I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 164.

While Carlos's side was fighting fiercely, the other three directions were already standing together, but the other three parties didn't trigger an avalanche.

Carlos was in the north of the Magnetic Drum Island, while Rain No Hiryu was in the south of the Magnetic Drum Island with O'Neill, Tao Li and the others were in the east of the Magnetic Drum Island, and Martin and the others were in the west of the Magnetic Drum Island.

The lineup that came to hunt down and annihilate the God's Eye Bandits this time was also considered luxurious, a top lieutenant general, a prospective general, Red Dog had entered the navy earlier than Yellow Ape and Aoji, because its character had also established more merit than the two, and had already been listed as a candidate for general, that is, a prospective general.

In the navy, there was no such rank as Commodore, in fact, Red Dog was still a Lieutenant General, but his status was a step higher than that of an ordinary Lieutenant General.

This time the naval officer of the rank of lieutenant general came three, the other two, although older and more senior, but it is the main Red Dog, to follow Red Dog's command.

This time the two lieutenant generals did not follow Red Dog, but were responsible for the southern and western searches respectively.

In addition to the three lieutenant general, the navy this time also came five Rear Admiral, Commodore five, ten naval colonel, the other naval officers will not be detailed, in short, to deal with a newly famous pirate group is definitely called the line-up of luxury, strong!

So the other three directions were not easy, even if they deliberately took care of Doris and other women, they were just relatively easy, the pressure was still not small.

As for the magnetic drum kingdom's escort is barely getting by, that escort captain Roche also has the strength of a naval commodore, and the vice president is almost equivalent to a naval colonel.

If not for those ferocious beasts stalking the navy's lower and middle level of combat power, God's eye pirate crew is really difficult to deal with, the navy is not a vegetarian after all, but continued, for the God's eye pirate group is still unfavorable.

After all, the beasts were fierce beasts, they had some intelligence but how could they be compared to humans?

Catching the navy off guard at first, making it unaccustomed to the ferocious beast's lifeless style of play, but as long as the navy holds steady, sooner or later it will be able to move the disadvantage back and destroy the ferocious beast.

Carlos understood where his side's disadvantage lay, he couldn't hope for the crew to break through one by one and make a big kill, he had his own way of dealing with the situation, making him, making the God's Eye Bandits win the war, each fighting in a very calculated way.

On a small snowy mountain in the south, the sound of fighting shook the heavens, the ferocious beast herd had entered into a fierce physical fighting stage with the navy and the magnetic drum kingdom guards, the white snow with countless limbs and broken arms, both human and ferocious beasts, scarlet snowflakes were particularly conspicuous on the snow.

The entire hill, the God's Eye Bandits this side of the only rain Hillel is human form, O'Neill has turned into a brutal and ferocious lion mixed with the ferocious beast group, pouncing everywhere to kill.

The battle at the bottom of the hill was fierce and brutal, but the movement was not as big as the battle at the top of the hill, and the one who fought with Rain's main stream was a lieutenant general who was good at swordsmanship and domineering, without demonic fruit, and was the kind of opponent that Rain's Hiryu craved the most.

Every collision between the two of them would have a resounding clanging sound that resounded throughout the hill, the snow or falling snowflakes on the top of the hill would be lifted off by the collision of the sword between the two of them, the snow flying on the top of the hill, the sword energy shooting, a sword scar crisscrossing the mountain.

The initial battle, Rain no Hidetu is at a disadvantage, the naval lieutenant general's sword technique is quaint and unpretentious, there is not too much flashy sword art, completely the basic techniques of sword art, with a strong foundation of sword art, strong strength and dominance on the dissolution of Rain no Hidetu's heavy offensive, counter-pressure Rain no Hidetu.

However, Rain no Hiryu also competed, with a powerful sword heavenly posture and a strong foundation built previously, he progressed rapidly in the midst of suppression, gradually wresting the disadvantage back, becoming evenly matched, but unable to do so if he wanted to suppress.

West of Magnetic Drum Island, the battle is in a small basin kind of place, still snow deep, where the carnivorous rabbit rabbon, a native creature has a lot of room to play, more flexible and quick than most navies.

The western battlefield was Martin, Olsen, and Sholema.

Olsen transformed into a crazy buffalo as if fighting a bull and followed the ferocious beasts to fight; Xiao Lema is a bit of a chicken thief, located in the last battlefield on a small corner, powerful enemies are basically blocked, the fish is not powerful, Xiao Lema holding a blue dagger is completely able to deal with.

The dagger contains a strong poison, as long as the body bruised a little skin, a few breaths of violent death, the whole body black, seven orifices bleeding, death is quite ugly.

Although Xiao Lema's approach is not brave, but Martin, Olsen did not blame the meaning of the ship doctor's status in the pirate group has always been very high, rarely personally involved in the battle.

Xiao Lema can participate in the battle is very good, is worth encouraging things, where can still dislike to pick up leakage and so on, and after the battle injured still need someone else to heal it!

The most formidable in the battlefield was Martin, who pressed against his opponent, a Lieutenant General, who was unlucky enough to meet Martin.

This Lieutenant General went the route of Body Art plus Demon Fruit ability, and two-colored Hegemony as well, but Armed Colored Hegemony was much weaker than Rain's Hillel's opponent.

