I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 113.

Although Shanks and the others were curious as to how the Golden Lion came to be involved with a mafia boss in the West Sea, there was no intention of asking any further questions, breaking the casserole and asking why was sometimes not a good thing, and it was interesting enough that others could say why without hiding it.

"By the way, Shanks, did you participate in the battle between the Rogerian Bandits and the Flying Air Bandits in the Edgware Sea?"

"No, no."

"Well?" Carlos smirked.

"It's not exactly participation, just staying on the ship and being protected, I couldn't interfere with my power at that point."

"Gee everyone out there is talking about the Golden Lion being the unlucky one to encounter a once in a hundred year tsunami, but I asked him about it and he doesn't think so."

"He says it was Roger who set it up."

"I used to believe it, but after today's encounter with you, I'm convinced."

"Your Tyrant Color Hegemony is already so powerful, interfering with reality, about to reach the point of influencing the heavens."

"Hallowed Pirate King Roger what is his Hegemonic Hegemony?"

"I'm afraid it's at least reached the point where it can influence the heavens and even change them, right?"

"According to the conversation I had with the Golden Lion, he said that the original sea of engagement between the two sides was not in the waters of Edgware, and the Roger Bandits temporarily changed direction to enter the waters of Edgware."

"And it's true that that amazing tsunami according to the Golden Lion was not something that could be done by human power, that the tsunami that covered the sky could not be manipulated by either one."

"But I guess Roger doesn't actually have to manipulate that tsunami at all, he can listen to the sounds of everything and knows that the waters of Edgware will give birth to a once-in-a-century tsunami."

"All that's needed is to bring in the flying air pirate group that's chasing behind him into the Edgware waters and detonate that tsunami early because of the situation."

"I believe that although Roger can't create that kind of terrifying tsunami out of thin air, it's still possible to go along with the situation and detonate the tsunami in advance due to the situation."

"Pity the Flying Air Pirates for foolishly crashing into it and dropping straight down a notch from the topmost pirate group."

"What chicken thieves!"

"Shanks, I wonder if I'm right?"

Carlos chuckled lightly, spitting out his suspicions.

Coincidence? Luck?

Carlos didn't believe that the Flying Bandits would be so unlucky and Roger would be so lucky, the Flying Bandits had suffered heavy losses and the Roger Bandits were almost unscathed, this was luck, could coincidence explain it?

"Ahem the specifics I'm not sure."

"But from what I've learned from my seniors, it should be similar." Shanks was a little embarrassed, after all, it looked like the Golden Lion and Carlos were on good terms, and the captain had indeed screwed the Golden Lion over, with an ugly rudder stuck in his head

"No need to be embarrassed, I'm on good terms with the Golden Lion, but not as good as you might think."

"I'm not interested in what he used to do, defeat is defeat, for whatever reason."

"Come on, guys, cheers!"

Carlos smiled and raised the bottle loudly.


The crowd raised their bottles and clinked them, gulping down the wine with gusto!

Setting down the bottle, Shanks picked up a piece of meat and said, seemingly without thinking, "Carlos, any plans for sailing?"

Carlos trailed off slightly at the words and smiled, "Of course you have, I know what you mean."

"To tell you the truth, I've already recruited most of the crew, the ship is under construction."

"I'm mostly sailing officially sooner than you, after all, you have fewer partners than I do."

"I hope to meet you again on the ocean and drink with you again!"

The meaning of Carlos' words couldn't be clearer, and Shanks and the others didn't give any subtle hints, Carlos had already made it clear that people were better prepared than him, and the official sailing was expected to be faster.

"I see, then we'll wish you a safe voyage and fame in advance!" Shanks held up the bottle, as did all three of Jesus Boo.

"Hahaha same thing, we'll all be famous, don't you think?" Carlos laughed out loud and bumped into the four Shanks with his bottle of wine.



"No reason not to be famous."

"Must gobble."

The four men echoed, each of them confident, and that was based on an abundance of confidence in themselves.

Four, no, five, did it in the future too!

Chapter 123 - Rain No Hiryu

The five of them enjoyed a good drink until they had finished their meat and wine and the bright moon hung high in the air.

After eating and drinking to their hearts' content, everyone got drunk, and Carlos took his leave of the four red-haired Shanks in passing.

Although the two sides had established a preliminary friendship, it was far from mutual trust, and he was afraid that Shanks and the others would not be able to sleep well if he continued to stay.

Carlos did not return directly to Paradise Island after leaving, still staying in the region of Peach Blossom Island, but hiding in the Divine Might space.

This was the safest place, and in the Divine Might Space, Carlos was able to completely relax and rest without worrying about being plotted against or anything.

After a good night's rest, one morning, Carlos sobered up and was a hundred times more energetic, took his breakfast and stepped out of the Divine Might Space, strolled through the peach forest, peach blossoms and blue grass, jumped onto a peach tree, and finished his breakfast beautifully.

After that, he drank some more water and smoked a cigarette, Carlos jumped off the peach tree and sat on the green grass leaning on it, his eyes closed.

Previously, Carlos's Hegemonic Hegemony had been stimulated to life by Shanks's incredibly strong Hegemonic Hegemony, and what Carlos wanted to do was to completely stimulate this Hegemonic Hegemony so that it would officially awaken.

There were very few people who possessed Hegemonic Hegemony, but there was more than one way to awaken it, the most common being when they were strongly stimulated and their mental fluctuations were unprecedentedly strong, such as when Luffy awakened, or when Dover awakened.

But this way is also not 100% can be awakened, do everything has a greater or lesser risk, people who have the overlord color overlord, if the moment of crisis, the courage is not enough, can not be awakened, then awakening is almost impossible.

The way Carlos awakened his Tyrant Color Hegemony was more special than the common way, and he didn't need that kind of intense stimulation.

Tyrant Color Tyranny contained spiritual power no matter how you counted it, Carlos was extremely good at spiritual power, his perception of Tyrant Color Tyranny was very keen, and he could feel it as long as he possessed the qualification.

Coupled with some valuable experience Carlos had from the Golden Lion and some recent advice from Shanks, awakening Tyrant Color Tyranny didn't need to be that exciting, it would take some time to awaken on a step-by-step basis.

Under the peach tree, Carlos's eyes were closed, gazing at his spirit, concentrating completely on that mysterious Overlord Color Hegemony seed, using his own strength and spirit as nourishment, causing the seed to thrive and eventually break through the ground!

Half an hour later, Carlos instantly opened his eyes, black eyes flashed a ray of red light, an invisible and qualitative spiritual power sweeping the four sides as if rolling waves, strong wind curling, where some of the surrounding birds, hares, snakes and insects have body stiffened, fallen to the ground.

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