I'm a NEET but When I Went to Hello Work I Got Taken to Another World

91 Stories Elf's Inside Defense Battle ②

"What could a concubine say about this now, really? It's not dangerous."

That's what the princess said again when she had the magic of the Spirit charged with Ann's miraculous light.

Really now. But after I take the quest, what happens if I run or fail? If you're an adventurer, you're fine for failing.

Ask in today's journal... No, let's not. Then if you fail, it's a punishment game! I could add weird settings like that. Ito-jin is the one who acts with that in mind. Definitely.

"Danger is on the ready side. And there's gate magic."

That's what Ann answers. The gatekeeper is asked by Titos, the knight elf, to bring back the royal family, if possible with the princess. He doesn't think he can help you anymore. The situation seems to be bad.

"Didn't you just go and rub it?

He's not at our party. He's an asshole.

Ann forcefully assures the princess. Ann hates combat in one way or another, but this time it means God's quest. I'm very motivated.

"You're an adventurer, you don't know that."

Absolutely. The adventurers seem to take it for granted that even though it's their job to fight and I chose it myself.

There are a lot of handbills, and as long as you're careful, there shouldn't be as much danger, but am I the only one who thinks you can think about the danger a little more seriously?

But I feel like a coward when I get too far into it. Actually, I'm timid, but I'm a regular Japanese, and I don't think I can help that.

"So before you go, I need to ask you a favor."

In the meantime, I'll ask you to keep a secret about our magic.

"When the gate is available, it's a lot of hassle. I want one of us."

According to the princess, spatial magic was developed by humans (human beings), and there is not a single user in the elves until metastasis by about the item box.

"Yeah, sort of."

I'm seriously thinking that we should keep this a secret when it comes to the gate. You can break in anywhere you want as long as you set up a transfer point. It would also be natural for those in power to impose restrictions that are not only convenient but extremely dangerous.

"Bye. Titos, Patos. If the concubine doesn't return, serve Emilio and help him."

The princess briefly bids farewell to the two accompanying knights. I refilled my magic, and I don't have time to talk slowly.


"Princess, master"

They both look like they're about to cry.

No extra people can be taken. Even on the fly, the speed of the number of people decreases, and the magic is consumed. There is also a limit on the number of people at the gate. If you take these two knights, you'll lose the number of men you can take when you escape.

The Elf Princess activated the magic. A magic wing unfolds on the princess's back. My body is gently wrapped in the wind and floats fluffy.

Is this the Spirit version of Fry? You don't even have to bother holding me.

"My name is Masal."

Speaking of which, I don't think I even introduced myself, and I have eyes. Then I'll introduce myself.

"My concubine hasn't even named me yet. My name is Liliane Dora Bettycourt. I'll allow you to call me Lili!

That said, Master Lili activated the fly.

After flying, I introduce myself to my mouth. I make wind cutting noises, but I have no problem speaking louder because of the protection of the wind itself.

"You should think about the operation."

Ellie makes a suggestion.

Exactly. It wouldn't be a good idea to unleash magic and then act ad hoc.

"Of course."

They say it's easy to get inside. Demons on earth won't be a problem if you go from high altitude all at once, and the speed of the Wind Spirit version of Fly can wield the demons in the sky. He said the escape had a rather dangerous situation due to the large number of people taking him.

"First, Masaru will defeat the Land King Turtle, won't he? After that, the remaining magic will destroy the miscellaneous fish."

Yeah, it's no different than the usual operation. For once, I only decided to leave the magic for the escape.

"Here's something more..."

I know what Master Lili is trying to say, but I don't know the power of enemy allies, and even if I do, I don't have the ability to make strategies or anything like that. It's not on the military, it's just royalty, even for Master Lili. I don't even know the exact numbers of enemy allies.

The number of enemies is also unknown. It is unclear that we may be able to defeat the Lu Wang Turtle. For now, as usual, I settled on the conclusion that I just had to let go of the magic and see how it went.

"Ho, are you sure you're okay?

Master Lili seems to be getting full of anxiety. Even though I'm anxious, Master Lili, who has never seen our power, would be more anxious.

