"See? White luck.

On the lookout, Nami couldn't hide a smile on her face.

"See, both eyes see, not some fantasy before death."

Bai Yun bowed his head, don't ask Bai Yun why he can understand and why he knows navigation, he will not be surprised by anything, as long as the people around him or the people he meets will.

"That's good, not my hallucination."

"That's ours: The road to victory!!"

"Choba! Full rudder!! Heading towards nine o'clock!!"

Nami immediately gave the heading command.

After Choiba slowed down, he took the helm, and now he is passionate.

"Oooh wow!! I can come in handy too!!"


"The pirate ship is heading in the direction of the waterfall!"

Spandam couldn't accept it when he listened, "Then you don't fire yet!!" Fire the gun!! Kill them!!"

The artillery fire was again aimed at the Melly, but it was empty.

"They seem to be taking advantage of the flow of the whirlpool!! It's amazing!!"

"Hahaha, rush, rush!!"

Luffy was lying on the deck, and although he was fine, he was the main companion.

And Spandam was so angry that he was about to explode.

"Abominable!! Damn it!! Why is the entire strength of Justice Island plus the national combat power of the demon slaughter order..."

"I couldn't take that woman from a small pirate group


..." "Can you still listen? Sister Robin, if you don't make a move, I'm going to make a move. The

white luck voice from the lookout came.

Robin's serious face turned into a smile as he looked up at Bai Yun, "I'll come by myself."

Lowering his head back, Robin's smile instantly changed to serious, his hands raised and crossed, "Eight wheels of flowers..."

I saw that over there, eight blossoming arms grew out of Spandam's body, grabbing his mouth, neck, waist, and thighs respectively, ready to fold Spandam's whole person back.


"Save... Help!!"

Although the soldiers shouted anxiously, none of them stepped forward to help Spandam.

Robin's gaze became sharp behind his hands, and her feud with Spandam was over!

"Crane separation!!"


With a snap, Spandam's upper body folded back, and it hurt to look at it, so painful that Spandam foamed at the mouth and fainted directly.

"Your Honor!"

The soldiers were still shouting about Spandam, waiting for Robin's flowering arm to disappear before stepping forward to carry him away.

Other warships don't have time to care about Spandam.

"Get in their way!!"

"It is impossible for enemy ships to escape from the whirlpool!!"

Burning Mountain ordered the warship to stand in the way of the Melly, and he really wanted to keep Bai Yun.

Faced with the problem of warships blocking the way, Bai Yun also told Nami the solution, and Nami immediately called French, "Franky, please!!"

"No problem!!"

French replied as he ran to the stern.

"It could cause a little damage to the hull... But there is no way. "

The wind comes to the cannon!!."

The impact of the 1.5-liter Coke-consuming wind cannon explosion carried the Melly directly from the gap in the whirlpool, among the warships.

The eyes of the Navy soldiers bulged out in shock.

"Pirate ships fly... flew up!!"

"How is it possible, they passed through the sea where the warship is located!!"

"Fire! Fire! Can't let them escape!!"

Usopura was full of bows, "Don't underestimate the Melly, he has been to ships at an altitude of 10,000 meters!!"

"Must-kill Smoke Star!!"

"It's a smoke bomb!!"

The smoke from the smoke bomb blocked the view of the warship in the middle, and the warships on both sides could still see it, after all, Usopp was a smoke bomb, not a smoke cannonball.

"Chase!! We are no slower than theirs.

"No, Colonel, we are entangled in a whirlpool, and we have done our best not to sink!"

In this way, the defeat of the Navy is decided.

However, in the smoke, the general of the burning mountain once again ignored his reputation and flew into the air, he really wanted to keep Bai Yun.

"Yes, Lieutenant General!! The lieutenant general who fought against Bai Yun!!"

Usopp added sniper vision to the stern of the ship and was the first to see the face of the burning mountain.

Everyone looked at Bai Yun, and now only Bai Yun has the strength to deal with the lieutenant general.

