After school, everyone left the classroom, talking about it. It was the first class, but every member of the intelligence class benefited a lot, at least they solved many questions in their hearts. And they also saw more clearly than ordinary people. This era is not so easy to end... At least with the current power of human beings, it is far from being able to do it... "The future will indeed be a bit chaotic..." At this moment, Bai Yuan was walking on the road, thinking secretly in his heart, but he was not too worried. He had the help of his illness and the ghost face, at least he would have no problem surviving. "Brother, I'm counting on you."

Bai Yuan glanced at his chest, as if he saw the ghost face inside his body.

Now it seems that the other party is not here to harm him. The two sides are more like a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.

I give you ghosts to eat, and you give me medicine to take.

Is there anything more heartwarming in the world than this...


At night,

Bai Yuan swept away all the meat on the table and burped comfortably.

"Fine, really fine!"

He touched his stomach and felt that his body was full of energy again.

Since his physical fitness has skyrocketed, his appetite has also skyrocketed. If he didn't have some savings, he really couldn't afford to eat...

"But I can't eat so much in the future,"

There was a little pain in his eyes. Such a little meat cost him 300 yuan, which made him sigh at the high prices.

If he continued to eat like this, even with the subsidy from the intelligence team, he wouldn't be able to hold on for too long.

"My cell phone is a bit old, I have to find a chance to replace it with a new one, and I have to buy some home appliances at home, I'm a bit short of money..."

Now that Bai Yuan has entered the intelligence class, he can be regarded as a person with a guaranteed salary, so naturally he wants to make his life better.

He lay comfortably on the sofa in the hotel, and began to think about making money silently in his heart.

Because of the supernatural events in the morning, his community was blocked, and Bai Yuan naturally lived in a hotel arranged by the government.

"Continue to help people catch ghosts to make money? But this thing is a bit risky, and it's not easy to get work."

Now that supernatural events have broken out, various scammers have appeared one after another, and no one will believe him as a senior high school student.

"Continue to set up a street stall? But making money is too slow, and I still have to attend the intelligence class."

Bai Yuan thought about various money-making plans in his mind, and fell asleep unknowingly.


The next day,

Bai Yuan was sleeping, but was awakened by a noise.

"What's going on? Is the hotel so noisy?"

He yawned and opened the door in his slippers.

The corridor was already full of people, all of them were panicked and frightened, and some even had emotional breakdowns.

"Huh? Why does this scene look so familiar?"

He looked at the expressions of the crowd and instantly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Another incident? !

He was shocked and instantly woke up, and walked straight into the room 506 surrounded by everyone.

Sure enough, there was a corpse on the bed in the hotel, also covered with strange bloody footprints.

"It's bad..."

Bai Yuan frowned, realizing that things were not good.

They had already left the community, but they were still killed by this ghost.

This also means that this ghost is the same as the embroidered shoes on the Internet, and simply staying away from it has no effect.

It has already targeted everyone here...

Bai Yuan sighed, also quite helpless.

Now everyone present is his former neighbor, who takes good care of Bai Yuan, but facing this kind of thing, he has no way to solve it, after all, his talent can only protect himself.

The only thing he can do is to call Jiang Cheng, hoping that the higher-ups will pay attention to this incident.

After all, if this continues, people will die every day!

After getting Jiang Cheng's answer, Bai Yuan packed up and then went to school.


"Everyone, today we will talk about the means for ordinary people to deal with ghosts!"

Chen Qingli stood on the podium and continued to explain the knowledge of the supernatural to everyone.

"First of all, let's talk about the characteristics of ghosts. According to the fierce ghosts that appear now, we divide them into two types, one is the spirit body type, and the other is the curse body type!"

"The spirit body ghost is the ghost in your mind. They are invisible under normal circumstances, and ordinary attacks can't touch them at all.

Can't touch them. "

"The other kind of ghost is the cursed body type. They are visible and touchable under normal circumstances, but if we attack them rashly, we will be cursed. In addition, don't think that they are the same as zombies. Under the supernatural power, they can also have strange abilities such as invisibility and teleportation. "

Everyone silently wrote down Chen Qingli's words.

For ordinary people, the two kinds of ghosts are almost hopeless. One can't be hit, and the other can't be hit.

But since Chen Qingli said that the theme of today is how to deal with ghosts, he must give an answer.

"And if you want to deal with ghosts, you must have a medium!"

Chen Qingli wrote the word "medium" on the blackboard, and then said:

"The medium is equivalent to your weapon. It can let you touch the spirit ghost and be immune to the curse of the cursed ghost!"

"The most common medium is the black dog blood, rooster blood, cinnabar, etc. in folk sayings. "

Bai Yuan below understood, after all, he already had practical experience.

Someone asked:

"Teacher, if everyone in the country is equipped with a medium weapon, wouldn't the supernatural be able to end soon?"

Although most ordinary people do not have the courage to face evil spirits,

but the human base is too terrible, even if only one in ten thousand or one in a hundred thousand people have the courage to take action, all the supernatural can be quickly ended.

After all, there are many supernatural events now, but they are still incomparable to the tens of billions of humans.

"It's not that simple."

Chen Qingli shook his head and said, "The medium I'm talking about can only deal with low-level ghosts!"

"Facing high-level evil ghosts, you can't touch them either, and you will be cursed the same way."

As soon as these words came out, everyone understood that if they wanted to end the supernatural, the most important thing was to eliminate the top evil ghosts.

"So those who have companion ghosts need to take action?"

Bai Yuan's expression moved and he asked.

"That's right. "

Chen Qingli nodded and said: "Companion ghosts are actually the best medium weapons, and most importantly, they have growth potential, which is also the only possibility for humans to deal with top-level evil ghosts!"

Everyone suddenly realized that it was no wonder that people with companion ghosts were so valued.

At the same time, they also felt a little sad in their hearts. Even if they had fearless courage, even if they paid with their lives, they could only deal with low-level ghosts.

Under the curtain of this era, they were destined to be supporting roles...

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