Near the end of the passage, Robin stopped, and he seemed to hear Luffy's voice.

Indeed it is.

Not only he heard.

Bai Yun also heard it.

Lucy was the same, and at the same time a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, he could fight the best, everyone else was fighting, except for him to protect Spandam, a fool, it was simply boring.

Only Spandam, the fool, did not hear, saw Robin who stopped, and mocked her for knowing that she was afraid of death? It's late! After passing through the gate of justice, then she will never have a chance.

But when the words fell, it was a slap in the face.

"Robin !!"

A cry from Luffy came from the passage, and listening to this volume, he was not far away.

"What a !!"

Spandam's eyes widened in fright and snot flowed out.

"What!! How... How do you seem to hear a voice?!!"

And Lu Qi was already hungry and thirsty, and turned around.

"Sir, you take Nicole Robin and leave first."

"Good, good!!"

Spandam immediately agreed, the look of fear of death, but he did not know that after Luqi left, it was the beginning of his nightmare.

Take Luffy's field of view as a lens.

Luffy ran through the passage to the room at the end, where there was a door.


"It doesn't seem to be made of iron."

Seeing that the door was not made of iron, Luffy kicked the door to smash.

Inside the door, Lucy stood in front of another door, and behind this door, there was a spiral staircase that rose to the back part of the Bridge of Trestudiation.

"The place has become wider, what is this place!?"

Luffy was puzzled, but his gaze immediately locked onto Luki.

Lucie grabbed the brim of his hat and gave a warlike smile, "Welcome..."

Luffy glared angrily, "Ahh The guy who keeps the pigeons !!"


Justice Island, inside the Justice Tower.

This is the case for you.

Inside the Gabra room on the fourth floor, Solon, Sniper King vs Kaku, Gabra.

And what Gabra and Kaku have are keys number one and number five.

The fifth floor (the third floor from top to bottom as Bing Baiyun and Franky said in front) is Kalifa's room.

Nami vs Kalifa, Kalifa is the life-saving key to Solon and the sniper, the second key.

And the third key of the snuggle was stolen by Nami from the beginning... Oh no, it's touched.

Franky was climbing the stairs with key number four to Nami.

Inside the room of the pillars of the bridge of hesitation.

A showdown between the generals of the two sides.

Luffy vs Luffy.

And Sanji was washed into a rattling appearance by Kalifa, and was still leaning on the welcome floor on the first floor.

At this time, he saw a pair of feet appear in Yamaji's field of vision, and he wanted to look up to see if it was an enemy or a partner, but he had no strength.

Kalifa's fruit ability, is still very buggy, even the strength can be washed off, the touched foot can not even stand up, but to contact is also very simple, domineering is higher than the fruit, overlord color and armed color can top the fruit ability, if there is no two domineering, then only need to be washed with water.

"Oops, Yamaji, how did you become so sleek, chivalry is really more important than life?"

Hearing this voice, Sanji knew that it was in vain, this annoying "oops" tone.


Uh-huh, it's me."

"The general point of life is persistence, this is my persistence."

Yamaji replied.

I saw the forest mask Bai Yun holding a shower in his hand and watering it on Yamaji.

"I don't understand, but we are partners and I support it."

"Well, thrive, 'Yamajihana'."

As the water of the shower poured onto Yamaji's body, the invisible [golden foam] was washed away, and Yamaji's body returned to normal and was no longer slippery.

"Grow up!!"

Yamaji stood up abruptly, feeling full of strength.

This line, the forest mask Bai Yun did not expect Yamaji to be so popular.


, one of them?"

Sanji's way to revive his blood was to smoke a cigarette, and he knew that Bai Yun also smoked, so it was polite to ask.

"No, I'm in a good mood now."

Sanji is accompanied by smoke when there is nothing to do.

Bai Yun sucks one at most when he is in a bad mood, after all, he was educated by Beckman when he was a child, and it is difficult to smoke it or not.


Yamaji snorted, then lit his own cigarette, spit it out, and was revived with blood.

"Two CP9s have now been solved."

"It was Chopa and French who solved it."

"Nami is still fighting Kalifa, a duel between ladies and ladies."

"On the fourth floor, Solon and the Sniper King may need you."

"There are two CP9s there, according to the strength of the current sniper king, you can't win the third place in CP9, you go just right."

Forest Kamen Hakuyun explains the current situation of the war for Yamaji.

Sanji listened silently and nodded.

"The third one, the green algae head dealt with?"

"It's the second one." Forest Kamen Hakuto returned and then added.

"Also a swordsman."

Yamaji let out a puff of smoke.


" "Then forget it, the swordsman is still left to the swordsman to deal with."

"That bastard is a powerful swordsman."

Forest masquerade white transport back with a smile.

"You praised him?"

Sanji couldn't hear this.

"Who praised him!!"


After speaking, Sanji looked up and flew directly into the air.

Forest Kamen Shirahiro smiled at Yamaji who flew away, of course, a smile of relief at his growing proficiency in using the Void Crushing Technique.


Inside the spiral staircase.

"Hurry up!! Hurry up!! How could the pirates chase here!!"

Spandam ran ahead, urging Bai Yun to take Robin faster.

"Hey!! All CP9 members! Answer me!!"

"Why are pirates here, what are you doing!!?"


Spandham did not forget to blame CP9 as he walked, but the phone worm in his hand pressed it but no one answered.

Bai Yun knew what was going on, and he didn't stop it at first, because it was the island and territory of the world government, and it was blown up.

And Robin panicked, "Wait a minute!!" The one in your hand is..." The

one in Spandam's hand and the one used to talk to CP9 is the golden phone bug that summoned the Demon Slayer Order.

"Yellow... Gold!!"

This fool confuses the golden phone worm with the ordinary phone worm.


At the headquarters of the Navy, the silver telephone worm that received the orders of the golden telephone worm rang.

"Brubru ~ Bru Bru~"

The entire communication room instantly boiled.

"The silver phone worm received a signal !!"

"The location is Justice Island!!"

"Hurry up and call the five lieutenant generals near your destination!!"

"No, from the distance, it's faster to get past the headquarters!!"

"30 minutes to reach !!"

"Quick!! Immediately assemble ten warships !!"

"General Qingheasant launched the Devil Slaughter Order!!."

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