"Masaru should be serious."

"I'm a little scared to give it all... maybe 70%?

There's more MP than when I let Meteo go. I'm not sure I can control it with all my magic. I haven't had time to practice since then.

Around 70% of the time, there will probably be no problem. It is also unclear whether it is most convenient to adjust 70% of the time.

"Let's get serious there!

"I'm worried about controlling magic. If you fail to activate the magic, it's hard, isn't it?

"Uh, yeah... well, I'd be in trouble if they failed..."

Master Lili would have trouble getting that story right before the fight, but it's true, so I can't help it.

"And spiritual magic is convenient. Can we even remember?

I'll try to talk to Master Lili on a different topic.

"You've never heard of a human being remembering. Besides, when you learn spiritual magic, you won't be able to use any other lineage, so this isn't an inconvenience?

For example, Lili, who can follow the wind spirits, can produce water or light a fire, but even primary attack magic cannot be used in other systems. It is inconvenient. Looks like you should give up mastering.

"What more can Massal do than that?

Ann is a cleric. Ellie is spatial magic. Tirica is a true and false official. Satti is an animal man and has a bow and sword, so his role is clear.

I mean, if I had magic sensing, I'd know I had enormous magic, but the outfit is an adventurer with a sword, and you hadn't explained it at all around there yet.

"I'm a magic swordsman. Magic is good at fire and earth."

"You can't explain that, Massal. Dear Lili, Masaru is extremely fiery magic. If it's just firepower, I won't even take it to S-rank. It will definitely defeat the Land King Turtle."

Ellie's trust is heavy. I've only shot the fire magic flare I plan to use with the least amount of magic in practice. My anxiety must have come to my face.

"It's okay, Masaru said he could do it"

"That's right! Master Masaru can afford it!

"Masaru, hang in there"

"Yeah, right. Let's just do what we can."

My daughters' support has motivated me.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay...?

But Lili seems to have increased her anxiety extra.

Yeah, I'm sorry about something.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Beyond the vast woods, a battlefield was seen. Far above the earth, by the way, the flames rose, and white, high walls, and white castles were seen. Focusing on its huge castle, towers and buildings stand by the way, with many forests and farm-like greenery.

It's big just because the elves live in thousands. It is more than a dozen times the area of the city of Siolii.

I could see the Lu Wang Turtle right on the side of the castle wall, it looks a lot smaller from the whole inside of the elf even though I said it had 100m. I'm not sure in my eyes if there's an army of demons even smaller than that. There are many demons flying around the sky at low altitudes. I haven't noticed this one yet.

I thought I'd do a big rock metheo on the cost of going, but I gave up because it was going to be a waste of ammo. It probably won't work for a giant land king turtle. If the flare fails, you may try Meteo (Physics).

Reaching directly above the castle, Master Lili moved relentlessly to a vertical descent. Anne must have been the one who screamed a little hiccup. I'm a little upset, too.

But we have to break through the battlefield. I won't tell you to slow down. There are also quite a few flying demons on the battlefield.

Exactly as far as the inside sky didn't seem to allow demonic intrusion, Master Lili also slowed me down and landed in a rooftop-like part of the castle at a slow speed.

Running out, following Master Lili, into the castle. It's deserted.

"You're going over to the walls... we're going too!

Carried again by Lili's fry. I heard the battle just sporadically when I came to the wall. Will the explosion sound like attack magic?

A little bit of magic detection made me feel a lot of magic around the walled tower. When Master Lili stepped straight into the verandah-like part of that tower and entered the room, it was tight with the elves.

"Dear Lili!" "It's Master Liliane" "The Princess is back!?

Moving on with the crowd as Master Lili answers the call of the elves. We have no choice but to follow because we want to come too. Mr. Elves' gaze hurts. What is this human being? It's common to think that.



Called Father is a handsome, still young elf sitting at a table in the back of the room surrounded by many elves. I mean, the elves I've seen so far, they all look young, as rumors have it.

"Why are you back?

"My concubine will fight too!

