I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 143.

"Hmmm as soon as possible, if you can't handle it within fifteen minutes, I'll do it myself."

"By that time the military power is greatly reduced, don't blame me for not giving you a chance" Yellow Ape half-lidded, looking as if he was really a bit sleepy, standing in the middle of the wind and rain, he slowly spoke slowly and calmly.

"Please don't worry Lieutenant General!" The Rear Admirals behind them, the Commodores in unison, then the two Commodores turned to press the issue.

The order was given to the eight warships, and the warships went even faster, running at full speed, even overloaded, and dense shells cut through the rain curtain to blast at the three frantic and wretched pirate ships, and the last pirate ship was unlucky enough to be hit by a large number of shells, and slowed down for a moment.

In fact, if it wasn't for the strange weather changes of this great voyage, the Enjoyment Pirates should have been annihilated.

Chapter 158 - Dying.

"Captain, Captain, there's something ahead!" Olsen, who was acting as a lookout on the watchtower, pushed open the glass to meet the wind and rain and thunder and shouted.

"What's going on?" Carlos was not far from the watchtower's position, and his head didn't turn at the news, but the reply was quite loud, but the tone was light, as if he didn't care about the sudden situation.

It was the confidence of personal strength, the confidence to set things right no matter what situation arose!

"There are two pirate ships ahead of us coming towards us, like they're being chased, but the specifics are too stormy to see clearly."

"Well then avoid them and mind your own business, if you can't avoid them, fire and sink them!"

"Yes, Captain!"

After the exchange, Carlos' eyes turned white, penetrating the storm, the waves, and the gloom, leaving only black and white in his vision, spanning several miles to see exactly what was going on.


"Hey there's a navy, that's a yellow ape."

"I'm through, some bad luck, won't get involved?"

Carlos spoke frantically, but the expression on his face was light and easy and confident.

The flagship of the Enjoyment Bandits, the first fastest running ship, the stormy deck was noisy and busy, a pirate with a weapon in hand panicked, frantic, and a little desperate.

The pirate ship that fell behind was finished, boarded by the navy, either killed or arrested, the end is to be sent to the propulsion city to be tortured, and the warship behind them faster than they, already about to catch up.

The captain of the Enjoyment Bandits was a middle-aged man in a magnificent robe, with deep eyes and a hawk nose, very three-dimensional features, rings all over his ten fingers, and holding a long, narrow scimitar inlaid with jewels, calmly commanding his men.

"Captain, a large unseen ship has been spotted ahead, the exact identity is unclear, but the other side seems to have spotted us and is steering." A pirate wearing a black turban quickly ran over and got down on one knee.

"Lean over and drag the other side down, the more chaotic the scene the easier it will be for us to get away from the navy!"

"Yes, Captain!"

On the Stygian Moon, Carlos had a clear view of all the action, and was clearly trying to drag him down when he saw the other man following his turn to a sudden fire, which was obvious.

Just because he wasn't afraid of trouble didn't mean that Carlos wanted it, let alone trouble that someone else had forced upon him

"O'Neill, blast the fuck out of me!" Carlos took out the ship's exclusive onboard contact phone bug and gave the order directly, O'Neill bit in the cabin of the main gun room, direct roar can not be heard.

"Aye, Captain!"

Hearing the order, O'Neill immediately maneuvered the main gun to blast, the super long range had enveloped the other side, but the wind and waves were so high that the accuracy was lost badly, and the three guns in a row failed to hit, the nearest ones were dozens of meters away.

The navy also discovered this new ship, the naval flagship, the admirals who learned of this situation frowned slightly, although they are strong here, but the appearance of variables is not a good omen!

"Lieutenant General Polusarino, what should we do?" A Rear Admiral spoke up and asked.

"Well by the way annihilate it, it should be pirates who just entered the great voyage, count them unlucky, annihilate it by the way."

"Fleet change formation, surround them."

Yellow Ape made his decision without much thought, not putting the newly emerged Stygian Moon in his eyes, in fact, this was normal, after all, this was near the starting point of the great voyage, how strong pirates could appear, naturally, to be destroyed by the way.

It could also have a little more military merit, Yellow Ape had just become a Lieutenant General, and needed enough military merit to solidify his position, and promotion to General not only required enough strength, but also enough military merit.


Carlos watched as O'Neill took a few shots and still missed, the other man still following the Stygian Moon steering a little less patiently.

"Riley, if those bastards want to drag us down with them, let's do it!"

"Run me over!"

Carlos stood on the deck and gave his orders through the phone bug with a stern tone.

"Hey Captain just watch, I'll make sure to ram one of those ships that don't know whether it's dead or alive!"

After saying that, Riley concentrated on maneuvering the Stygian Moon, quickly steering, speed increased greatly staring straight towards the one ship behind the Enjoyment Bandits, because after steering, it was instead closest to the other ship behind.

Above the deck of the Enjoyment Pirates, the captain of the Enjoyment Pirates was not surprised, but happy to even order to abandon the ship behind, bypassing the Stygian Moon and directly fleeing, allowing the Stygian Moon to buy time for their escape.


Under Riley's full control, the Plutonic Moon directly crashed into the many horrified eyes, and the huge difference in size directly knocked the pirate ship onto its side, collapsing into the raging sea, with many of the pirates on board falling into the sea.

Today's high winds and waves on the surface of the sea, turbulent waves, underwater currents surge, the sea storm, thunder roared, fell into the sea even proficient in water pirates are difficult to live, screams, cries for help directly by the natural violent voice to cover!

These pirates had no one to save them but themselves, and as pirates, a good place to be buried at sea was lost.

"Riley, turn and catch up, the rest of you watch out for the navy behind."

After saying that, Carlos's figure was sucked into the space vortex and disappeared.

On the Enjoyment Band of Thieves, a group of pirates were furiously kissing their captain's ass, after their captain's luck, although they had lost another boatload of their brothers, they ran ahead and didn't have to face the navy directly behind them.

Although their captain was still quite proud of himself, he didn't show it, but seriously scolded everyone, telling them to do their jobs and do their best to get rid of the navy before flattering.

As long as they could escape, the Enjoyment Bandits would be able to make a comeback, and as the captain of the bandits, they would be able to enjoy the joy of the world again!

At that moment, above the storm-washed mast, Carlos's figure emerged with the space vortex, looking at the conspicuous figure among the many pirates, the killing intent in the scarlet kaleidoscope writing wheel's eyes!


Carlos didn't want to talk nonsense, show a face or something, and just stimulate the pupil technique contained in his left eye to give this unknown pirate captain a hard time!

Space vortex emerged, quickly from small to large, horrifying twisting force, pulling force over the neck of the captain of the Enjoyment Bandits, the captain, whose name Carlos does not even know, looked forward in horror, the neck was broken raw pain made him almost fainted.

Carlos was attacked from behind, so you can imagine how unhappy he was with the captain, deliberately trying to drag him into the water!


The neck was snapped stiffly, scarlet fountains sprayed out, scarlet blood was all over the three meter radius, and the head, body separated and fell on the deck, leaving the pirates who were doing their jobs and carrying out the captain's orders stunned.

What, what happened?

How come in the blink of an eye, their captain's body was separated?

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