On the day of the wedding, waiting for the softening ceremony to begin in the room inside the temple, when Sati and the lady who were close to her when she was a slave came through to the room. With the number four most expensive kid of that time for some reason. There were also two people with you or who looked like escorts.


"Mr. Selma!

The two rush over and hug each other. Look at that with the 4th child, who looks so beautiful in a classy dress. Well, I'm no match for my daughters.

Satti and Selma are talking to each other in the corner of the room. We sit in a chair and serve tea. The person accompanying you also refused the tea and stood still.


In the meantime, I speak to child number four because Sati is talking to Mr. Selma and I am free.

"It's Adelia. I came with Thelma."

"You two in the same place?

"Yeah. We're in big business. Thelma's doing the inside job, and I'm helping the store."

Speaking of which, you said upbringing or perfection. But it's like he said the nobles gave it to him.

"Fool, there's no reason to be honest with you about personal information. You're retarded."

I'm sorry I'm an idiot. I'm so glad this kid didn't want to buy it...

"But that's okay. I'm trying so hard, I can't even talk about liberation."

"I felt sorry for only one slave to marry the four of us."

"Four!? You take three daughters at once?

"No, I have four daughters."

"Ha. I don't know what to do with it, but it doesn't look reliable. I hear you're a wizard, but are you good? Or are you rich?

"Is that where the magic is? Money is just for what I earned from adventurers, not so much. I'm really not sure why four of them came to my wife."

"You're blurry."

"Sorry, blurry. What does Mr. Selma and Mr. Adelia look like in life?

"They're adorable. Your wife is sick. I am also replacing it. In addition to chores, Thelma plays the nanny role of your wife's child. He's only a two-year-old, but he's very connected."

I wonder if you're letting this kid do whatever he wants at night. On the other hand, I think it would be great if I were you. Probably tougher in character than Ellie. I'm really glad I didn't buy it until I couldn't.

Looks like we're done talking about Sati and Mr. Selma. Happy marriage to Mr. Selma. I get a full greeting. Satti's been asking me where Mr. Selma is, so I'll be able to see him again anytime.

"Right. I don't know if I can come and see you. My husband and wife aren't very loud."

"Thank you, Mr. Adelia. Hey, I'm sure I'll see you again."

"Yeah. Then we'll go to the attendees."

Drop off the two of you and your people with Sati.

"Good to see you"

"Yes, I'm glad you look well"

And the wedding ended with no connection except to galloping my spirit, and the day after that. Krook and Silver visited the house before dinner.

Put them through the living room. My daughter-in-law is reluctant and ready for dinner. Ellie also helps occasionally these days. Guess the cooking arm. Let's go temperament. Be temperamental.

"Long time no see, how have you been?

"Yes, I was surprised when I heard about the marriage, but Mr. Massal doesn't seem to be involved either," Krook said.

"What are you, Mr. Massal?

"No. The four of us can't talk about marriage at once or anything anymore. Mr. Massal, no. Let me call you Brother Masal."

Silver is nodding yeah too.

"No, what are you guys talking about? I'm your friend, right? You confirmed your friendship."

"I can't believe we're friends, no. I'm afraid so."

Silver is nodding yeah too.

"Hey, stop it. I'm just a massal of your friends. You can call me Masaru."

"No, there's no Masaru."

"Yeah, you don't," Silver said.

"Right. I didn't say that either."

"Well, leave the joke alone. Happy wedding. The demon in my heart whispers to kill you, but for today, let me bless you."

"Congratulations, Massal"

"Oh, that was some catchy way of saying it, but thank you, both of you. And you've been out of town a long time."

"Yeah. Just got a long escort assignment in. I've been to the capital of the Empire."

"Ho, good. I've never been to an empire."

I've never even been to the kingdom capital. I mean, I've only been to this city and the fort.

"That's not how it works."

"Why? It's an easy escort mission. How hard do you think this one's been through?"

"It was too easy."

"That's a good thing."

