a fierce ghost, nothing will happen."

"I'm just afraid of scaring them into problems..."

"Why are you so timid and still joining the intelligence class? !"

Wang Li waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, if anything happens, I will report it."

Many people withdrew from the ghost class, which made Wang Li pay more attention to the assessment of psychological quality.

It's a waste of resources to cultivate people who have companion ghosts but don't even have the courage to face them.

What Wang Li didn't know was that

some people were not afraid, but regarded them as prey... uh... food!

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