I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 160.

The man was one of the three best admirals in the navy today, one of the future generals, and finally became a naval marshal, Red Dog Sakaski, but of course there was no Red Dog as a hair name yet.

Today's naval marshal is still empty, the general warriors, although he has slowly received some affairs from the air to deal with, but has not yet reached the time to take over the marshal.

In order to cope with the increasing number of pirates in the sea, the navy has begun to recruit soldiers from all over the world.

After the Warring States boarded the naval marshal, the navy's new generation of naval soldiers were basically trained, and the new generation of generals would also be resigned, which was the core of the new marshal's team.

Red Dog, like Yellow Ape and Green Pheasant, was one of the popular alternatives for promotion to general, and as long as they had enough merit, it was a sure thing.

Behind Red Dog stood a few admirals, basically all of them were Rear Admirals, these were Red Dog's henchmen, and would later be the core of the Eagle Navy as well.

In addition to those major generals, there were two lieutenant generals, these two lieutenant generals were not Red Dog's subordinates, but empty sent to help, in order to foolproof annihilation of the God's Eye Bandits, the navy pumped the ordinary sea soldiers is not much, but the elite fighting force is quite a lot.

The top is a near-admiral of the Commodore as well as two lieutenant generals in the naval headquarters whose strength is quite good, and these two lieutenant generals are in the middle of all the lieutenant generals in the navy, and are not to be underestimated as experts.

This time Red Dog led the team, and it was not a deliberate arrangement, the navy was now very busy, and the stronger the strength the busier the feet, especially the admirals on specific missions.

Green Pheasant, Yellow Ape were on other missions, not in the naval headquarters, Red Dog had just finished a mission back to the naval headquarters to hand in a few days of rest by the way, that's why he was sent out, the other admirals were basically the same.

The docks of the Magnetic Drum Island had been blocked by the soldiers of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and a team of soldiers with swords and guns stood whole and ready to welcome the arrival of the navy.

The leader was the current captain of the magnetic drum kingdom's escort, named Roche, a tall, muscular man with a face as hard and rugged as a rock.

The warship was moored at the dock, with the hitching board Sakaski leading the way, and two other hitching boards, a pile of serious and indifferent looking, uniformly uniformed naval soldiers stepped up to the dock.

The captain of the magnetic drum kingdom's escort, Roche, squeezed out some smile and brought along two lieutenants to greet him.

As for the king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, there was no need for him to show up, at least he was the king of the World Government franchise, so he still had to have a compelling style, under normal circumstances, a lieutenant general was not qualified to be the king, a general, or a marshal.

The world government has a variety of different countries, with different strengths and weaknesses, from powerful countries like Alabastan, which has hundreds of thousands of troops under its command, to small countries like the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, which only has thousands of escorts.

Note that the Magnetic Drum Kingdom is a medical power, not any other power, the Magnetic Drum Island is a winter island, the island is shrouded in snow and wind all year round, the overall power is not very strong, but it's not the bottom of the world government franchise.

"Hello, Lieutenant General Sarkarsky, everyone, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom welcomes you." Roche made a warm welcome, but his face was just as limited as Sakaski's, and their smiles were worse than tears

"Hello, Captain Roche, I wonder if you've detected any sign of the bandits?"

"I have sent out almost all of the ships I brought with me but have never searched for the band of pirates" Sarkassky thundered, getting straight to the point without pleasantries upon meeting.

The ugly smile on Roche's face grew even wider, he thought the navy was so small-minded that it had only sent one ship.

"There is no need to worry Lieutenant Sarkarsky, although we haven't found the other side yet either, but the pirates around are that big, they will be searched out sooner or later even if they hide deeper."

"All of you have come a long way, His Majesty the King has prepared a banquet in the kingdom to welcome you all, now that the enemy has not yet been found, it is time to eat, drink and refresh, and then eliminate the evil pirates in one fell swoop."

"Lieutenant-General Sakaski, gentlemen, please!"

Although this captain of the guard was five and three, and his smile was worse than tears just like Sakaski's, he was quite six-tongued and not at all rebellious.

Sarkassky thought a little about it, and thought that he should give face to the King of the Magnetic Drum, since he hadn't found the pirates yet anyway, there was no use in hurrying.

Sarkassky was able to climb to today's position, and in the future as a great general, marshal, naturally not just because of high strength, jealousy and so on, the heart is also not shallow.

Although he hated to immediately find the pirate traces and kill the pirates to kill them all, but he didn't find any pirate traces at all, so naturally there was no need to offend the king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

Sakaski squeezed out an ugly smile, nodded towards Roche, and was not polite, leading the men away from the dock.