I heard about Fort Gorbus and the emergency request the day after we left.

"I don't know if it's a good time or a bad time."

But maybe it's a good time. It's called a harpy time, maybe these guys have something like a special ability to avoid danger. I want to put a slave print on it once and find out my skills.

"It's not a good time. Mr. Lazard's in such a bad mood. Come on."


"I wanted to go rescue Fort Gorbus. But you're not gonna throw out an escort mission, are you?


"Still, we could have thrown him out, so we all persuaded him desperately. If you deliberately abandon the request, the penalty will be amazing. All the adventurers have gone to the fort to serve as an understudy, and there's no way Mr. Lazard, the strongest leader, can pull out."

"So you were upset."

"That's not all. The army will move. The route we take is the route the Royal Army and the Imperial Army use."


"I was upset when I saw the Royal Army heading to the fort. Besides, right after the army came through, there's not a single demon left."

"That sounds like free time."

"It's Hima. Even at night, there's nothing out there, huh? So, my employer's merchant says. You didn't need an escort or anything! What?"


"Without Mr. Leeds, that merchant's neck would have flown. He didn't realize he was on the line of life or death."


"I was scared of us!

Silver is nodding yeah too.

"Right. You've been through a lot."

"How'd it go over there? We just got back today, and we only heard about the fort from people."

"Oh, that day..."

Beginning with the day you left, I'll tell you more about the pioneering village I asked the Knights about, the state of the fort, etc. Satti came to call that dinner was ready with a story about the area before the soldiers from the Royal Army arrived.

Continue the conversation as you pick up dinner. Ellie supplemented me sometimes, too. Ellie is in Pioneering Village and knows a lot more about it than I do because she has always been on defense.

Immediately after dinner, the two of them were free.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your wedding."

"Oh well. I wanted to talk more."

"Then come to the guild's training ground tomorrow morning. Let's talk there."

"... we're just talking, right?

"Of course I do. I'm not even thinking about turning Masar into a deceased in the name of training."


"It's a joke. Well, maybe half."

"... okay. I just thought I was losing my body. You can deal with them."

"Hmm. See you tomorrow."

"Oh, don't call me Mr. Lazard."

"I would never call you!!

Needless to say, the next day, I spilled them with a wooden sword.


There is an inevitable problem. It's about skill, about the apostle. When Ann and I were in the living room discussing good aftermath measures, I should have been sewing with Sati earlier, but were you tired of it, and Fluffy and Tirica came. Tirica has recently become nostalgic for me and Ellie and Ann as well as Satti.

"What's going on?

Tirica asks when she suddenly stops talking to us. I thought this might suck a little, but it's nothing, Ann replied.

"That's a lie. What were you doing?

Me and Ann face each other.

"Hehe. Looks like the time has finally come to tell you my secret!

"What are you talking about..."

"Masaru's secret?

"Yes. My secret. Will you get Ellie and Satie, too? I'll tell everyone."

"Okay. I'll call you."

"I'm sorry, Poirot."

"Well, which way was it supposed to be?"

"Ugh. The priest gave me some light, and I really can't."

"No, he said he really had no choice. It's not Anne's fault."

My ease of information control and the lightness of my mouth have been proven. Even if I hid it, it wouldn't have slipped away. It's bad that some people reveal hidden things like priests and tiricas lightly.


"Yes, sir. We're all coming now, so let's switch. I'm a little scared of Ellie, so I need Ann to cover for me."

"Right. Okay."

The living room is warm with fireplace fire. Two sofas are set aside to enclose the fireplace, so that everyone can afford to sit down.

Satti came soon. And Tirica pulled my hand and Ellie came down from upstairs. He was taking a nap. I think I'm sleeping. Isn't that your chance? Let's do it while Ellie's at it.

"We all have a serious announcement to make"

"Huh. Suddenly what? Critical announcement."

"I know you've told me I'm from a distant country, but I'm actually from another world."


