The next morning, we head to the guild. Grandma at the reception showed me to the big room. It's supposed to be pretty early, but there were already about five adventurers in the deputy guild chief, Sergeant.

Two of them noticed this way and stopped by. We went to a beginners' workshop together, Krook and Silver. Krook is a lightly equipped warrior, equipped with swords and bows. He's about 170 tall. He has a skinny, loving face. Silver has a disappointing physique about 180 tall and has a large shield, sword, on a metal plate as well as equipment. His face is handsome, but he's also stuck with muscles in his brain miso.

"Masal! Did you take this request, too?" and Krook.

"Oh, they called me with my luggage."

"I'll introduce you, our party, the leader of Alibul, Mr. Lazard of the Rigid Sword. It's C-rank."

I am introduced to grubby gorillas. He is even taller than 180 silver. I have a big sword on my back and my arm muscles are supposed to be amazing. Metal torso plates are scratched a lot and can be found in seasons. I shake hands because I've been offering them. Ouch. Too much force, I can crush your hands! If you look and feel like a gorilla, your power is just a gorilla. Probably didn't even intend to have that power.

"There are rumors, what are you, a wild rabbit hunter?

Please don't. That's something I want to seal in history already.

"Heh, this kid."

"This is Mr. Leeds and this is Mr. Moral. They're all from the village of Alibul."

So the name of the party is Alibul. Mr. Leeds is a female swordsman. Would it be about the middle of a look and silver outfit? I know she's quite beautiful, but I'm a little scared because I feel like a leopard. Mr. Moral is a cat ear beast man man with a spear. Just keep your head down a little even if you are introduced silently.

Exchange information with Krook and Silver. They've done a couple of near-field requests the past week or so. He also went to the woods and went through several real-time battles. It's mostly crook to talk. Silver depresses the gavel sometimes. You think I'm in charge of Krook talking. I'll tell you what I've been talking about lately. Especially since he wanted to know about the wild rabbit hunt. I told him the details. The rest is that I learned the restorative magic.

"I thought Masar was a swordsman. You could have used magic, too," Silver remarks rarely.

"Yeah, yeah. If it wasn't for a mock fight or two, we wouldn't have been dealing with each other. It's against the rule that swords are strong and magic can be used," said Krook.

Well, it's cheesy.

"Well, you have so many arms. I'd like to pair it up for once," said Mr. Lazard. Please don't, you're going to die. What are you thinking when the class is about to be different from the minimum class to the vee class?

"No, we were all bodily blubbering at that time. I don't think there's that much difference in strength if you do it well, do you?

"Really?," Krook says with his neck clenched. That's right! That's what I decided!

When I realize it, the other parties arrive, and I come to see what's going on. It is easy to point at me and say, "Wild rabbit, wild rabbit". I want to make laughs and be puffy. Krook and Silver are laughing together too. You unfriendly bastards.

"Whoa, looks like you got it all! Everybody, come here," Drewin said.

Oh, thank God! Everyone gathers in front of each other, Lieutenant Guild Chief and Sergeant.

"I am the former A-ranked Sergeant Vorkt, who is the leader of this investigation team. As you can tell, there's something behind the woods, and monsters that don't usually come out here are flooding up to the meadows. Our aim is to investigate and eliminate the causes. Currently, the state of the forest is very precarious and attempts to forcibly break through by doing everything in its power. The primary destination is here. Around the lake. Afterwards, the situation will be more flexible. The itinerary is two days to go, one day to investigate, and two days to return."

"Don't you know anything about the cause?"

"Unknown. There is speculation that it is not a large species of dragon class, but there is no certainty. As for the power, I had them gathered at the B-Rank Party Dawn Battle Axe and three C-Rank Parties. Let's start with the Dawn Battle Axe..."

Introduction to each party begins. The B-rank Dawn Battle Axe is the main power. The leader has an axe. Even though it looks like a dwarf to a female warrior, there are some small mage-style ones with hoods on black robes. The party called Alibul, Hervaughn, led by the C-rank gorilla, looks like a bow subject. The last party is the Night Wings in charge of scouts. Yeah, I don't have wings in the night. But they're serious, and there's no particular reaction around. Normally the introduction goes on. Hell, you know, the sword, the blood. Is it a normal feeling over here?

"Last one, hey, come here."

Why did you call me before, Sergeant? They take me in front of everyone. Attention is drawn.

"This time, it's the Massal who will be in charge of transporting supplies. Introduce yourself."

