I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 150.

"Let's deal with it this way for this God's Eye Bandits."

"First of all, as usual, set a bounty."

"Given that the other party has destroyed so many ships, killed so many navies, and is so strong, the initial bounty on that Lucifer Carlos is 100 million berries, let's do it."

The Great Voyage era has just started not many years, today's pirate bounty is less watery than after more than twenty years, there is no more than a hundred million among the four seas pirates, fifty million berries bounty in the four seas is already a great pirate.

In today's great voyage in the first half of the bounty of more than 100 million Bailey's not many pirates, in terms of the bounty is not the top pirate group, but also barely a large pirate, especially the first bounty on so much, is even more striking.

"Leaving Propulsion City that Rain's Hitch stay for 80 million berries, the others Polisalino you look at yourself, the minimum is 20 million berries."

"There are plenty of people who will trouble them after setting the bounty, even if we can't kill them, it will cause them endless trouble."

"You will then arrange for our naval intelligence to designate this God's Eye band of pirates as one of the key surveillance pirates of the Great Voyage."

"When the right opportunity arises, our navy will then gather powerful forces to eradicate them in one fell swoop to eliminate them!"

"It's an eventful time now, there's no rush, take care of your wounds and sooner or later there will be a chance for revenge." Marshal Air's face was serious as he clapped the board.

"Yes, Marshal!"

Early one morning, a magnificent ship splits the waves across the boundless ocean.


The seagulls sounded and a seagull with a bag around its neck and a bag full of newspapers crowed and flew off to the Stygian Moon and quickly flew away again.

Carlos, who had just washed up to come to the deck to sober up a bit, took a newspaper and ten bounties to read, the first one to read was the bounty.

The first thing I saw was the bounty on myself, 100 million bailey, Rain's Hitch stayed 80 million bailey, Martin was also 80 million bailey, Doris, Riley were 70 million bailey.

O'Neill, Olsen sixty million and fifty-five million berry respectively; Kelly forty million berry, Sholema thirty million berry, Suzanne twenty million berry.

Carlos calculated after reading his heart, his God's Eye Bandits combined had a bounty of 600 million berries.

This is a lot of bounty, I'm afraid that such a huge amount for the first bounty would shock everyone, right?

It was also enough for the pirates of the Great Voyage to get to know him Master Carlos, I'm afraid he has been almost completely forgotten.

Carlos was in a good mood, smiling and putting the bounty down, reading the newspaper for a while, browsing through some important information, and then ran off to exercise, after the exercise and then eat breakfast, the bounty is placed here, sooner or later the crew will also see.

While Carlos was carrying out his daily exercise for ten years, the reward for the crew of the bandits with the eyes of the gods was spreading fast on the great voyage!

The news of Lucifer Carlos once also reached the Great Voyage, that is, the time when Carlos unified the West Sea Mafia, but the sea is changing, every day there is no telling how many new things happen, how many events, how many strange things, and how deep an impression can the fleeting news leave in the minds of the readers of the Great Voyage?

Carlos unified the West Sea Mafia not more than a year from now, but the great voyage in the people who still remember Carlos had appeared a handful of people, the vast majority of people have completely failed to recognize the identity of Carlos, just as a mere pirate newcomer.

Of course, the first bounty is 100 million Bailey, the whole pirate group is only 10 people, the bounty is over 600 million super powerful newcomers, everyone is still rarely seen, many people are wondering what Carlos and others have done to have such a high bounty!

Naturally, the navy couldn't tell the cause and effect, or the navy would have to lose face, and that would be an even worse deterrent to the pirates.

In addition to purely as news, fun to watch people, some people are not convinced intend to use the God's eye pirate group as a stepping stone, there are some powerful bounty people fancy Carlos and other people's head, want to borrow the head to make a fortune.

Anyway, in the great voyage all silent and unknown Carlos and the others are considered famous, far from being world famous, but also quite famous.

God's eye pirate group this new pirate group also officially entered the navy, pirates in the field of vision, there are good and bad after the fame, before there is not enough deterrence, Carlos thought it should be more harm than good, because the world is not short of people who want to step on others to get to the top!

But that's not scary, as long as the strength is strong enough, those who want to step on you to take the throne will instead be trampled under your feet and become a mountain of bones and corpses beneath that throne!

Chapter 167 - Arrival

The next destination of the God's Eye Bandits was the ancient island of Little Garden, and to be honest, Carlos was very interested in this island, just to be able to see the ancient dinosaurs and various ancient creatures with his own eyes would be worth the trip.

As for the two giants in the small garden, Carlos was not interested, these two giants were strong, but they were too large and stubborn, so there was no need to subdue them.

In other words, Carlos hadn't been too interested in anything else lately because Carlos had focused his energy on cultivation, and ever since the battle with the yellow ape Carlos had noticed that his previously slow-growing strength had increased a lot faster.

