I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 131.

Fast, accurate cannon shots, long shots, that's how strong they are, shooting fast is not the main pursuit of a cannon shooter!

Chapter 143 - Turning the Mountain Upside Down

"Hahahaha it's finally over."

"Let's go, to the Upside Down Mountains, to the Great Voyage!"

Carlos laughed out loud, laughing very freely, finally enjoying the battle between the pirates, although he had led fleets across the seas before, but this was still a different feeling after all.

As for the wealth looted by the Butcher's Knife Pirates or whatever, Carlos didn't care, he wasn't short of money, the pocket money he had brought with him was 500 million bailey, an authentic rich man!

The crew of the ship grinned from ear to ear, although most of them hadn't done anything before, they were quite happy to see how powerful the ship they were on had been.

With a surpassing range and super speed, burying a band of pirates with just one main gun was addicting!

Everyone went off to do their own things in a pleasant mood, and Carlos also reappeared on the lounge chair, pondering over some of the special eyes he remembered.

Although this special devil's pupil, the devil's fruit, was able to simulate, create, and even create a variety of eyes with strange abilities, it wasn't a quick fix, and the more you knew about a particular eye, the easier it would be to use it, and the less you knew about it, the more time you would have to spend on deducing and perfecting it.

The reason why Carlos most commonly used eyes are white eyes, kaleidoscope eyes, and kaleidoscope eyes is because he is the most familiar with these eyes, the eyes in Naruto is the most systemic eyes he has ever seen.

This was also how Carlos had developed the Devil's Pupil, a demonic fruit.

The Stygian Moon shifted direction towards the Upside Down Mountains, and it was up to the pirates who managed to stay alive to decide if they were lucky enough to survive.

Being a pirate is not a game, and the slightest mistake can cost you your life on the vast ocean.

In the evening, Kylie cooked a huge meal, and also followed Carlos' instructions to O'Neill, Olsen special extra meal, a good treat for the two big men, after all, they were the ones working today.

After dinner it was entertainment time, freely arranged, you can all play together or have fun on your own.

But today was an exception, Carlos gathered everyone together and began to tell his crew about the practice of Hegemony, even if he had mastered Hegemony, Rain's Hilliu was listening, in terms of Hegemony, Carlos was a bit stronger than him.

Plan ahead, although not yet in the new world, about to enter the great voyage just, but Carlos still decided to teach them the cultivation method of Hegemony, so that they have more time to exercise Hegemony and cultivate Hegemony.

After explaining the cultivation method of Hegemony, Carlos also told them some special methods and techniques to train their physiques, and that if they wanted to have Hegemony, they couldn't do it without a strong physique.

After all of this, Carlos let them ask questions freely so he could give them answers, the chance was only once tonight.

Although they were all members of Carlos' crew, but they were not Carlos' disciples or heirs, Carlos wouldn't be idle every day to solve their questions and guide them to cultivate, he himself had to cultivate well.

This discussion of questions lasted until late into the night, after which each returned to their own bedrooms to rest.

Carlos, as the captain of the ship, occupied the bedroom that was naturally the best location, the most spacious, and the most understatedly luxurious, located on the lower level of the observation room, with a wide view and a small garden around it.

A night without a word, the next day the crowd woke up early, each found a spacious place on the ship to practice in the morning, the exercise of physical fitness, the exercise of physical skills, the development of demonic fruit, the exercise of gun skills, the exercise of knife skills, the exercise of domination, the exercise of stick skills.

Each was energetic, vigorous, and practiced feverishly.

Noteworthy among them were Kelly's major training in gunfighting, with a minor in bodywork; the ship's doctor, Carl Sholema, excelled in dagger fighting, the dagger flexible and weird in those long hands with the scalpel; and the navigator, Suzanne Belle, excelled in stickwork, using a long, blue stick.

The first cook to get up, Kelly, was usually the first to finish her morning practice, then she went to make breakfast, and when half an hour later, breakfast was ready, everyone's morning practice would be over and they would go to eat together.

As for the rest of the time, after taking care of the main business on their duties, they can do whatever they want, they can learn knowledge, they can have fun, they can practice.

After breakfast, the dishes and plates generally have O'Neill, Olson two big man clean up, two people on the ship is the tool people, general professional not very high things are responsible for them.

The helm, gun handling is the highest skill the two have mastered.

It's not that hard, because there are only ten people on board, how much chores can there be?

