I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 148.

"Hehehe that's right, it's a devil fruit that hasn't appeared before, this devil fruit can be said to be the most fitting devil fruit for me, and I'm the only one who can use his power to the fullest!"

"Destroying three of your navy ships, I'll be honest, I feel bad about it."

Yellow Ape's brows furrowed at the sound of this, what did it mean?

It's a provocation, isn't it? It's definitely a provocation, this bastard. He's going to die today, and he won't stop!

"So to show my apologies, I won't disgust you anymore, but if you're strong enough below, you'll be able to hit me."

As soon as the words fell, the pattern in Carlos's eyes changed, the triangular sickle kaleidoscope writhe turned into a four-cornered great windmill, really to deal with the yellow ape this speed of unparalleled strength or Uchiha's kaleidoscope is the most useful, for illusions, hypnosis and other spiritual aspects of the use of the largest increase.

The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the navy, and then you'll have a chance to get rid of the navy.

Yellow ape also noticed the strange changes in Carlos's pupils, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, although these eyes are not the same as before, but the ominous feeling is still there, there must be something unique, the heart can not help but be more vigilant

Chapter 164 - Wounding the Yellow Monkey

A bloodbath!

A large amount of the Armed Colored Overlord Qi contained in Carlos' body erupted out, covering his entire body, a large amount of Armed Colored Overlord Qi twisted and contracted into mysterious and bizarre blood red lines, and his face and body were covered with blood lines, adding a sense of dominance and evil!

The Cloud Sword!

The yellow ape saw the situation with his hands closed and lengthened, a golden sky cluster cloud sword emerged again, raised his left index finger, and swoosh, swoosh, three golden laser rays cut through the void and shot at Carlos.

Carlos dodged left and dodged right with ease, dodging three laser rays, the laser rays shot in the ocean waves set off a huge explosion, flames steaming, shock waves raging, directly flattened the waves, rising smoke was blown away in the blink of an eye.

Tie flying, feet on the deck, click, a small finger wide crack surfaced, Carlos's figure instantly disappeared as if a loaded bullet rushed towards the yellow ape, hands clenched like a storm, smashed into the yellow ape, red fist incessantly.

The yellow ape two hands hold the sky clouds sword show their own superb and exquisite sword skills, overlapping sword shadow emerged, sword fist intersection, collision between the wind whistling, the ears ringing iron sound, clanking incessantly.

A few breaths later, sparks sputtered everywhere, and the clanking sound resounded throughout the battlefield attracting everyone's attention, the louder and louder sound faintly overpowering the sound of waves and thunder!

Yellow Ape's face was solemn and austere, and his heart was amazed at the coherence of this fist technique.

Suddenly, Carlos's Kaleidoscope Writer's Eye turned slightly, and the short-term Other Heavenly God used it directly, breaking slightly more than the long-term Other Heavenly God's silently modified will.

At the moment when Carlos used his pupil technique, the yellow ape's Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny caught a hint of something strange, subconsciously wanted to dodge, however the mental aspect of the attack even if it possessed the speed of the Shining Fruit for a moment, it was difficult to react, a strange power entered the mind, wanting to modify the yellow ape's will.

Modifying the will is also very delicate, want this pupil to function, modify the will should be carefully selected, such as the yellow ape's will temporarily modified to betray the navy to help Carlos than let the yellow ape fighting time slightly distracted, slow reaction to the difficulty of most.

The human subconscious mind is very resistant to the things it rejects, so Carlos chose not to make the yellow ape particularly disgusted.

This yellow ape careful again and again careful, unprepared for a stroke also, the original focus incomparable distraction of the mind to the navy above the fight, their own reaction is also strangely slow some, resulting in defense against Carlos incessant gap in the circle.

Carlos seized the opportunity and punched the yellow ape in the chest and punched the yellow ape in the abdomen, sending it flying off and crashing into the warship's cabin.

The hard ship's cabin twisted and caved in, and Carlos quickly rushed up, a trace of blood oozing from the corner of Yellow Ape's mouth.

Although Yellow Ape's reaction was a little slower, but the battle experience was still there, the short time that Carlos rushed up was enough time for Yellow Ape to make the most correct choice and elementalize early.

Carlos's right fist spread out, sword fingers together, two fingers like blood, straight into the yellow ape's throat, the good thing is that the yellow ape elementalized in advance, making Carlos did not catch the entity, hit the entity, turned into a golden light and disappeared.

Carlos's sword fingers directly penetrated the tough and twisted cabin, then suddenly turned around and covered his arms with a deeper armed color tyranny, green ability surged out into the primary stage of Susa Noh.


