I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 175.

The group stopped moving only after about forty miles from the city of rape, Carlos and his crew watched the battle from a distance, and did not instruct anything Carlos believed in the battle, both of them knew it in their hearts and would not mess up.

The sun was shining, the temperature was not low, the desert gobi was an earthy yellow color, sand, gravel, and occasionally a little bit of plants with sharp leaves could be seen, the breeze moved lightly, swirling light sand, and from different angles, sometimes the distorted air could be seen.

"Ichimei-san, please." Rain's Hilliu was expressionless, his eyes filled with excitement, his right hand gently placed on the hilt of Thunderstorm's blade.

"Sir Hiryu, please!" Fujitiger opened his eyes slightly, revealing a pale, peaceful face, not as if he was preparing for battle as if he was preparing to have tea with an old friend.

"Then I'll take my leave!"

As the words fell, Rain's Hitchhiker's hand moved, snowy blade light surfaced piercing eyes, and a blue sword qi broke out as swift and violent as thunder!

"What a vicious decapitation!"

Fuji Hu pulled out his staff blade and held it in a simple slant, like a thunderous blue sword Qi cutting down on the staff blade, the seemingly plain staff blade deflected the violent sword Qi that cut gold and jade.

"Tsk tsk, really strong enough, such a perfect use of the Seeing and Hearing Color Tyrannical Qi!"

"This move Mr. Ichirou didn't use his armed color tyranny, relying on the fine and subtle powerful color of insight to find the weakest point in the sword qi that Hilleu cut out."

"It was deflected entirely with terrifying insight and physical strength." Carlos watched the battle from afar, explaining to the unreadable crew, being a competent commentator, causing the crew to gasp in amazement.

"Doris, watch the battle with all your might, this battle will do you a great deal of good."

"Aye, Captain."

On the other side, seeing that his pre-emptive strike was easily blocked, the pupils of Rain's Hillel shrank, and his figure moved as if a bullet had broken through the air and rushed towards Fujitiger, waiting until the distance was close, his figure leapt high, and with the momentum of the charge down, a simple and direct decapitation chopped at the top of Fujitiger's head.

Vine Tiger's legs spread apart, slightly bent, and raised his staff blade in a defensive horizontal position, with a light smile on his face: "What an even more violent strike!"


A loud clash of gold and iron sounded and spread all around, the stones around the two were instantly shattered to pieces, smoke and dust rose to the sky, the gobi under the feet of the vine tiger chaps, a hideous crack emerged.

After one slash, Rain Noirishiru tried to change his moves, just then a sudden gravity acted on Rain Noirishiru's body, a vague force seemed to be absent, Rain Noirishiru felt as if he had a mountain on his back, it was simply difficult to move an inch.

Devil Fruit ability!

That was the first reaction of Yu no Hiryu.

It turned out that this person was not purely a swordsman, but it didn't matter, Rain Noirishiru didn't have to fight a swordsman, as long as the opponent could bring him pressure.

A few meters around Rain's Hiryu, a crack appeared and rapidly expanded, and suddenly a black hole appeared, and Rain's Hiryu's form fell into the black pit.


"It's okay, Hiryu isn't that weak, he won't be defeated that easily."

Sure enough, just after Carlos's voice fell, landed on the cave floor was deadly pressed in the cave floor of the rain of Hiryu suddenly erupted, tensed muscles, domineering outburst broke free from the bonds of gravity, both hands holding the sword, upward.

The sky-blue sword qi as through tofu cut through the gobi, fierce and sharp sword qi along the ground to cut down to the vine tiger although the vine tiger did not take much effort to block, but at least interrupted the rhythm of the vine tiger control gravity.


Rain no Hiryu jumped up from the pit, the thunderstorm with armed colored domination attached to it, the dao silver-white sword light turned into a silver net towards the vine tiger, it was the visual effect of cutting too fast, it was easy to see the eyes, making people don't know how to resist it

However, the vine tiger does not have eyes at all, seeing and hearing color tyrannical attainments are extremely high, the staff blade covering armed color in the hands waved, the residual shadow formation, the blade collided, the incessant crisp sound kept resounding, a fierce wind spread, leaving a clear sword mark on the gobi.

Instead of using the Gravity Fruit's abilities again, Fujinho was currently engaged in a fierce sword duel with Rain's Mainstream.

Close combat has always been a test of comprehensive strength, just a little bit of carelessness could lead to disaster and loss of life!