"Uh, I'm a rabbit hunter, a luggage master at the E-rank."

It makes me laugh more. Oh, shit, I tried, but you took it pretty good. At times like this, I'd rather reopen it than be weird.

"Fire magic and healing magic. There, you can make drinking water with water magic."

When you're done introducing yourself, it's Question Time.

"To what extent do we have supplies?

Sergeant, how are you instructed to deliver all the supplies? Five water barrels in ten boxes filled with food. Several people open the box and check the contents.

"I have enough for five days. In addition, there is room in the item box, so we also have a tent and other items here. Negotiate individually for any other transportation."

Is a tent a tent? Store what was piled up in the corner of the room in the item. The party leaders will be talking to us. In spite of his inner fright, he promised to transport the loot. The reward is 10% of the loot. The conversation came together until I couldn't hold it on a first-come, first-served basis.

When I asked him what he would do if he stopped holding out, he said he would just cut the gold eye and take it with him. I have my own item box for once, but I can't afford so much if I have the minimum essentials, which means carriages and luggage will work. This time it is a forest, so it is on foot for the entire trip. They also have things like a simple luggage truck, but they can't do anything about it.

I'm going to Alibul's party. Gorillas are reliable, and with Krook and Silver, they won't have trouble talking to each other. If it wasn't for these guys, it would have been me!

A carriage was available when I left the guild. They take some carriage down the street and from there into the woods, leaving in three carriages. Talking to Krook, it seems that the gorilla that I found out was the first in the woods decided to educate me. They talk a lot. Do it. You don't have enough muscle, how are you feeling in the war? On a carriage with no escape. I'm listening to nothing else. [M]

It even started with my weapons and protective equipment review. I got ripped off a black steel broadsword on my back,

"Well, isn't that a good sword? Can you use it?" "No, no, it's important to get acquainted with a good weapon from a young age..." "Masters don't choose weapons. Looks like we're going to rely on weapons to fight..." even the others have joined us.

The price was just pretty good, and the broadsword still looks like a good product. It's 500,000 yen. Everyone appreciates it. I was also shown the great sword of the gorilla. The body size is about 150 cm. Heavy. My powers don't seem to allow me to swing. I've been feeling a little confident about swordsmanship lately, but my body is made differently. I don't care how you get up, you're not going to win in terms of health.

I got to my destination in about two hours. When I got off the carriage, I could see the woods in the distance. As soon as I relaxed my body, I set off. He leads the Night Dark Wings in charge of scouts, followed by the Dawn Battle Axe, Alibul and Helvaughn. Everyone stops talking nonsense and looks serious. Once in the woods there is a narrow path and we follow it. I was stuck in a gorilla and walking a little. I use sign detection but the reaction of something that looks like a small animal just happens sometimes, nothing else. I heard it was dangerous, but I clapped it out a little.

Lazard stops at the lid. I have my hands on the sword on my back. I was controlled by my hand when I tried to speak up. Immediately the previous dawn began to move, so the march resumes.

"What's that?," I ask.

"Looks like you had a fight back there. Sounds like it's over soon."

I knew as soon as I proceeded. One of the wings of the night was waiting for his prey in his hand. Big spider. When I stretch out my legs, they seem to be about my height. When stored in the item as they told me, the night darkness man just ran ahead.

"That's a big spider right now. It's usually not strong, but it's a pretty shitty monster when you get surprised. When he is teased, he is paralyzed and his body stops moving, and he is wrapped around with yarn and baited. Not a good way to die."

I certainly don't feel relieved.

"The spider yarn is a luxury ingredient, and the feet don't taste bad"

Do you eat...... They say insects are delicious, but they are the ingredients you would like to avoid if possible.

The queue stops again after a while. Now the Dawn Battle Axe moves on, but Lazard remains stopped. When asked,

"I hear you got a little tough. Don't worry if you leave it to the dawn."

Moving on, now the corpse of a man-made monster was waiting. Bigger and redder than an oak. You don't have horns, but you look like a red ghost. One leg is about to break. My body is blurry with scratches. Store in an item.

"You're a troll. It's not very big, it could be a child. But they have a lot of power. Better not get too close. Looks like he crushed his leg first and then knocked it down."

I think there was a 2m. Is that a child?

That happened a few times. Store in an item each time. Eight oaks, a bear, a lizard. Goblins were left on the spot. I scissored the small pause twice and was supposed to have lunch.