"What happened to Emilio?

"Emilio has successfully delivered to the fort. You'll be ready to fight by now in the fort. That is the end of the work ordered by the concubine. What happened to the Lu Wang Turtle?

From the sky I just looked at it for a moment and didn't know the details.

Follow King Elf to the windows.


Looking out the window, a large turtle stood still only growing from the ground on his upper body.

"Looks like you've earned some unexpected time. He's tired from climbing halfway up."


"Hmm. To the next room. Let's hear more reports."

"Yes. Then come."

Move to the next room. The king and the queen. It's just Lili and us now.

"What about my brother?

"I'm taking command of the South Gate defense. So?"

"We've taken the adventurer. It helps."

"Let's do our best to save the elves."

On behalf of Ellie advances and bows her head lightly to King Elf. These great people's opponents are Ellie's role.

"Thank you for your help, adventurers. Since then, I feel strong magic. It would be helpful. Well done. You've brought me to this dead place."

"That's the thing, Father. This person can use the gate. Escape in case."

"I don't want it"


"It's Liliane. Take Ars and run in case."


"I'm not running away. I lived here for 200 years. When the inside falls, the eagles will share their destiny."

"What will the people of the elves do!

"Ars grew up fit to succeed the king. At last, the escape of the people of the Elves is to be commanded by their brother-in-law (Ellion)."

"It's too early to give up, Father!

"Right. But the situation is bad. I'm trying to save my magic to defeat the Land King Turtle, but the demons have a tough offense."

"This man will defeat the Land King Turtle..."

Lili pointed at me with no confidence.

"Uh. Well, I'll try my best."

I answer that confidently, too, when I receive your weak nomination. There's no way I can be sure.

"Ha, ha. If you can do it, do it! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

You're in a bump, you're laughing too much and coughing...


"Oh, you hold on!?

"Ugh, sorry, dude, dude"

The king takes a sigh of relief. Are you accumulating quite a bit of fatigue or overuse of magic? You look pale.

"Rest for a while. If anything moves, wake me up."

"Yes, you"

As soon as he entered the bed, the king rested.

"Mother. Mother alone..."

"No, I will share my destiny with this man."


At that time, the combined magic of the sleeping Elf King seeped out here and took a human form in front of me watching the princesses interact close to the wall.

Spirit of the Elf King? Light blue in female form. That sounds watery.

(Inside... save the king... the one with shelter)

A voice that does not become the voice of the Spirit reaches my head. You're definitely saying this for me...


As I snapped and nodded small towards the Spirit, the Spirit soon returned to King Elf again.

"What's that...?

Master Lili looked at me with a pompous face and asked.

"I heard the Spirit."

Master Lili didn't seem to hear me. Thank God. He said he was covered. It would be a lot easier if he found out.

"What about the Spirit?

"He asked me to save the King and the Inside."

"Neither did I hear the Spirit. Besides, the Spirit rarely demonstrates his own will."

That's what the queen said with a surprised face.

"Hey, what happened?

Ellie asks in a small voice.

"The Spirit has spoken to me in a human form"

"Did you see the Spirit?

And Anne asks too.


"I want to see it too"

And, Tirica.

"I was blurry, but I could see."

Yes, Sati says.

I wonder if I can see it with high magic sensing. I'm level five, and Satie's level three, for sure. Perhaps the average person won't see you first if you're blurry enough to even level 3.

"Adventurer. What's your first name?

"It's Masal."

"It's Masaru. Me, too, please. Please, please save the inside."

"Okay, I'll take care of it. Let's do everything we can!

I declare that in front of everyone.

Seeing the readiness of the king and queen, the feeling of weakness blew away.

Sure, I'm anxious about controlling magic, but let's beat the Land King Turtle with all my magic without saying 70% of the time!

That's when the menu opened. The quest is flashing.

[Defeat Quest Lu Wang Turtle!

The Land King Turtle can be defeated enough with about 70% magic power.

I don't recommend it because if you give it all you risk the magic going wild.


Do you want to take the quest? YES/NO

Oh, yeah. Really?

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