I didn't have anything in particular to do for a few days, so training, studying, and Angela coming in the afternoon or staying away. The three of us snuggling around a little bit.

Can we have three of us? I thought so, but it seems different. No, this one's very good. I wonder if that's okay.

I also asked Sati there, and she told me something cute that I was only next to Dear Angela because I was a slave. Cute!

Angela and Satti have been close before. Tirica, you look like three sisters in line. But I wonder what Tirica thinks. You didn't even tell Tirica everything, did you? We both weigh ourselves when Tirica is around, and Tirica doesn't talk much, and I don't know because her emotions aren't on the table.

By the way, I am firmly telling Sati not to tell anyone outside about the house. Well, there's nothing I can do about Angela or Tirica. Because it's like half my family now.

I finally have Sati's armor, so I'll go get it. I think this is enough for Sati to prepare. The instructors have also been tattooed that no one is better than the ones around here in the bow. Finally, the time has come to make a forest debut.

I also entrust the suicide note to Tirica just in case. If I die and Satie stays, I think it's safe to leave Tirica and the Deputy Guild Manager to it. Satti will be liberated and free. You won't have any trouble with your life because you already have enough fighting power to do it anywhere. Well, if I die, Satie feels like she's dying with me. I told you to run then too, and you didn't...

"If I die."

"I'll help."

"No, suppose he was dead"

"I need help!

"There's a situation where Satie would rather run away on her own."

"Let's run away together!

I gave up because, to say much, Satie was starting to cry.

It's enough to refuse orders to run even though you're a slave, so I guess you don't like it in the heart. You're loved, me. Let's try not to be in that situation. Even for Sati.

If it's true, even wild rabbits want to hunt and live without going to the woods, but the ruin of the world is difficult. No matter how you do it, you have to get combat power. Why didn't the god Ito send me to a safer world? Do you want to write a complaint around it today?

Talk to the usual gatekeeper soldier a little when you go through the gate.

"Hmm. Are you two going to the woods today? Hmm. Three or four hours. Well, I'm sure you'll be fine, but be careful. If it's too late, I'll send out a rescue team."

"No, no. I'll keep you out of danger."

"Right. But we don't know what happens in the woods. The dragon suddenly arrives. If you think something's wrong, you go right back. Forests are the most dangerous when you're not used to them at first."

"Yeah. I'm not dying yet, and I'm fine. I'll be careful."

"Take a good look at this one, too, young lady. I'm so anxious."

Angela also said, do I look so unreliable? And do you ask Sati to amuse you? There is something that doesn't fall a little.

"Yes, I'll take care of it!

Satti is answering well without even realizing the thoughts over here.

"Okay. Then go, Satie"

Check perimeter safety first at the forest entrance. Satti is in front of the line, I'm behind it.

Because Sati's hearing detection has a wider range of detection. My perception of signs is narrow and precise. It doesn't make much noise. It doesn't take away small animals or insect systems.

Few are dangerous, even though they seem to escape Sati's detection. Some of them are poisonous, but most of them don't flock. Dangerous are large species, orc populations, etc. I believe that forests are not that dangerous if we avoid such dangers.

If there seems to be danger, I'll get away with it quickly. If the enemy comes after us, grab Satti and flee on the fly. If you are an enemy that you are likely to defeat, snipe with Sati's bow. I also use my magic if I can be approached. You can attack them depending on the circumstances, or you can defend them with dirt walls, etc. The immediate goal is to strengthen Sati. Increase Satie's level to increase her chances of survival.

As a matter of fact, I have confirmed the operation.

"All right. Satie, please."


Satti steps into the woods with retreat. Not that loud, but I feel a little noisy in the quiet woods. You should let Sati take secrets and sneaks, too. The two of us get close without sound and ambush. Sounds like a good plan.

Nothing happened for a while. Although it catches detection of birds and small animals, there are few monsters in the shallow position of the forest. Are we going back today? When I started thinking about that, Satti suddenly stopped.

"There's something here. Just one."

"Do you know how big it is?

"It doesn't sound that loud from the sound."

"All right, let's get closer. If you can guess, shoot anytime."


A little further, I was also caught in the sign perception. It's probably about the size of an oak. It wouldn't be a troll.

This sign sensing, I don't know the reason, but they're sensing something like life force. Smaller organisms have smaller signs, and bigger ones have bigger signs. So the size is more or less, but I can grasp it.

Satti stopped and set the bow. I saw the direction I set, but I can't see the enemy. Satti releases her bow. Oh? I saw something fall.

"I'm hit."

"I'm going to watch it with caution."


It was still oak. An arrow is stabbed in the head and dead.

"Well done, Satie."

Oak is a delicious prey. Meat is cheaper per unit but available in sizes, so it can be sold high.

I'll pound Satie's head. I'd love to, but I'm wearing a helm.

But you're really good with your arms. My eyes didn't know I was there until I fell, and I didn't hit a steep spot at this distance or half. The range is longer than magic and the battle is going to be a lot easier.

"All right, let's turn back. Let's not just go back the way we came, let's go out the street."

If you can find a prey on your way home, you've never crossed it.

Now my sign sensing reacted first.

"Satie. There's something over there. It's about half the size of an oak."

Satti sees me holding my finger, his ears tingling and his nose knocking, but he doesn't seem to know.

Switch the lead and slowly approach.

"I was there. It's a big spider."

The eagle's eye effect? Fast to find. I think I'll take it too.

"Can you do it?


