The money was so expensive that it was not worth it.

"Five thousand..."

Liu Banxian was also a little tempted. If he could get it, he wouldn't have to worry for at least a month.

"I can try, but I can't guarantee success."

Although his level is not very reliable, he is still quite cautious and doesn't make boasts casually.

"But before that, I want to ask a few questions."

"Master, please."

"Have you taken him to the hospital?"

The middle-aged woman nodded and said, "We've done all kinds of tests, and there's nothing wrong."

"The doctor just said that the child is under too much psychological pressure, so let's get some counseling."

"How long has this happened?"

"Almost a week."

"What are the specific symptoms? Has he been hurt, or has he done anything to hurt others?"

Liu Banxian was very cautious and learned about every aspect.

Ten minutes later,

"Okay, give me your home address, I have to go back and make some preparations, and I'll come to your door tomorrow!"

"Thank you, Master, thank you, Master."

After thanking him repeatedly, the woman left the overpass.

At this time, Liu Banxian's expression moved, and he looked at Bai Yuan,

And Bai Yuan also looked over, and the two of them looked at each other instantly, and no one spoke at the same time, but waited silently.

Finally, Liu Banxian couldn't hold on any longer and said directly:

"Boy, you are brave, are you interested in joining us?"

"I have to set up a stall tomorrow, so I may not be able to go."

"If you succeed, I can give you a share of the reward, 80% to 20%!"

"So high?"

Bai Yuan was a little surprised, and then said: "No, 60% to 40% is fine, after all, you are the main force."


Liu Banxian was slightly startled, and then reacted, saying:

"Do you think I am a fool?"

"Yes, a little."

"Get out!"

Liu Banxian said: "I am the main force, you are just responsible for giving me courage."

"At most 70% to 30%, 30% is your basic reward , if you make more contributions at that time, you can get more. ”


Bai Yuan nodded and said: “But Banxian, can you really solve the problem of being possessed by evil spirits?”

“What era is it now? How can there be any evil things? We must believe in science!”


Bai Yuan looked at the sign next to Liu Banxian and felt that it was very inconsistent for a moment…

Liu Banxian said indifferently:

“The child may just have psychological problems. I can go over and counsel him. Or if it is a Feng Shui problem, I can try to solve it.”

“Then, what if there is really something dirty…”

Bai Yuan’s eyes were calm, as if there was a little inexplicable meaning.

He had not forgotten the bizarre incident last night...


Liu Banxian's expression changed, but he did not question it. Instead, he said seriously: "Then I will go back and look through the secret book left by the master to see if there is any way to exorcise evil spirits."

"So you are also a novice?"

Bai Yuan looked helpless, with a little doubt in his eyes...

At the same time, he also remembered the old Taoist priest he met in the hospital yesterday, who pretended to be mysterious and gave him a fake talisman...

"I am responsible for fortune-telling, and of course I have never done such exorcism."

"Then you dare to agree?!"

"Give it a try, what if it really solves it?"

"Uh... That's right, let's go!"

Bai Yuan nodded, after all, there is no loss if he fails.

Besides, in addition to the reward, he actually wanted to know more about the relevant events.

If the other party's child was really possessed by evil spirits, it was most likely a supernatural event. He might be able to learn more about the changes in the world.

As for the danger, there was no need to worry.

The cautious Liu Banxian had already asked about it. The child was not hurt, and neither were his family members, proving that it was not a fierce ghost.

"Then let's meet here at six o'clock tomorrow?"

"No problem!"

Bai Yuan pedaled a tattered tricycle and headed leisurely towards home.

"I hope it's not a big problem..."

Liu Banxian also began to pack up, thinking about going back early to prepare...


The next day, after a day of classes, Bai Yuan couldn't wait to go to the overpass to keep the appointment.

On the bridge head,

a man was wearing a Taoist robe, holding a peach wood sword, waiting on the overpass early.

Many people walking around stopped to watch, but the old man ignored them and looked for something in the distance.


At this moment, his eyes moved, and he shouted:

"Boy, here!"


Bai Yuan was stunned, and then retreated tactically, saying:

"Oh my god! Old Liu, are you serious?"

"I told you long ago that I'm a professional!"

Liu Banxian smiled slightly and said, "Is this equipment top-notch?"

"Where did you get it? It looks pretty good."

"I went back to check online... uh... I looked through the cheats..."


Bai Yuan's eyes widened, and he was instantly full of doubts. What the hell is a cheat!


Liu Banxian said awkwardly: "It said that the peach wood sword is useful, so I bought one from a second-hand website, and also got a set of suits. Isn't it cool?"


Bai Yuan was a little suffocated in an instant, and said with a frown:

"Peach wood sword on the Internet? It's also second-hand?!"

"It's OK as long as it works, don't worry too much..."

Liu Banxian touched his nose and said: "We can set off!"


Bai Yuan thought about it and said:

"Anyway, it's you who's going, it's none of my business. When you drop the equipment, I can just pick it up."


The unreliable duo took a taxi and went straight to the employer's home.

Twenty minutes later,

"Master, you're here?"

The woman from yesterday was instantly enthusiastic when she saw Liu Banxian dressed like this, thinking that she had really met a professional.


Liu Banxian's expression was calm, like a hermit. At the same time, he glanced at Bai Yuan, and the meaning was self-evident.

See, this is the effect of the second-hand suit!

"Master, my child is in the bedroom."

"Lead the way!"

Liu Banxian waved his peach wood sword, and instantly there was a momentum.

It should be said that if it were a stranger, he would really think that this guy was a master...

The three of them quickly entered the child's bedroom,

I saw a little boy of seven or eight years old sitting on the bed, his eyes were a little confused, and he was muttering something in a low voice.

"Is he always in this state?"

The woman explained: "No, it's normal in the morning, and it will become like this after five or six in the afternoon."

"Master, let's start!"


Liu Banxian's eyes were a little at a loss, and for a moment he didn't know where to start.

Yesterday, he was busy buying equipment, and he only read the beginning of the online cheats, so he naturally didn't know the process...

At this time, Bai Yuan raised his eyebrows and said:

"Banxian, don't hide your strength, just do it!"


Liu Banxian twitched his mouth, glared at Bai Yuan, and then raised the peach wood sword and approached the child carefully.

But the child did not make any attacking moves, and even ignored the other party, still muttering to himself,

Until he came in front of the child, Liu Banxian barely heard the other party's words:



Liu Banxian was slightly startled and moved closer again,

"Someone...someone in the corner...he is watching us...always watching..."

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