This Lieutenant General was middle-aged, tall, and somewhat vicelike, his Devil Fruit ability was of the Superman line, with the ability to turn any part of his body into steel, and the shape of his body could change at will, such as turning his fist into a sword or something, but he wasn't able to manipulate steel outside of himself.

This Lieutenant General had more than doubled the hardness of the steel that he turned his entire body into, and his defense was very impressive, so he slightly neglected the Armed Color Bully training.

Now that he encountered Martin, the Shattered Fruit ability, the demonic fruit was a near rule-like demonic fruit, and the incredibly hard steel had the tendency to split apart under Martin's ability.

The not-so-excellent Armed Color Tyranny could hardly fully resist this power, so from the beginning of the battle, the lieutenant general fell to the bottom.

East of Magnetic Drum Island, where the most members of the God's Eye Bandits were gathered, Kylie and Susanna formed a group within a group, and they were on the same page against the enemy.

Kylie's superb marksmanship and the color of the dominance of the See and Hear can cover Susanna, buy time, so that Susanna can use the weather stick to launch some wide-area attack, similar to Nami, as if magic, but the form, the power of different just.

Doris, Riley two performance from the surface than the rain of Helelu, Martin fierce more.

Doris held a red cherry, cherry blossoms flying in the snowy mountains, a single person to fight two Rear Admiral plus a Commodore and not be defeated, on the fineness of the swordsmanship is more sophisticated than the rain of Hidetoshi, in the siege of the hidden show of four two pounds of means!

The first time I was in the Navy, I was in a position to get to the bottom of the situation, and I was able to get to the bottom of the situation.

Now, for a small understanding of the use of softness and strength, can be integrated into their own sword skills, all kinds of progress combined, only to be able to block the three naval officers.

Riley's size became a small giant, not particularly tall, only five meters tall, fighting with experts, become too big, is simply a live target, too many holes, hard to defend.

Five meters was what Riley considered the most appropriate height at the moment, able to increase enough strength and take care of the defense of the whole body.

Riley had blocked a Rear Admiral, two Commodores, and four Navy Captains, and had done his best.

Chapter 184 - A Vicious and Poisonous Shade

In the northern battlefield, the battle intensified, and Red Dog was quite angry, exploding with quite terrifying strength.

The terrifying magma quickly vaporized the snow, rapidly assimilating the soil and rocks into hot, sticky magma, and in the blink of an eye, a hundred-meter radius turned into a magma lake.

Red Dog stood in the magma lake, raised his hands, and the lake rioted, and countless red-colored, bursting magma bombs flew out and smashed down, the density of which looked like a river!

Carlos's brow furrowed at the sight, his pupil power surged, and the purple Sousa Noh changed again, a hard layer of Tengu armor emerging to envelop Sousa Noh.

The purple longbow disappeared, and the crossed arms were enveloped in a layer of black Amaterasu fire, so that the heat of the magma bomb was kept out, and there was no need to waste energy dealing with it, only defending against the impact of the magma bomb.


Intense roaring sounds continued to ring out, and a cloud of orange-red flames exploded on Susano Noh's body, the incessant explosions formed a wave-like powerful impact that blew Carlos backwards.

This terrifying magma bombardment lasted for a full three minutes, and by the time the blast stopped, the Tengu armor in front of Susa Noh was shattered, and both arms were blown to pieces, leaving only the Amaterasu fire and two skeletons.

"Exhale" Carlos exhaled deeply, the magma fruit attack was really strong, if it lasted any longer, he probably wouldn't be able to hold on.

Red Dog Sakaski's eyebrows were furrowed, he didn't expect the defense of that ghost thing to be so strong, he had already used the preliminary awakening power of the Magma Fruit, but he still couldn't destroy that ghost thing!

In fact, if it was another Suzu Noh Noh, Red Dog this series of attacks have mostly been able to break through the defense, but Carlos chose this Suzu Noh is the Eternal Kaleidoscope used out, the defense is more powerful, especially manipulating the Amaterasu fire to form a shield of flame isolated magma's scalding heat has a great effect.

The red dog although feeling tricky, but do not feel helpless, increase the power is, his demonic fruit has begun to awaken, just use this powerful opponent to hone, he does not believe that the damn thing can resist the natural system that has awakened!

However, when the flames that kept exploding became smaller, Red Dog didn't find Carlos, and the damn thing disappeared.

Red Dog was busy increasing the intensity as well as the range of the Seeing and Hearing Tyranny, which peeked through the cover of Carlos's Seeing and Hearing Tyranny, and found that Carlos was moving quickly towards the battlefield, and that direction was where the ferocious beast was fighting with the Navy, and the magnetic drum guards.


Red Dog hadn't expected Carlos to leave him alone, not having the demeanor of a strong man at all, running off to prey on the weak.

After cursing, Red Dog burst out with all his speed and rushed towards the chaotic battlefield.

The place where the two were fighting was four or five thousand meters away from the chaotic battlefield, but this distance was nothing to the two.

Carlos issued orders as he rushed, and some of the ferocious beasts that were fighting close to the edge of the battlefield immediately disengaged from the battle and ran frantically towards the edge of the battlefield, causing the navies to be somewhat baffled!

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