On top of a snowy mountain in the distance, Carlos stood on top of the snowy mountain, his eyes filled with pallor, taking in the scene on the dock.

"Gee I can't believe it's Red Dog guy coming, that's interesting, I've met all three of the Navy's future admirals, right?"

"The West Sea has covered with the Green Pheasant, I fought with the Yellow Ape not long ago, and now I'm going to fight with Red Dog."

"Hehehe good timing, it's just that you have to fight strong people to progress faster!"

"Let's go teach the Navy a little lesson first."

Carlos turned his gaze to the large warship moored on the dock, it was Red Dog's flagship, usually on missions, Red Dog usually stayed on it.

Although the navy is backed by the world government, wealth and rent, for the ship's cherished degree is not comparable to the pirates, but a large warship damaged, still quite painful, more so that Red Dog and other navies are furious, think about all interesting!

Carlos moved, stepping on the air and closing the distance, waiting until the nearest hill at the dock was about two kilometers away in a straight line before stopping.

Carlos stood at the top of a small hill, his eyes hexagonal plum blossoms slowly rotating, purple energy continued to gush out into a huge purple Soso Noh, is for Soso Noh's second form, able to use each Soso Noh's special weapon.

A purple longbow emerged in his hand as his pupil power surged, and the purple energy on the longbow rapidly gathered into a sturdy purple arrow, holding the bow in his left hand, drawing it with his right, and loosening his fingers, a purple stream of light flashed in the air.

With the soldiers of the remaining naval ships caught off guard, the purple arrow style cut through the void and shot directly through the center of the warship.

That wasn't all, the purple arrows exploded with a boom, and the entire large warship shook violently, enlarging the originally quite small opening by several times, and countless seawater gushed out wildly, directly washing away the navy that wanted to gamble on the loophole.

Chapter 179 - Let the Navy Drink.

The navy ships were in a mess, the navy soldiers were busy repairing the holes, however the holes were too big, the seawater that was spewing into the sea carried a strong impact, it was simply not something that these navy soldiers could resist.

After working for half a day, the navy ship was still sinking, there was no way out, the navy could only flee before the ship sank, otherwise it would be completely dead when the ship completely sank, swirled into a whirlpool and was pulled into the sea.

Carlos left after shooting an arrow and didn't continue to move, giving that hint that the Navy must have known he was on this island.

As soon as Red Dog and his group left the pier, they heard the sound of an explosion.

Red Dog was furious at the sight, "Bastards, what happened?"

One of the naval colonels in charge of staying behind to guard the warship hurriedly ran to Red Dog, and after saluting sincerely, he cryptically reported, "Lieutenant General Sakaski, shortly after you left, a purple giant sword suddenly shot over from the northwest, directly piercing the warship and blowing a huge hole, which the soldiers under him couldn't fix even if they tried desperately to fix it. "


Red Dog's brows furrowed and he turned his head to the northwest, his mind racing as he pondered who would dare to attack their navy and have the strength to save a warship with a single stroke of his hand

Red Dog was naturally not stupid, seemingly reckless, but actually coarse in detail, and quickly locked the target of suspicion on the God's Eye Bandits.

The ordinary pirates are not afraid to provoke the Navy, usually the Navy to find them trouble, they will resist, the Magu Island near the sea in addition to the God's eye pirate group, according to the Navy's intelligence there is really no strong pirate group

Although there was also the possibility that someone was planting evidence, whether or not the God's Eye Bandits did it, Red Dog assumed it was.

"The pirates really all deserve to die, I'm going to burn you all to ashes!"

Red Dog's heart was like a sea of rage and a volcano erupting, and a sulphurous breath appeared on his body

Red Dog's justice is absolute justice, for pirates, no matter how to become a pirate, no matter what his identity was before becoming a pirate, anyway, as long as he becomes a pirate, he kills, in this regard stubborn incomparable, completely frothing at the mouth!

"The God's Eye Bandits have most likely secretly infiltrated Magnetic Drum Island, no wonder we have searched for so long without finding any trace at all."

"Send down orders for the search ships to immediately come to Magnetic Drum Island, surround it, and start searching from the waters of Magnetic Drum Island."

"Yes!" All the navy promised, their voices neat and impassioned, it could be seen that Red Dog's governing skills were very good, and the destruction of a large warship didn't affect morale too much, so they quickly recovered.

As the saying goes, there is a kind of soldier for every general, and the navy has the strongest morale among the three generals in the future. The killing intent was the strongest, and the fighting force was the highest, the soldiers under Yellow Ape and Green Pheasant were a bit less.

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