Where it's a little square, we feed bread, dried meat and fruit from a crate of food. Everyone was replenishing the water by putting out a water barrel.

"The road gets even worse from here on out. Take a good break."

"You're bored to have no battle at all."

"Isn't it a good thing there's no danger? I'd rather not end up like this."

"Wouldn't all the prey be taken by the previous party and rewarded less?

"Oh. I have an arrangement. 60% of the parties defeated. You're 10%. I'm supposed to get 10% of the other parties. You rarely get paid for just walking, do you?

I'd rather have experience than money. Can't you get out front somehow?

It felt similar this afternoon. Prey is mostly oak, then there are five wolves and one harpy. A big green potato worm named Crowler had also been defeated, but I was afraid to ask what to do with this. By the way, they say both wolves and harpies are ingredients. Potato worms just don't have the courage to eat.

Later in the afternoon, we arrive at the camp. Set up a camp with a tent. The oak was to be served for dinner. The way the fresh oak was handily stirred was grossly itself, but the roasted meat smelled good so I appreciated it.

Does anyone like sleeping in the same tent as Krook and Silver? Talks like that have begun. It's a high school trip! Silver was rarely rapping about his thoughts on the woman warrior Leeds of the same party.

"But Mr. Leeds, you like Mr. Lazard."

Krook, you're relentless. Depressing silver. Now Krook will talk. She thought the girl I took the beginner course with was pretty good, but she went far. They found a new love these days. She's a waitress in the dining room she's going to, and she's got a cute smile on her face.

"The ponytail kid? But I've seen her get along with Cock."

Silver is exposed to all retribution. Are you really friends? Well, it's probably only because I think of my friends that I'll let them know early that I don't have eyes.

"What about you?" Yes, speak yours too. "

Hmm. If you have feelings for 2D, I can talk to you all night, but what's wrong? Speaking of acquaintances of women who could have come this way, about Tirica and Angela. Can I talk about Angela now? But I know it's cute, but you don't think it's love or anything.

"Sister of the Temple..."

How cute. Talk about how childish and friendly a woman is with a little bit of festivity. Of course I don't talk about stabbing my hand with a knife or anything like that.

"I shouldn't confess that anymore." "Uh-huh."

"You know, you guys. Listen to me. I got along a little bit, you laughed at me, and if I'm going to make a confession, it's inevitable that I'm going to have a terrible eye. Because I was a student who was kind. You laughed at me because I took my souvenirs every time. I don't care about me. I'll forget it in a month. Try to make a confession. I don't hate Masaru-kun, but is that a bit of a thing? I like you about Masaru, but you're a good friend. I get a 100% reply. Definitely. And we're gonna have some kind of a messy relationship, and we're not even gonna be friends!

"Oh well."

Student trauma comes back to life. It was after that that you got into 2D.

"When I was in the village," Krook tells me. What, change the story? That's wise.

"My neighbor's uncle retired from his adventurer and came back. I brought your daughter-in-law home."

Hmm. So.

"He was a cute guy a lot younger than my uncle, and he was a good couple, and he had kids, and that seemed happy. I learned later that the daughter-in-law, she was a slave. He bought it for the money he earned from his adventurers."

"Is that what it is!?" "That lived next door to Krook!?

"It was rare in our village, but it seems like it's normal. Look, if I've been an adventurer for years, I'm gonna marry all the girls I know, 'cause I can't get married because I'm old or hurt."

Me and Silver are intriguing.

"So. I went to check it out. Slaver."

"When?!?," Silver.

We dug deep into the leaves from Krook.

"What I saw was roughly 45,000 golds. It's not a price you can't save if you try."

Check the menu.

"I have about 30,000 right now..." 31979 Gold to be exact.

Damn, you weren't wasting 10,000 gold on weapons gear!

"What!?" "Why do you have so much!

"No, no, wait, gentlemen. It's not good to buy or sell a woman you love like that."

"Hmm." "That's right..."

"But. Let's say I bought a big house, no. Can I borrow it? It's tough to clean alone. You need help. So you might have the option of buying a slave. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I won't take my hands off it. But we're gonna live under one roof. Sometimes I may fall in love with you. Yeah, I guess I'll have no choice."

"Yeah, yeah," "That's a hell of a story!

"Gentlemen, I'll rent a big house when I get home. I'm sure!"

"Hey, what the hell!" "You betray me!!

If I was making a scene, Sergeant, how could I be angry?

"You guys, it's early tomorrow. Go to sleep."

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