I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 187.

The Hawkeye Mihok was pale, but not too panicked, since it couldn't be stable, it simply wasn't.

Although Hawkeye Mihok's combat experience was not particularly rich at the moment, his combat IQ was high, and he did not use brute force to harden against Carlos's Wanxiang Heavenly Gravitational Force.

Since he couldn't resist this powerful gravitational force, he tried to adjust his body as much as possible, and his legs tried not to leave the earth, so that the power could be maximized from the ground and his feet.

Hawk-Eye Mihok understood in a very short amount of time that he must never lift his legs in the air in the face of Carlos' move, otherwise, under the manipulation of gravity, even if he possessed the strength to tread on the air, he would not be able to borrow power.

Only Hawkeye Mihok's legs left two deep scratches on the ground, yellow-brown dirt clearly visible, legs to drive the body very subtle a move, but instead with the power of gravity downward pull out of the night, cut out a magnificent grass-green sword Qi, the sword Qi over, the ground like a wave score!

The katana that Hawkeye Mihok found out was powerful, but it wasn't mixed with dominance, so Carlos had an easy way to deal with it.

Seal Art Sucking Seal!

This move was originally used by Naruto to absorb chakra, invincible, and replenish himself, but in this world the Devil's Eyes simulated and evolved the ability to absorb pure energy attacks and feed off his own strength.

There is no doubt that this is a very powerful ability, but it is not perfect or flawless.

First of all, although this ability can feed on one's physical strength, the conversion rate is relatively low, but even so, it's better than nothing, and it's still a powerful ability.

The flaw in this ability is that it can't absorb energy attacks mixed with Hegemony, Hegemony can't be absorbed, and in this case, Hegemony naturally refers to Armed Color Hegemony.

This was the flaw, but it was also a good tool for consuming the enemy's Armed Color Hegemony.

Carlos raised his left hand, both of his hands came out together, and in Hawkeye's confused and shocked eyes, it looked like he had no protection against the sword qi that destroyed gold and cut steel and iron.

A strange thing happened, the magnificent green sword qi came to a halt when it touched Carlos' hands, shrinking like a balloon and disappearing in less than a breath!

Chapter 209 - Engaging Hawkeye (Medium)

"What a strange and bizarre ability!"

The words had not yet fallen, Hawkeye Mihok had rushed over, the night in his hand swung, a simple downward slash had demonstrated Hawkeye's profound sword dao cultivation, extremely sharp and silent, the blade slicing through the air at extreme speed, no sound coming out.

Divine Luo Heavenly Journey!

Just as the night was approaching touching Carlos' head, a powerful repulsion erupted with Carlos at its center, raging and violent as it transformed into a repulsion shield and crashed into Hawkeye's decapitation.


A thunderous roar, the outburst of repulsion has collided to produce a shockwave spread in all directions, shrubs, turf, dirt directly lifted off the ground like a wave, yellow-brown dirt surfaced a large chunk, destroying the balance and beauty of the entire island, just like a fair and smooth face with pimples and blemishes.

Hawkeye Mihok's blow wasn't enough to break through Carlos' burst of repulsion, and the layers of surging repulsion eventually catapulted Hawkeye Mihok into the air, flipping over in mid-air and landing on the ground, another deep scratch surfacing on the grass.

Bloodbath Battlefield!

Carlos's figure moved, an afterimage swept across the grass, bright red dominance erupted from his body into strange lines covering his entire body, the pattern on his face matching the cold and mysterious reincarnation eyes, with a kind of also-right and also-evil strange flag on his body!

Watching Carlos rushing over, Hawkeye Mihok's expressionless face looking very heavy face showed a hint of excitement, sharp eyes in the battle intent, just stand firm body also rushed out, domination surge, night into a black knife.

The two of them approached, and since Hawkeye Mihok held the night in his hand, the close body attack was farther away, so Hawkeye Mihok's attack was the first to attack the knife, and the black arc of light cut into Carlos's chest from the side.

Carlos's response was unexpected by Hawkeye Mihok, expecting Carlos to dodge, or just fight hard, but not expecting Carlos to use his subtle physical discipline to defuse it directly, and then counterattack down the road.

The Seeing and Hearing Color Hegemony is very useful, but the human heart is the most complex and difficult to predict, much harder than predicting animals or anything else, especially if the opponent will also see and hear the color.

The Seeing Color Hegemony can develop in quite a few directions, and Katakuri can even get to the point where he can predict the future, but there are so many variables in the future that the kind of future he sees is just one of the future and may not actually happen.

Luffy was able to defeat Katakuri for reasons other than the protagonist's aura, but his own Seeing Color grew in battle, making Katakuri increasingly unpredictable was also one of the reasons.

As far as the Seeing and Hearing color was concerned, Carlos was stronger than Hawkeye Mihok because of his pupil technique, and it was no surprise that Hawkeye Mihok was unpredictable, but Armed Color, who used the Bloodbath Battle Body, and his attainments were all still a bit inferior.