Bai Yun, on the other hand, did not make the slightest move, because he had already "heard" a familiar voice.

I saw the fire burning mountain flying in the air, suddenly saw the alarm bell sounding wildly, a huge long shadow appeared on the bottom of the sea under him, a huge white tail broke out of the sea, and shot towards the fire mountain, the fire mountain eyes were wide open, the oblique knife block the chest, but the tail shot away, the huge impact still slapped the fire mountain back to the sky above the warship.

The fire mountain was silent, and the hand holding the knife was numb by the impact, and the tiger's mouth broke.

Burning Mountain can't figure out why something always comes out to help the Straw Hat Pirates?

The tail sank back to the bottom of the sea, and the naval soldiers who witnessed everything were surprised and puzzled.

Naturally, everyone on the Melly is the same.

"What's that?"

Usopp wondered, not only him, but everyone except Bai Yun was very puzzled.

And just when Usopp was wondering, a huge unicorn snake head came out of the sea, roared at Usopp with fangs, and splashed Usopp all over the sea.

And Usopp was so frightened that he instantly stiffened and fell backwards.


Solon and Sanji shouted, and immediately rushed to Usopp, holding the knife and raising his foot to face the big white snake.

"Okay, Solon, Sanji, don't be nervous, he's a bastard big snake."


It's Xiaobai."

"Little white !!?"

Everyone was shocked by this answer, you tell me, which is small?

And Xiao Bai also cooperated with Bai Yun, after Bai Yun finished speaking, his figure was like a balloon, and he changed back to the size of a bracelet and flew to Bai Yun, and Bai Yun also stretched out his right hand to greet Xiao Bai.

"Did you get called back?"

"Or did you win?"

Bai Yun asked Xiao Bai.

"Half and half, if I'm not hurt, just that mushroom-headed boy, take it easy."

Xiao Bai replied with a crumb.

Bai Yun back with a smile, the general easily? You'd better walk the talk.

Luffy's eyes signaled Bai Yun.

Bai Yun understands the meaning.

The doppelganger Bai Yun carried Luffy to the sheep's head of the Melly and put it down.

This is Luffy's exclusive location, and Luffy still feels comfortable here.

"This is my exclusive seat."

"Thank you, Melly, we were able to escape thanks to you."

Luffy thanked Melly first, and then opened the floor for the captain to speak.

"Hee-hee, okay, all the staff is here."

"Let's run away!!"

Franky folded his hands to his chest with the smile he had gambled on right, but then sighed.

"But this time you can poke a big basket..."

"You actually knocked down the flag of the world government."

Luffy replied, "We're just getting our stolen partner back."

Everyone agreed with Luffy's statement, the corners of his mouth turned up at the same time, and he jumped up and shouted in tacit understanding.

"This battle is that we... Won !!"


Here, the navy got rid of the vortex little by little, thinking of continuing the pursuit and not giving up, and at this time the pheasant came to them on a bicycle, his clothes were somewhat tattered, and there was still a wound on his left face.

"I didn't expect you to be here, General Pheasant."

"Your clothes? Wounds on the face?"

The five lieutenant generals gathered to face the pheasant, and Stoloberg asked.

Qing Pheasant remembered the battle with Xiaobai, originally thinking that it would be troublesome, but halfway through the fight, Xiaobai turned into a snake and fled into the sea.

"Met a... Interesting opponents.

"Yes... A giant white snake?"

Burning Mountain asked.

The green pheasant scratched his head.

"Huge? It should be. "

The Straw Hat Pirates still have characters who can fight you..." The

threat level to the Straw Hat Pirates in Fire Mountain's heart soared rapidly.

"It's not certain whether it's someone from the Straw Hat Pirates, but it should be known to them."

"General Pheasant!"

"If we continue to chase now, there is still a chance to catch up!"

A colonel shouted.

The green pheasant glanced at him, "No need. "

Just look at the island and this fleet, this time it's us... Fiasco. "

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