Release the bow. Dossa, the scab just sounded so loud. But it still sounds moving. Satti emits a second shot. The forest finally regained its silence.

Put up your sword and go check carefully. Spiders are afraid of poison.

The great spider was out of breath after receiving two arrows. Store arrows and bodies in items.

"Great, Satie."

I'm starting to feel like I could deal with a few of these. The woods aren't as dangerous as they say. Widespread detection and ambush with ranged attacks seem to work great.

After that, I didn't come across anything until I went out on the street. Besides, it looks like only two of them didn't even get to the level.

"Oh, the big spider on the oak."

I showed Satie's guild card to the gatekeeper soldiers.

"It's a blow to the steeple with a bow from a distance. I was a little scared and I lost it."

"Well, don't be alarmed, okay? The woods are really dangerous. Be sure to go back in the evening."

I'm scared at night, too. I can't say I'm capable of detecting, I can't see. One of these days, I'll have to take my dark vision.

"I hear your daughter was active when she was harpy, and you're no longer an adventurer apprentice."

Speaking of which, you said apprenticeship or something like that.

"Right. Satti is already a fine adventurer and a member of my party."

"Really! Glad to hear it!"

Satti is thrilled. You're actually stronger than me now, aren't you? I think. I have better firepower, but if I fight, I'm going to lose. God-given cheats are really awesome.

I was rewarded with my guild and headed to the mall. Tirica was absent at work.

"Satti, it's today's reward," he says, handing over a few silver coins.

"Oh, but so much..."

I've still given you pennies to the point of buying and eating, but this is the first time I've had a lot of money so far. Even so, it's a few silver coins.

"It's the money Satie earned. When I was harpy, I bought gear and couldn't use it. You can use whatever you want."

It's like a first-time pay, so to speak, and it's special today.

Satti walked into the clothes store, thinking for a second. Clothes. That's the hard part. With all that, you can buy a couple of good clothes.

As I follow, I go through between my clothes and into the back. Cloth? Sewing tools are what you're looking for apparently.

I'm gonna nod, yeah, because Satie's gonna look over here worried for a second. You can use it if you like.

Sati is satisfied with buying in cloth and one street sewing tools. Homemade clothes? I was wondering if you could make me some sailor clothes or something. I think it looks great on Satie.

"Satie, do you know how to make clothes and stuff?

Satti stops perfectly. Look at this one with a troubled face.

"I didn't know. What shall we do......? Does Master Masal know?

"That's an odd encounter. I don't know either."

Sati is going to cry.

"That's right! It's Angela. Ask Angela."

"Right! Master Angela would know!

It was before noon, so Angela was ready for lunch after the treatment center.

"Sorry, I don't like sewing..."

Sati, who is blatantly disappointed.

"Oh, look, because I'm good at Sister Matilda! Let Sister Matilda tell you."

At last, lunch was served. Offer a souvenir three wild rabbits I got on my way home today.

Sister Matilda was to be able to teach me a little this afternoon. For today, I will help the treatment center during that time.

The next thing I knew, if I came in the morning, they would tell me.

When Satie gets home, she's just practicing sewing. I'm borrowing something like a textbook and looking at it and stitching something. You're not going to be able to deal with me today because I'm concentrating... let's read the book. You had a history book you borrowed from Tirica.

About 300 years ago, this kingdom, originally part of the empire and ancestor of the kingdom, Uncle Borderline, rebelled and became independent. He was in contact with the demonic realm and had a lot of dissatisfaction. So, he fought each other against the empire with powerful soldiers who worked out in the demonic realm and submen such as beasts and elves on his side, winning independence. At that time, the subhuman status was low in the Empire, and we made it there well. Reconciliation with the Empire, though somewhat hectic afterwards. As an empire, he considered it highly beneficial for the northern border to cease to border with demons. Now demonic products are exported to the Empire, and food and produce are imported from the Empire. The royals have also married each other many times, and now relatives and relations with the Empire are very good.

By the time you finish reading, Tirica and Angela will be here for dinner. usual bath time.

Bath up, Satti and Tirica go to the dining room and continue sewing. I'm with Tirica. Well, it's good to have a hobby.

I was satisfied because I was adorable in the bath earlier, but I was a little rusty, so I left Angela and I on the couch in the living room. Angela, I was wondering if we could stay again.

I was thinking about that, and I said, "Can I stay tomorrow?". Absolutely!

Day to go to the woods. Training Day. Alternate. Both days I learn to sew to Sister Matilda for about an hour first thing in the morning. I am free at that time, so I will go to Angela's and help her with the treatment. Angela stays with us sometimes, so we have to do that.

Both end in the morning and rest in the afternoon. I used to read books at home about once every three training sessions. Sergeant, it's so hard to get someone to do this every time they spill it on you. I think the more training I can do, because I'm out in the woods for a day. I still think this is a huge advance compared to when I lived in Nite in Japan. Humans shouldn't be forced.

Nor is the forest particularly dangerous, and it is doing well. The enemy almost ended up with Sati's bow and made him earn his experience. Trolls and the like would go in fine with about a bow, but I could afford to stop them with dirt magic.

The point for Sati's three-level increase was to stick to secrecy and sneak feet, making it level two at a time, so the safety increased more and more. Raise your bow arm and use three shots in a row. He is a dependable child at all.

Speaking of what I would do, it was about hunting wild rabbits on the way home, but even that became something Sati learned to do in secret. You don't need anything, kid?

So time passed peacefully for a while...

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