These two guys if it wasn't for the fact that they had animal demon fruit and it wasn't good to find more deep potential characters, Carlos wouldn't necessarily let them on board.

Both of them were not young in grade, their potential was limited, growing to naval admiral strength Carlos would be satisfied, any more would be a surprise.

After one more day of sailing, the sun set and dusk fell, Carlos and the others did not encounter any more trouble and arrived at the upside down mountain where they entered the great voyage without any problems.

In fact, the upside down mountain can not be considered a necessary road to enter the great voyage, only the ship can be like a naval ship sailing in the windless belt, have the strength to deal with large sea king class, enter the great voyage, the new world can not take the ordinary road.

Don't think with windless sailing power, inlaid sea floor stone ships can be unscrupulous through the windless belt, windless belt accidents everywhere, the sea floor stone can only significantly reduce the probability of being attacked, and can not guarantee foolproof.

West Sea, upside down under the mountain, from the West Sea's strong currents make the water to overcome gravity along the cloud, a glance at the upside down mountain canal upside down, straight up into the sky, like the sky upside down, majestic and spectacular, magical big wonder, let a person marvel at nature's masterpiece!

Although Carlos's Underworld Moon was huge, but it was far inferior to the Red Earth Continent, the difference between a human and an ant, the river was like a human's finger, and the ant still looked small on it.

The crowd marveled at the magic of the Upside Down Mountain, especially those who had never seen it before, and those who had could not suppress their wonder every time they saw it.

"We're about to enter the river, Riley go maneuver it himself, Olsen, O'Neill assist, follow Riley's directions."

"Everyone else take your positions, hold on to what's around you and don't fall off, we're about to enter the great voyage."

"Aye, Captain!"

As Carlos gave the order, all the crew flew into action, and the Stygian Moon smoothly went down the powerful west ocean current into the nearly ninety-degree vertical river without any accidents, after all, they were not the Straw Hat Bandits, who could break the rudder of the ship!

The power of nature was incomparably strong and miraculous, and the Stygian Moon did not fall under the impact of the powerful ocean currents, and it rushed to the top of the mountain with incomparable speed.

The speed of the wind and lightning made the robes of the people who were each holding their fixtures tightly rattle and their hair dance, but everyone's face was filled with joy and excitement, incomparably enjoying the scene before them.


Carlos held the wolf's head on the bow of the ship with an unbridled, unabashedly brilliant grin on his face, and the wolf barked as the Stygian Moon rushed to the top of the hill and the great voyage

Chapter 144 - A Little Surprise from the Great Voyage

The Red Earth Continent is really high, and it still took half a quarter of an hour to reach the summit with the push of the strong currents of the Western Sea, mainly because the four seas into the Great Voyage do not travel the same distance in the Upside Down Mountains.

Because of the topography of the Red Earth continent itself, the voyage of the West Sea and the North Sea into the Great Passage is the longest of the four canals, and the two-day canal is about the same length.

The South Sea canal voyage is again longer than the East Sea canal voyage, which is the shortest of the four canals.

Of the four seas, the world government has the deepest control over the East China Sea, but no matter how deep it is, it can't compare to modern countries, not even the ancient feudal county system.

After reaching the top of the mountain, the huge hull of the Pluto flew directly out of the canal, and landed in a graceful arc in mid-air in the fierce currents of the four canals Sun converged on the top of the mountain, and the hull shook violently, splashing tens of meters high with a huge splash.

No need for Carlos's command, under Riley's maneuvering, the Stygian Moon slightly turned its direction and smoothly followed the four ocean currents into the only exit of the four ocean currents, the entrance of the great voyage into the canal.

The upward slope was already very exciting, the downward slope was even more exciting, up only one side of the ocean currents, down is four ocean currents, the speed is amazingly fast, much more exciting than racing cars, the scenery on both sides of the speeding backward, Carlos could not help but be the first to shout, venting to his heart's content!

Soon, one by one, the others couldn't help but cheer, rushing towards the Great Voyage with joy.

Soon, the Stygian Moon rushed towards the canal and officially entered the Great Voyage, its terrifying speed hadn't slowed down much, and it raced across the ocean, leaving behind a tumbling white wave.


"Brothers and sisters, prepare for battle, there is great fun to be had."

Carlos saw more than a dozen pirate ships of all sizes in an arc surrounding the entrance to the great voyage ahead.

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