The yellow ape seemed to be completely enraged by Carlos after he was injured, his hands outstretched, a golden laser laser kept shooting out, hitting the green Soso Noh, the violent explosion kept exploding on Soso Noh's body, hard Soso Noh was blown up.

The terrifying power that erupted in that short period of time caused Carlos to continuously output his pupil power without resisting, but it was good that it still counteracted most of the power, and the rest of the power relied on the strengthened defense of his arms and the defense and recovery of his bloodbath body to forcefully carry it.

Swoosh swoosh.

The golden laser lasers kept shooting out, the warship, the ocean kept setting off explosions, the yellow ape fire covered, Carlos kept dodging, it looked like a mess, but it didn't actually take much damage.

Light Speed Kick!

The yellow ape's figure suddenly disappeared and came to Carlos's side, his leg raised high and struck a kick at Carlos's head, and as if Carlos had expected it, his elbow moved, and between rotations his right elbow smashed into the yellow ape's kick without backing down.

Tyrant's Elbow!

Two strong moves collided with each other, a loud boom, over the sound of waves, over the sound of thunder, the violent and incomparable wind formed a shock wave where the decks have been shattered, wood chips dancing, twisted cabin crack, warship on both sides of the explosion of decades high roots of water column.


The air trembled, a foot and an elbow constantly wrestling in the air, a ripple of air impacting in all directions, the fierce battle between the two caused some people to stop fighting and their eyes were drawn over.

The yellow ape had a trace of blood remaining at the corner of its mouth, its face was somewhat fierce, and its strength was being mobilized, as was Carlos's.

Suddenly Carlos smiled slightly, his eyes blinked as if he was throwing a fawn, right in line with the yellow ape's eyes, and an even stranger and more powerful power than at the very beginning took the medium of sight and went straight to the depths of the yellow ape's mind, causing the yellow ape to be slightly stunned.

Carlos seized the opportunity to take advantage of the yellow ape's stunned power to weaken the moment the yellow ape's legs to the top, as if flowing clouds and water, two heartbreaking palm slapped the yellow ape's chest, the strange and vicious strength directly through the skin into the gut.

This is much heavier than the external injuries that Carlos caused to the yellow ape, a direct attack on the fragile internal organs resulting in internal injuries, even if the world government's medical level, all kinds of strange means, can not be recovered in a short period of time, unless there is a healing type of demonic fruit.

Poof Yellow Ape's body was slapped flying, and his body sprayed a mouthful of blood in mid-air, his face pale white.

The moment it was shot, the yellow ape had already returned to consciousness, feeling the pain in his chest a trace of jealousy towards Carlos, and his mind moved his body into golden particles of light, avoiding the end of being injured again.

"How weird, how powerful an ability to affect my spiritual will, but I won't get hit again."

The Yellow Ape's body coalesced and formed on the right side of the warship's tattered side, his face stony, but his eyes didn't open.

Having suffered two losses in a row, Yellow Ape had found a way to deal with it; the first hit was too dense and chaotic for Yellow Ape to be fully sure of Carlos' methods; the second Yellow Ape understood completely that his hit was through the medium of sight.

As such, he would just close his eyes, anyway, with his Seeing and Hearing color domination closing his eyes would not affect the battle.

Of course, the first two losses were taken as tuition, the first one was fine, but it was a little lightly injured, the latter one the yellow ape was not lightly injured, it wasn't a serious injury, but it had affected the combat.

"Hahaha overpraised, but I see no need to fight on."

"You've already been wounded quite lightly, you can't win against me, you've lost a lot of troops, and you also can't take down my crew in a short time."

"To arrest us, you can try next time."

"Of course, if you insist on head iron, we don't mind fighting to the death."

After giving some lessons to Yellow Ape, Carlos didn't want to fight anymore, he couldn't keep Yellow Ape if he wanted to leave, it was enough to show Yellow Ape, and the Navy that they weren't easy to bully.

Both sides in a short period of time no one can do anything about it, there is no point in fighting any longer.

Chapter 165 - Targeted.

It was unlucky to say the least, bad luck, and good luck to encounter the navy chasing the pirates, or else this unmitigated disaster would not have happened today.

The navy is a powerful force, but it has many enemies, and unless he completely pisses off the navy, it won't be able to chase him to the point where he can't afford it.

Yellow Ape heard Carlos's words in his heart some intention, Carlos also considered to give him a step down, and further fight is indeed unknown result.

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