The feeling of being able to clearly feel his strength increase was really wonderful, making Carlos indulge in it, speaking of which he had already fought with many experts since his strength ascended to the top.

Red-haired Shanks, Rain's Sirius, Bear, Croydal, Yellow Ape, this constant fight with experts, making Carlos' accumulation deeper and deeper, finally today, the speed of strength increase greatly increased, the bottleneck of the flesh loosened a lot, physical strength then increased.

The rapid growth of physical strength means the rapid growth of pupil strength, in order to be able to grow their pupil strength Carlos but did not waste a lot of effort, enhance physical strength that is the most basic and fundamental.

The spiritual training method Carlos didn't have, so it was slow to improve, but Carlos also tried all sorts of ways, such as quietly meditating without distractions, concentrating on practicing calligraphy, reading books, practicing musical instruments and so on, and also hard training to sharpen his spirit and so on.

Whether it worked or not, Carlos had to try it when he was free on the ship, and the results were positive, but not great.

The crew members were confused and couldn't understand why Carlos was so crazy, so they had to practice harder.

At night, Carlos would empty his mind and find a quiet spot on the deck of the Moon, where no one was allowed to clean, and just stare at the night sky, dazed by the sound of the waves in his ears.

After waking up Carlos meditated again, contemplating matters concerning the development of the reincarnated eye, the reincarnated eye this about the ultimate evolution of the writing eye, the white eye.

Of the two types of eyes, Carlos focused his attention on the reincarnation eye, which was the most familiar to him.

Carlos had a premonition that as long as he kept on exercising hard like this, and kept on simulating and evolving the reincarnation eyes with demonic fruits, it wouldn't take too long for him to use the reincarnation eyes, which would greatly improve Carlos' strength.

Carlos transformed into a cultivation fanatic to fall into the once bitter cultivation mode, different than before but in a different location, serious, hard work, addiction as always.

The Plunger Moon followed the established route to the Island of the Pacific, also known as the Little Garden or the Island of the Giants, the first three days of the journey were smooth, the weather was sunny, no pirates yet to disturb, peaceful as it had to be.

But on the fourth day of the great voyage, the unpredictable weather again, the weather suddenly turned cold, a short while later the sky began to rain hail, thumb-sized hail from the sky, landing on the ship, landing in the sea, the sound is clear and dense.

Of course, although the weather in the first half of the great voyage was unpredictable, but compared with the New World, it was still a small fraction of the size of the hailstones.

For the encounter of hailstones, Carlos is quite excited, will people take out a part of the stock of fruit, we all eat shaved ice fruit, cold and sweet, the taste is very good.

After the hail, they encountered their fellow pirates on the ocean, and yes it is worth mentioning that the new pirate flag of the Stygian Moon has been replaced with the old Stygian Moon flag, which the Navy reported as a bounty.

The new pirate flag Carlos didn't bother to think much about named God's eye flag, after the flag hung Carlos had the inspiration to change the flag again, the rest unchanged, adding the pirate flag traditional skeleton, to accommodate the silver moon golden sun one eye canceled, the silver moon golden sun will be integrated into the skeleton's two eyes respectively.

The pirates who encountered it were not clear that the encounter was with the God's Eye Bandits, seeing such a huge ship as the Stygian Moon had some scruples at first, but when they saw that there was no one on board, their greed got greedy, and they got bold and attacked.

Naturally, the end was quite miserable, and the one who attacked was the most murderous of the crew, Yu no Hiryu, who was now in a very delicate situation, and was in between the Sword Hero and the Great Sword Hero, thinking all the time about how to break through to the Great Sword Hero.

Every great swordsman is a strong man who has found his way to the path of the sword, Rain no Hiryu is searching for his own sword path, and he seems to find some inspiration from killing.

At the request of Hiru of Rain, the crew, including Carlos, the captain of the ship did not take action except to guard the Plutonian Moon, and Martin, whose battle power was second only to Hiru of Rain, did not even show his face, he was busy repairing the Plutonian Moon these days, the last battle, the Plutonian Moon was damaged quite a bit.

The first time I saw it, I thought it would be a good idea for me to take a look at it, but I didn't think it would be a good idea.

On the way to the island of the Pacific Ocean encountered two waves of pirates were left by the rain of Xi to dispatch, the second time is robbed to dispatch, so that Olsen and O'Neill some dare not speak out, rain of Xi to stay murderous efficiency is too fast, every sword are running to kill, fierce and ruthless, no mercy!

In addition to pirate ships, Carlos and the others also encountered merchant ships, the kind with escort guards, not small, and when they saw the Stygian Moon, they avoided it far away and fled as fast as they could.

But I didn't know that the God's Eye Bandits weren't a traditional band of pirates either, and weren't interested in robbing, precisely not interested in robbing merchant ships, towns or anything like that, why?

Because the Eyes of the God Bandits don't care about money!

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