With the perfect coordination of Seeing and Hearing Color Hegemony, Pupil Technique, Armed Color Hegemony and the most subtle Body Technique, Carlos came up and gave Hawkeye Mihok a sudden and unpredictable downward spiral.

Timing was exquisite, his right hand wrapped around the Hegemony from bottom to top, slapping the bottom of the night, the powerful force brought by the momentum of the attack made Hawkeye Mihok, who held the knife in both hands, not fully able to control the trajectory of the knife, making the knife float upwards, and a gaping hole appeared.

Hurricane Fist!

Carlos smoothly bullying, came super close, the swordsman bound distance, an inch long and an inch strong, an inch short and an inch dangerous, close short fight, the situation changed rapidly, Hawkeye Mihok instantly fell into the wind.

Dense fist enveloped the upper body of Hawkeye Mihok, as the saying goes, hit people do not hit the face, Carlos this guy waved out of the sky fist, no less towards Hawkeye Mihok's handsome face greeting.

The dull sound of bang bang bang bang sounded continuously, even if the Hawkeye Mihok reaction has been very fast, both hands to resist, domineering hard resistance, dodge, three means all out, can not avoid the sky fist shadow fall on the body.

Carlos grasped an opportunity to be unforgiving, not giving Hawkeye Mihok a chance to pull away at all.

You know that this opportunity is not easy, not only using so many abilities, but also the courage to be very big, and even with the taste of gambling, even if Carlos grasp actually not small.

But even if the timing of Carlos' strike was just a tiny bit off or because of other reasons, such as the lack of power in the momentum of a strike, the result could be a tiny bit off, missing by a thousand miles, and the palm of the hand being cut by the night would be very light.

Fists, palms, legs, fingers, claws, elbows were pouring down on Hawkeye Mihok like a storm, speedy and continuous punches, dark and poisonous palms, legs with the strongest combined ability, sharp and strange fingers, and fierce and difficult claws, Hawkeye Mihok felt like he was caught in a whirlpool, a storm, and it was hard to break free!

A little bit of negligence could lead to defeat or even death, and although Hawkeye coped appropriately, he would inevitably fall into a disadvantageous position.

As long as Carlos put enough pressure on Hawkeye and kept building up his momentum, and as long as he didn't give Hawkeye the best distance to use Night, the final victory would definitely belong to Carlos.

This is what Carlos is trying his best to do, it's good to fight Hawkeye Mihok, but not to expose too much of his own abilities.

Seizing the opportunity to get a win first would be good for his prestige as a captain, even if Hawkeye Mihok continued to challenge him in the future, when the time came, he would just have a good time with Hawkeye using the abilities he had shown so far and remain undefeated.

On the surface of the sea, the many crew members of the God's Eye Pirates were watching with great concentration, but except for a few, it was impossible to see the trajectory of the two's strikes, only to see countless afterimages in the collision as well as the land bursting around the two, dirt, turf, and shrubs flying everywhere, being torn to pieces.

"The captain's close-combat abilities are too sharp."

"Hilleu, how long do you think you'll be able to last if you're suppressed by the captain to the point where you can't even wield a sword?" Martin stared at the island without turning his eyes and asked.

"I don't know, the Mihok guy was caught off guard by the Captain's great combined strength as well as his guts, and wasn't expecting it, wasn't prepared for it."

"But Mihok should last a lot longer than me, his armed color dominance is much stronger than mine, and he's very resistant to blows."

"There probably aren't many strong people in this world whose Hegemony can surpass Mihok's Armed Color Hegemony Forged Black Blade" Rain's Hillel was similarly unseeing in a deep voice.

"But then again, Hilleu, a swordsman's Hegemony is too suffocating to use for defense, right?" Riley instead turned his head to look at Rain no Hiryu and smiled.

Without turning his head, Rain no Hiryu's mouth twitched, "Very suffocating indeed, the swordsman's dominance used to all be used to attack, or pave the way for attack"

"After all, Mihok is facing the captain, the captain is full of skills, especially those eyes, weird abilities are endless and ever-changing, it's normal to suffer a loss."

"But I have to admit that Mihok's sword dao training is much stronger than mine, and I should be able to learn a lot from being able to fight him." Doris' goggle-eyed, clear and gentle voice sounded.

"Strong indeed, I have been promoted to become a great swordsman, but the odds of winning a fight with him are at most forty percent, but still!" Rain's Hillel stayed with his left hand straddling the hilt of his thunderstorm blade and tightened his grip on the beaten path.

None of the other crew members spoke when they heard the four, as they could only watch the proceedings, completely unable to read or understand a little bit, and unable to interject, how could they interject into the discussion of the big men

Chapter 210 - Engaging Hawkeye (Part 2)

On the island, successive attacks fell on Hawkeye, and even if Hawkeye mobilized his Armed Color Tyranny Defense all the time, he was injured, his handsome and cold face somewhat red and swollen, and the corners of his mouth oozed blood.

Although by virtue of the powerful Armed Color Tyranny, these injuries weren't too much of an impact on Hawkeye Mihok's combat strength, but if this continued and the injuries continued to accumulate, it would really be a losing battle.

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