Their sword skills each had their own characteristics, and Rain's Hieu's was a murderous sword skill, fierce and vicious, murderous, giving a tremendous sense of oppression, just like a hungry tiger!

Fujitiger's sword technique is unpretentious, open and honest, as if clumsy, there is nothing to force people to kill, it seems that back and forth is just a few actions, but will be the rain of Xi left a move a style all blocked, from time to time also be able to counterattack, faintly a feeling of returning to the basics!

Yuu no Hiryu was feeling strange now, hard and excited, hard because his attack was like a punch on cotton without any force at all, it had no effect; excited because he felt his progress, there seemed to be something important to him in Fujitiger's swordsmanship.

The battle continued, the two of them fought in close proximity, although there was nothing flying with the sword, but the cold sword light that was like mercury leaking from the ground enveloped the two of them, as if it cut off the blazing sunlight and gave the blazing gobi a bit of a cool place to live in

Chapter 196 - Dry Fighting (Part 2)

The two fiercely fought to the amusement of the watching crowd, even from Carlos' perspective.

Between square inches, swords glittered, and the difference was both life and death!

Rain of Hidetoshi is feeling all the blood boiling up, this fierce sword duel is really too much to his liking, bring him the pressure than the last naval sword hero Lieutenant General even greater, and the other side seems to be more than comfortable with the appearance!

Gravity Command!

Just as Rain no Hidetu's blood was boiling, Fujitora stopped fighting him in a pure sword duel, the staff blade in his hand swung horizontally, the sword flashed, and an invisible force penetrated Rain no Hidetu's body.

Here we go again Rain's Hillel's face changed slightly, feeling much heavier, the gore beneath his feet was instantly trampled into a shallow pit, and trying to move a step took three times more energy than usual.

Fujinhu's Devil Fruit ability was not a natural system, but it was not inferior to the natural system in the slightest, gravity was a power that almost nothing in the world was unaffected, in fact, it could also derive gravity and repulsion, similar to the Ten Thousand Elephant Celestial Gravity and Shinra Heavenly Journey in Fire Shadow.

Gravity Fruit's abilities are very tricky, especially for those who are speedy masters.

Although Rain's Hilleu's speed was greatly reduced, his battle experience was so great that he had to strike first, otherwise it would be too passive to wait for his opponent to attack.


Rain's Hillel held his own sword Thunderstorm tightly in both hands, the blade was wet, a strand of azure lightning swirled around the blade, an azure sword Qi was like a thin line that cut through the void, overpoweringly sharp, the air was directly cut open, the sword was silent!

With a raised eyebrow, Fujinho gave up on manipulating gravity to suppress Rain's Hidetoshi, as it was not something that could be resisted while manipulating the sword.

Gravity chaos!

Purple energy with the vine tiger's staff blade swing densely spread in a large area in front of the body, gravity multiplied, azure sword qi into this area of speed plummeted, the ubiquitous gravity of the heck affected the condensed incomparable sword qi, making the sword qi speed overlap, and accuracy is also inaccurate.

In Texrosa, when Saber fought Fujitiger, a fire fist smashed through and flew up into the sky before it even touched Fujitiger, letting off a firework and then it was gone.

This time it was almost the same, the difference was that the sword qi was more condensed, the gravity multiplier magnitude was larger, to deal with the fire fist was to reduce gravity, to deal with the sword qi was to increase gravity, one up, one down.

The azure-colored sword qi, within the gravity field that Vine Tiger had set up, decreased greatly in speed, changed direction, and cut into the earth, a scorched black sword mark surfaced on the gobi, looking deep and unfathomable

The light of gravity!

After one move, Fujiku finally more serious, the hands of the staff knife in the head nimbly and quickly cut out a circle, the fruit ability with the staff knife as a medium, the purple ring of light spewed out into the sky, and soon a meteorite burning with a raging flame fell from the sky, hitting Yu no Shiro.

Fujiku summoned the meteorite and quickly retreated to avoid the meteorite's range of attack, Yunohiru also tried to dodge, but couldn't, the meteorite in Fujiku's micro-maneuvering, always enveloped Fujiku in the range of attack.

What a perverted ability!

Rain Hieu cursed under his breath, surprised but not alarmed, and since he couldn't dodge it, he would have to fight hard.

Rain wears!

With a thought, armed colored domineering energy was continuously inputted into the thunderstorm blade, and Rain's Hillel held the blade in both hands, cutting out with a single slash, a huge blue sword Qi with countless tiny, rain-like blasts of sword Qi exploded out as if it was a brilliant rain of light.

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