The old man was very angry, but he was not very happy.

"Don't think you can ignore the confusion of the ghost river and do whatever you want."

Wang Li knew that this guy was always very active in dealing with ghosts, so he naturally guessed that the other party was thinking of taking action.

But he didn't know that this guy was only responsible for hitting weak ghosts hard...

"You are still young, your life is more important..."

Wang Li patted his shoulder and said, "Don't have any heroic ideas, understand?"


"Okay, go back to class first, the Ping'an River incident will be handled by the authorities."

Bai Yuan looked strange and turned away.

Wang Li's words did not give him any inspiration, but interrupted his idea of ​​running away...

"Let's wait and see for now..."

Bai Yuan muttered, and chose to wait and see.

If even the official can't handle Ping'an River, then he can only run away...


Almost on the same day, the Public Security Bureau took action and extended the blockade line.

The official even transferred personnel from other cities to prepare for a comprehensive blockade of Ping'an River.

After all, the horror level of Ping'an River is unknown now, and the official must be cautious and cautious. If too many ghosts are lost, it will be a huge blow to the entire Daxia Kingdom.

A few days passed in a flash.

With the comprehensive blockade of Ping'an River, there are very few people who commit suicide by jumping into the river. Even if there are, they will be forcibly intercepted by the defending personnel.

For a while, the incident of Ghost River seems to have been temporarily resolved.

At the defense line of Ping'an River,

two people in the uniforms of the Public Security Bureau are holding guns and silently guarding here, prohibiting anyone from approaching.

"Brother, when do you think our defense will end?"

"I don't know, it may continue like this."

Another person shook his head and said, "We can't evacuate until someone can solve this ghost thing."

He looked back at the Ghost River with fear in his eyes.

They have seen the supernatural power of the Ghost River with their own eyes, which can bewitch people unconsciously and have no resistance at all.

In the early days of establishing the defense line, many security guards were bewitched on the spot. Fortunately, they acted during the day, and only some people had problems. The rest of the people who stayed awake could stop them.

Now that they know the supernatural range of the Ghost River, nothing will go wrong even if they defend at night.

The security guard looked at the Ping'an River in front of him and sighed:

"Alas, I grew up in Ping'an City since I was a child, and I didn't expect this river to be so scary."

"Yeah, who would have thought..."

Before the other person finished speaking, his expression suddenly shocked and he shouted:

"Who is it?!"

Under the dim street lights, a white figure was slowly walking over.

The two raised their guns, their eyes full of vigilance.

In addition to blocking the Ghost River, they also need to be on guard against other supernatural events.

"Could it be someone who is bewitched?"

During this period of time, they have seen many such people.

They approached the Ghost River like a demon, but they were not aggressive, so they just needed to be knocked unconscious.

"No! Absolutely not!"

The other person looked solemn and said slowly: "It... came from the direction of the Ping'an River..."

In theory, even if someone is bewitched, they will only approach the Ping'an River and never go far away.

This is the first time they have seen such a situation!

"Then it's a ghost?!"

The security guard's heart sank, but then he thought of something and said:

"No, it says that even if it's a ghost, it will be affected by the Ghost River."

The two were puzzled, but their expressions were still full of vigilance.

Seeing that the other party did not answer and just approached on his own,

The security guard decisively chose to shoot!

In this sensitive period, near the Ping'an River, it is naturally impossible to be a human.


The bullet smeared with rooster blood was fired instantly and directly penetrated the opponent's leg, but there was no cry.

The white figure still slowly approached the front,

"Notify others!"

The two did not hesitate, and decisively passed the information to the Public Security Bureau, and slowly retreated to the back at the same time.

They couldn't deal with the ghost in front of them, so there was no need to sacrifice in vain.

And just as one of them retreated, he felt a sinking behind him, and a cold breath made his heart seem to stop suddenly.


The man swallowed his saliva and instinctively looked to the side.

On the shoulder, I saw a terrifying face without facial features!

It was the faceless woman who sank into the Ping An River that night.

However, her white skirt was covered with water stains, and her whole body seemed to have just been fished out.

The two security guards were terrified, but their eyes became blurred the next second, and they lost their minds in an instant.

They started to move towards the Ping An River like zombies, just like the people who were bewitched before...

The faceless woman covered in water did not stop, and started to move towards the city ahead...

Not only here, but also the other blockades had problems!

Just a few minutes ago, just after midnight,

The originally calm Ping An River suddenly surged, and then black shadows appeared under the water and began to approach the river bank.

Accompanied by waves of water, the black shadows emerged from the water.

They were not dead heads, but ghosts that had been sunk to the bottom of the river...

They maintained their previous appearance, but their bodies were full of water stains, and they had become ghost slaves of the Ghost River!

One by one, the ghosts left the Ping'an River and headed towards the brightly lit city in the distance...

Because of the blockade by the Public Security Bureau, no one approached the Ping'an River anymore, and even the ghosts were much less.

After several days without swallowing any fear, the Ping'an River began to make new moves.

Without food coming, it took the initiative to find it...

That night, the entire defense line collapsed completely. The security personnel were either bewitched and voluntarily threw themselves into the Ping'an River, or were forced to evacuate.

And the ghosts' behavior did not stop. They carried the supernatural power of the Ghost River and began to invade the entire city!


Ping'an City No. 5 Middle School,

"I hope I can have a good sleep..."

Wang Li left the office and prepared to go back to the dormitory to rest.

During this period, he has been participating in the above meetings, mainly to calculate the horror level of the Ghost River so that he can send ghosts to solve it as soon as possible.

This is a time bomb, and it will explode sooner or later!

But Wang Li did not expect that it would explode so quickly!

"What did you say?! The whole city is haunted?!"

Wang Li was walking on the way to the dormitory when the phone rang instantly.

After all, he was a senior ghost man, and any supernatural information would naturally be reported to him as soon as possible.

Listening to the news from the Public Security Bureau, Wang Li's expression was solemn, and he even showed a rare panic.

This situation, even he had never experienced before.

"You organize people first, let all the people evacuate, wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

Wang Li looked anxious and went to the Public Security Bureau without stopping.

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