I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 145.

Now that Yellow Ape had taken the lead, conflict was inevitable, and Carlos was never a man who took a beating and didn't fight back!

Not to mention that with great power, even without it he would resist, only it wouldn't be a foolish resistance, but like a viper lurking up to seize the opportunity to bite hard, and he was now a tiger!

The tiger is the king of beasts. If provoked, it will definitely fight!

Heartbreaking Palm!

The yellow ape this kick over the moment before retracting his leg, Carlos instantly violent, right hand into a blood red color, a palm to the yellow ape's chest.

The yellow ape originally wanted to use elementalization but the perception of seeing and smelling color tyranny felt something wrong, years of fighting and killing intuition made him feel if there is any danger, so he crossed his hands in front of his chest to protect, tyranny flowing on both arms.


A muffled sound, the sound is not small but Huang Ape felt that the other party's slap was not very strong, suddenly Huang Ape's face changed, a strange and vicious power actually through his armed color tyrannical qi into his left arm.

Huang Ape was busy mobilizing a large number of armed colored Qi to extinguish the strange and poisonous power, and his figure flickered, quickly returning to the crowd.

Despite the quick reaction but the left arm was still traumatized and there was a slight stinging sensation.

Still careless Obviously, I had paid great attention to the lack of elementalization, but the hegemony was still used a little less.

But fortunately, this little wound does not affect the battle in the slightest, that is, the yellow ape felt some loss of face, although the subordinates do not know.

In the first half of the Great Voyage Yellow Ape rarely used the Hegemony, relying more on the fruit ability, in fact, Yellow Ape most important or demonic fruit ability, this point from the theatrical version of Zephyr's mouth can be known.

Of the three future generals, Red Dog, Yellow Monkey and Pheasant, Yellow Monkey is the one who relies the most on the ability to produce fruit, and his Hegemony is the weakest of the three.

Of course, the weakest dominance does not mean that the yellow ape is the weakest among the three, in fact, based on speed, the yellow ape is invincible among the three, the three generals have their own strengths, the strength are in between.

"What a bizarre Devil Fruit ability, and it can also be overbearing, no wonder you were able to unify the West Sea Mafia at a young age!"

"But going against the Navy won't end well, and whether you're here to be pirates or purely adventurous, today is the day you die!"

"Go at ease and attack with all your might!"

The yellow ape that had suffered a small loss waved his hand in some annoyance.

Bang bang bang.

The lance pointed at Carlos opened up, a single cracking projectile went through Carlos's body, Carlos let them fire, waiting until the gap between when everyone's bullets ran out and the figure dashed in, fists and feet moving in unison, and in an instant, a naval body caved in and deformed and flew out.


Swoosh, swoosh, three golden laser rays burst through the air aimed at Carlos's vitality.

Carlos had been focusing his main focus on the yellow ape, the yellow ape was the most threatening to him out of everyone in this fleet.

The figure shifted, once deflecting, once side stepping, Carlos easily dodged two laser lights, the last laser light Carlos' right index finger wrapped around the strong armed colored dominance, and a sharp column of air crashed into the laser light.

Breaking Air Finger!


A loud sound, as if a grenade had exploded in the air, a powerful shockwave spread and the pillar of air was shattered by the powerful laser beam, but the remnants were also shattered by a finger that contained a profound armed color dominance.


A Commodore, perhaps impulsively impulsive and violent in his desire to build something, hardened against the shockwave and rushed in front of Carlos, a long, broad blade slashing across Carlos' neck.

Carlos had a mocking smile on his face, the long knife passed through Carlos's neck, Carlos seized the moment, his feet turned, his figure shifted, and his right elbow lifted and smashed the Admiral's waist.



Bones were broken, blood spurted, and the body of the admiral was smashed into the air, directly crashing through the side of the ship and falling into the sea, some navy proficient in water were busy wrapping ropes and jumping into the sea to retrieve it.

Some of the navy's proficient in water were busy wrapping the rope and jumping into the sea to retrieve it. Swoosh swoosh numbing cracking sound rang out, a sword, finger strength, and air mane shot at Carlos, covering most of Carlos' body.

The maximum duration of Naruto's Bokeh ability, the ability derived from his right eye, was five minutes, and this short encounter apparently didn't last more than five minutes.

So in the face of the navy's overwhelming attack, Carlos used his bug ability again, and the sword qi, finger strength, and ki mane energy attacks all penetrated Carlos's body.

Not only did it not kill Carlos, but it messed up the deck of the warship, the bow of the ship.

"What the hell kind of ability is this, it's too disgusting" the same thought came up in the minds of many naval officers and soldiers.

"Whew" Yellow Ape saw the many attacks had fallen flat and took a breath, "You guys go command the warship to annihilate the other pirate ship and wipe out the other crew, he's left to me to deal with!"


The most important thing in the military was to follow orders, and although they were still unhappy and rather depressed, the officers and men of the navy immediately carried out their orders.

This captain was so hard to deal with, his crew shouldn't be that strong, right?

Come on, go bully the other crew.

Soon, the entire warship was massively reduced except for some personnel necessary to fly the warship, and only Carlos and Yellow Ape were left at the bow of the ship.

The sky overcast clouds, thunder snakes surging, stormy rain, giant waves bouncing, the two clothes have been wet by the rain, every bit of strength is important when fighting, will not waste power to waterproof anymore.

In fact in the world of the King of Thieves, even the top powerhouses didn't have the habit of using their own power to protect themselves from rainwater, which was why Carlos didn't fight.

Both of them were focused on each other, and suddenly they moved and approached instantly

Chapter 161 - War.

The two of them raised their right legs and collided with each other with their domineering energy, a muffled sound, the violent wind caused the wooden structure of the warship to crack in bursts.

After a strike, the two men fought together again, violent power, terrifying speed, strong defense, making the two caused more and more noise, the two tens of meters around were covered by the fierce and violent wind, laser light, gas mane shot randomly, the warship in the two feet more and more tattered.

The yellow ape did not value physical skills but as a lieutenant general his physical skills were not bad, and then by virtue of advance elementalization, flashing fruit speed and speed derived power, fierce.

However, Yellow Ape is fierce, Carlos is even fiercer, although in terms of speed Carlos's Wind Lightning Leg is inferior to the speed of the Shining Fruit, but by virtue of strength and skill co-existing physical techniques, the ability to transform the virtual reality, Kaleidoscope Writing Eye and Seeing and Hearing color tyranny in conjunction with the powerful insight, prediction, but gradually gaining the upper hand.

The yellow ape still had no folds, still had some taste of the face was filled with gravity, feeling the increasing pressure, the heart had to feel scruples and some reluctance towards Carlos's physique technique.

Surprisingly unable to win the physical sparring, the yellow ape simply used his own sword technique.

Sky Cluster Cloud Sword!

The yellow ape's hands closed and lengthened, a long sword emitting golden light emerged, light particles beating in the sword with regular high frequency, very sharp, not inferior to the Great Fast Sword.

The Yellow Ape, who was holding the Heaven from Cloud Sword in his hand and displaying his own swordsmanship, grew quite a bit, slowly regaining the advantage he had lost, and the two were almost evenly matched, neither easily gaining the upper hand.

The two of them were stuck in a holding phase, and as soon as they felt there was no hope of winning with close combat, they would resort to more tactics.

To be honest the Yellow Ape's Shining Fruit was indeed very strong, a lot of Carlos' pupils were useless, and with the Yellow Ape's speed whether it was divine might or the possibility of Amaterasu hitting it was too small.

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