When facing CP9, Bai Yun plans to unlock the skill bar for Solon and Luffy, of course, he just tells them the way, whether they can learn it or not, it's up to them.

Well, there is a quack feeling.


Holding three generations of ghost tor with both hands, this time Bai Yun did not act, it was easy to pull out three generations of ghost tor, and the three generations of ghost tor did not have any non-master who could not pull out, not the rule that Solon's favorite people could not pull out.

As the knife came out of the sheath, Bai Yun's mind flashed with a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, countless corpses, and the appearance of those former owners of three generations of ghosts who went crazy and killed people and committed suicide.

This bloody scene just flashed, and Bai Yun couldn't help but be startled in his heart, as if he could smell blood.

"What's wrong, Bai Yun?"

Nami saw that Bai Yun was stunned and asked.

"Well... Terrible. "

The good word is full of momentum, but Bai Yun suddenly turned his words around, and the momentum was completely lost.


Nami was puzzled.

Bai Yun shook his head, "You still don't know, Miss Nami."

"Just some... Picture, picture of death. "

“... That's really nothing to look at. "

Nami was originally angry that Bai Luck said half of it, how do you know that I don't know if it's okay?

Don't let me know, how can I know that it's better not to know than to know, I say this, can you understand, right? ~ ( ̄▽ ̄~)~

But hearing Bai Yun say that it is some death pictures, Nami turned the corner, it was really nothing to see.

Back to business.

"Solon, can you see this?"

Bai Yun said that it was the ghost qi that floated out with the three generations of ghost blades coming out of the sheath.

These ghost qi constantly erodes the will of the knife bearer, making it violent and killing.

But Bai Yun can still suppress him, how to say, the clear stupidity in his heart can still resist these ghost qi, and there is no deep hatred in his body that can be used by ghost qi.

"Well, from the time three generations of Onichi were pulled out of the weapons shop in Rogue Town, these auras existed."

Solon answered truthfully.

Luffy looked confused, "What? What do you see, Solon?"

"Isn't it Bai Yun with a knife?"

The evil of the three generations of ghosts is that as long as you pull it out once, the ghost qi will follow you, just once, it will slowly dissipate, and use it as a sabre, every time you get out of the knife, you will be entangled by the ghost qi.

Moreover, as long as you pull it out once, you will be able to see these ghost qi forever.

Bai Yun held the knife back, and the handle of the knife was aimed at Luffy, signaling him to hold it.

Luffy took over the three generations of Ghost Toru, and reacted the same as Bai Yun, stunned.

"It's really... A great knife of sin. This

is Luffy's assessment.

"You want to say that the crime is terrible."

Bai Yun replied.

"You see it now, right? These purple breaths are the ghost qi of the three generations of ghosts.

"Although the ghost qi is evil, if it is used, it is also a good help."

"I'm sure Solon, you won't be fooled by these ghosts."

Bai Yun stretched out his hand, signaled Luffy to give him the knife, took it back, Bai Yun swung the knife, and the ghost qi instantly surrounded him, as if he was covered with a purple energy cloak, and could be seen by Choba and Nami.

Although it is only an extra coat, Bai Yun's appearance seems to have become very scary and evil.

"Bai Yun is surrounded by purple aura!!"

Choba was shocked, and he was shocked by many things in general.

"Is this ghost qi?"

"Just looking at it, I can't help but feel scared in my heart."

Nami sighed.


Suddenly, Bai Yun suddenly laughed, and the ghost qi formed a grimaceous face behind his back, and he suddenly raised his head, only to see Bai Yun's eyes under the mask become scarlet, and he was enchanted.

The demonic nature brought up a monstrous battle intent, killing intent, which made Lu Qi also notice.


"What's wrong? Luckey?"

"It's okay, it's going according to plan."


"White luck!"

Looking at the change in Bai Yun, everyone was shocked, and Qioba was scared and cried, what is this!

"Get out of the way!!"

Solon immediately reminded everyone, stepping back and immediately grasping the handles of the other two sabers.

I saw Bai Yun lifting three generations of Ghost Toru, and then... It was withdrawn into its scabbard.

The ghost qi, the grimace's face all dissipated, and Bai Yun's eyes also changed back to their original state.


" "I almost got hit."

"I originally wanted to try to relax completely physically and mentally, what kind of power is completely possessed by ghost qi, who knows if I hit myself in the face."

"Fortunately, the ontological consciousness was pressed back and scared me to death."

Bai Yun breathed a sigh of relief and explained.

Holding the middle of the scabbard, Bai Yun handed the three generations of Oni Toru back to Solon.

"Understood, Solon."

"Ghost qi can be used."

"But there are dangers."

"You figure it out for yourself, but I trust your mind."

Solon didn't expect Bai Yun to trust him so much, but Bai Yun's next sentence was.

"You're even more grumpy than a ghost."

Solon: ".......,"

Returning to the three generations of Onichi, Solon nodded slightly, "Got it, if you want me to get lost, it depends on its ability."

Solon spoke domineeringly.

Ghost qi floated out of the crack of the scabbard, which was the third generation of Oni Toru responding to Sauron's provocation.

"Okay, then... Luffy.

Solon's skill bar was unlocked, and Bai Yun looked at Luffy.

Luffy's eyes were bright and he was looking forward to it.


Let's see if they act."

Bai Yun turned around, and Luffy was turned and fell.

"What, Bai Yun, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Luffy asked unwillingly.

Bai Yun is still looking at the office of the iceberg, Luffy's second gear, in the case that Luffy's body has not fully mastered the armed color, frequent use will lose life.

He didn't know if he wanted to tell Luffy himself, but if there was no second gear bonus, Luffy was afraid that he would not be able to beat the boss of Luki, even if Luffy now knew armed fur, but the speed was still too slow.


Sighing, Bai Yun didn't say much, just said.

"Luffy, do you remember the Pirates of Poker?"


Just the time I wore women's clothes!"

"Oh, I know, it's hitting that big steel bear man, right?"

Bai Yun nodded, "That's right.

"Do you remember how you felt inside yourself when you were pressed under the organ, under constant oppression?"

“... It's hot.

Luffy thought for a moment and replied.

"Yes, it's hot."

"Because you are a rubber body, you can use your hands and feet as a pump to pump air, pressure the air into the body, accelerate the flow of blood, and strengthen the body." If you are an ordinary person, launching this move will definitely cause blood vessels to rupture and die due to the pressure of blood pressure, but you will not.

Bai Yun said clearly enough, obviously he didn't want to say much, but looking at Luffy's inquisitive expression, he still said it all.

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