I'm a NEET but When I Went to Hello Work I Got Taken to Another World

One story, starting tomorrow, I mean it. [Map rough image]

Just check the item.

Item 2000 Gold

5 x Wild Rabbit Meat 5 x Wild Rabbit Fur

[Campset] 10 x Normal Clothes Boot Knife Beginner Potion

I'm wearing grey hoodies, jeans, and sandals. Remove clothes and boots from the item and change. The clothes are slightly wrinkly but made of a sturdy cloth. The boots looked like very normal skinned boots and this one was the perfect size. It said normal clothes, so maybe this won't even make it noticeable in town. There was a water bottle in the campset, so the water magic rehydrates my thirst for replenishment. I'm finally settling down.

"It's a town for now. You can't stay long in a place where even rabbits are attacking you."

About half an hour's walk, I could see the wall in the distance. Apparently, the town is surrounded by walls. When I came closer, I saw something more like a gate on my left hand side, so I headed that way. Getting closer, there was a way, and two soldiers with spears stood at the gate. Deep digging faces, you're a foreigner no matter what.

Your ID, please.

The words were understandable with the effect of the Razgrad World standard words that were in the skills.

"What's wrong, you don't have an ID? This way, then."

One of the soldiers is taken to the building next to the gate.

"Can you write? Write your name and origin on this," he offered me a note.

I can read the letters, and I felt like I could write them, so I'll get a pen and write my name down. Apparently, my fingers will move by automatically converting it to this letter. What do I do with my origins...... for now I'll write down a place name with my Japanese parents' home.

"Yamanomasal? Hmm? That's a place name I've never heard of."

"Yeah, it's in the country, so hehe"

Apparently that convinced me. Kind of.

"What have you been doing here?

"Uh, I thought I'd go to the Adventurers Guild."

"You've come from the country to be an adventurer"

A soldier who stares at you indifferently.

"Ten gold for admission to town. Show me your ID if you can issue it in your guild and it will be free. Listen, you don't have a criminal record, right?

"Yes, there isn't"

When I opened the menu and thought of it as ten golds, coins fit in the palm of my hand. Looks like a copper coin. I have ten, so one copper coin is one gold. Hand it to the soldier as he counts.

"All right, welcome to the town of Siorii. I can tell where the guild is if it goes straight through the gate. Don't pull out your hips sword in town. Fighting with weapons or magic is forbidden in town."

The whole town was running around there. There was a dewstore lined up near the gate selling food and things I wasn't sure about.

"Hey, did you buy that brother there? Rabbit meat's freshly baked and it's good. It's golden every bottle."

Speaking of which, I haven't eaten anything since I left home today. Get one Gordo out of the item and get one skewer. Smells good. Salty, soft meat spreads all over your mouth. I bought five extra bottles because I liked them and ate them while walking. Words make sense and food isn't bad. 200,000 yen for 2000 gold as 100 yen for each skewer. Looks like your life is going to be fine for the moment.

I saw a big splendid building by the time I finished eating while walking. The sign says Siorii Commercial Guild. Plus there was a building next to it that said Adventurer Guild. Bad patterned people with weapons are in and out. When I was wondering if I should come in at the entrance, I was stunned by every one of them, so I turned around unexpectedly... The Adventurer Guild will be tomorrow, yeah. First of all, the inn. That's okay, I'm serious tomorrow!

When I went back down the road and asked the old man in the street who bought skewers if there was a good place to stay, he told me about the Adventurers' Inn called the Dragon Breath Pavilion. Twenty gold with overnight breakfast. There's a cafeteria in the day and night, so I pay to eat there, but they serve delicious, cheap dishes.

I found the store. This town is a friendly design that is not likely to get lost even for the first time with well-zoned or straight roads. The inn is two floors long and the store is quite spacious. Can about fifty people sit at the counter and table, about five, sparsely seated guests? When I was in the store, I was greeted by an aunt with piercing locks.

"There you go. Sit where you are."

"I'd like to pick up the inn."

"You're a guest of the Inn."

A slight old man came out of the back.

"Breakfast will be served at 20 Gold per night. We have a cafeteria by day and night, so order there."

It's exactly what I was asking for, so ask for one night and ask them to show me upstairs to my room. Small room with only one bed but reassured that it seemed well cleaned. Looks like the sheets are washed properly, too. I don't have a key, but I can feel safe with the type of cannula I can hang from. Take off your boots and open the sleeping rolling menu on the bed.

Yamano Masaru Human Neat

Level 1

HP 34/17 +17


Force 5 + 5

Health 5 + 5

Agility 4

Dexterity 11

Magic 17

Skill 9p

Swordsmanship Lv2 Physical Enhancement Lv2 Skill Reset Razgrad World Standard

Life magic

HP and MP are recovering. Will it recover over time? I need to check around here, too. But the top priority is skills.

[Swordsmanship LV2] Skills in handling swords. General soldier swordsmanship.

[Flesh Enhancement Lv2] Force and Health, + 100% correction to HP.

It's a skill that I only got put on by the service and they're both quite usable. I only have 9P. Currently, I can think of two directions. Whether to give him some swordsmanship and physical enhancement, or use his stat magic to learn magic. Give me two steps of swordsmanship from two to four, 7P. If magic, fire magic raises the level to 2 to 5P, for a total of 7P. Even if you remember magic, the problem is consumption MP, but will you look into it for a moment?

Fire and water are not available in the room out of the three magic of life, so we test them with purifying magic. Current MP is 25. In the meantime, I'll try to purify my body. Yeah, I feel somewhat neat. Looks like you're out of sweat. MP was down to 22. I try to purify my mouth by remembering that I haven't brushed my teeth. In an instant my mouth was clear. This is handy. My teeth are tight. MP was at 21. Will it vary depending on the area of purification?

Can we purify this whole room? About 15 MPs as five times as much as your body, and you can handle that? Apply purification to the whole room. It was a beautiful room there, but it was shiny that the floor was dirty there to get in with the earthfoot. So much so that it's okay to fall asleep. MP just consumed 15 to 6 left. Sounds like it's easy to adjust the consumption MP. If there is no designation, will the required quantity be consumed automatically and if there is a designation, will it feel like following it?

I will try to purify the clothes I wear with the remaining MP6. The moment I used it, the leeches fell and fell to the floor. I felt consciousness.

Lost it.

Waking up on the floor was like an evening. I was fortunate in my misfortune to have purified the floor. MP has been restored three times. It sucks when you run out of MP. Let's stop remembering magic until we have a little more MP.

When I shook 7P on swordsmanship and looked for anything left 2P, I had the skill of clock 1P, so when I put it in, the date and time appeared on the menu. According to that, it is now 17: 08, September 11, 613. Japan is around the end of summer. I feel like it's autumnal climatically with great temperatures.

[Clock] Display the date and time on the menu. Includes wake-up function.

[Swordsmanship LV4] Skills in handling swords. First-rate swordsman equivalent.

Remove one piece of copper coin from the item. Stick with your fingers towards the ceiling. Draw out the sword, slash the copper coins and fit them in the sheath. It's called being together. The copper coins that fell on the floor were stunningly plentiful. That skill is exactly what you would call first-rate.

"Awesome. I've never done a Kendo before. I'm level one."

10P to Swordsmanship Level 5? Next level, you're swinging to swordsmanship! I'm starting to get a lot of hope!

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