Is that it? Something's blunt. That's it here. What the...? Isn't that where you do it?

"You're from a distant exotic country, aren't you? I've heard that before."

Could this not have been communicated?

"It's not exotic, it's a different world."

"Where is the other world, Master Masal?"


Where is it? I was just brought here by God.

"Ann can tell, can't she? Different worlds"

"Is that... some distant world?

It's not entirely telling, this! How do you explain different worlds in a medieval level of civilization, like a heavenly theory going through?

"Yeah, right. There's another world, not this planet."

"Stars? What does an empty star have to do with anything?

Akan. This is Akan. Explain it from the zoological theory? Even if I could explain how planets work, there's not even another planet. If I said parallel world theory or something, I wouldn't feel like I could pass it on more...

"Then imagine this. If there were no demons or magic, what if there was a world like that?"

"It sounds peaceful to have no demons, but what do you do with all sorts of things without magic? Civilization will collapse."

"My world didn't have to be magical, though."

"What are you talking about? Masaru can use magic."

Yeah, if you say so. Looks like Ellie's getting better.

"That's the kind of world I have. Different worlds. No magic. There are no demons. My hometown. Whoa! Whoa!

"Oh, yeah. There's a world like that somewhere. That's Massal's hometown. Okay."

Akan. It's only thought of as a bit of a distant country yet.

"Different world. What do you think of Tirica?

"I didn't lie"

"Yes. Then I guess that's what it is. I thought you could listen to the ring. Is that all you're talking about?

That's it! I forgot I was too obsessed with the other world. The real question is the apostle.

"Oh, there's more. I have more to go on."

"Oh? Talk about the ring?

"Yeah. God gave me that one"

"God? God is that god?

"I don't know which god, but it's that god. I call you Ito-jin."

"Are you referring to Master Itowsula? That's the Lord God," Angela said.

I told Angela about the skill relationship, thinking about when she found out, but I haven't told her much about God yet.

"I don't know. I just heard his name was Ito. But I feel like my face was similar to the statue of the temple."

"What do you say, Tirica?

"I didn't lie"

"You're not even an epic, you're an artifact, this... how did you get it?

Huh? Is that what you're gonna ask? I don't really want to say it. It's black history.

"I hunted wild rabbits and they gave me..."


"What's a wild rabbit? He said he was in a collision and was transported to the guild," Angela said.

"Oh, yeah. That's the story."

"A wild rabbit? Hit each other?"

Am I going to explain? Explain it...

"I went hunting wild rabbits about the time I got here."

"I really don't like wild rabbits"

When you go to the meadows, you come back hunting. Wild rabbit meat rides our table every day.

"So if you're hunting well, you're out of strength. Then I used my magic to the limit."

"Did you fall out of magic?

"Yeah. I took down the rabbits properly, but I fell down, too. It was near the street, so someone who wanted to walk me to the city."

"... hitting each other? With a wild rabbit?

Ellie is frightened... but Anne seems to have known.

"I don't know if I can say that."

"Huh. That's what they used to call a rabbit in the field once in a while..."

I'm sighing. I didn't want to tell you, either!

"So I became famous as a man who fought wild rabbits to death, and I took a few days off to the inn."

"Masaru, it's not cool"

"No, you're not! After that, I hunted wild rabbits and became a wild rabbit hunter for all my fame! I'm not losing to a rabbit or anything anymore!

"You bet! I've never heard of a rabbit beating a rabbit! Don't be shy."

"Oh, sorry"

"So? How do you connect with the ring?

"Yeah, sure. I keep a journal of what happens every day and report it to God. If I write properly about the rabbit in the field, too. You rewarded me for being funny. That's the ring."

"... wasn't that just pathetic?

Ugh. Maybe so if you ask me.

"An artifact... an artifact with a rabbit. Something faded all at once."

"Excuse me. For some reason..."

"Yes, it's okay! Master Masal is strong and looks great!

Thank you. Only Satie is always on my side.

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