I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 194.

"Alright, you guys meet Hilleu here, stay away from the island when the people arrive, I'll go to stop the navy first and play with the navy for a bit."

After saying that, Carlos moved and left by stepping on the air, the navy was already close enough to the vicinity that there was no need to use Kamui, if it was daytime it would have been able to see it already.

Tick tock tock tock tock.

The bean drops of rain fell from the gloomy night sky, dropping on the ground and the sea, and in a flash the rain became heavier, and the dense downpour was like a beaded curtain, rattling


A scream tearing through the rain curtain suddenly sounded, the linear distribution navy heard the scream busy rushing towards the source of the sound, through the scouting light, only to see a naval soldier fell on the wet ground, there was a blood hole on the chest, scarlet blood constantly emerged, a figure standing quietly next to it.

"Don't move!"

click, click, click.

Six lances were raised and pointed at Carlos at the same time, and the six remaining navy men shouted at the same time.

"Don't scare people with your burning sticks in your hands, hurry up and inform your superiors, killing you is meaningless," the face of Carlos appeared under the searchlight, standing in the rain with his hands behind his back, disdainful.

"Yes yes Captain Lucifer Carlos of the God's Eye Bandits, you guys watch him, shoot if you move, I'll notify Lieutenant General Karp to come over."

One of the highest ranking navy among the several, stammering somewhat, took a pistol from his waist and fired into the sky, a dazzling flare exploded in the night, the rain drops around him crooked under the gale.

Carlos smiled as he glanced at the flare in the sky, there was no use in leaving these people behind when the mission was complete, his figure instantly disappeared, but due to his speed, he left a residual shadow in the eyes of the navy staring at Carlos, making them unable to react for a moment.

Puff, puff.

Carlos's finger was like a sharp dagger, slicing through a navy's throat, they were able to see but couldn't dodge, body reaction speed, movement speed simply couldn't keep up with Carlos, six scarlet blood flowers bloomed miserably, six bodies fell on the wet grass.

Carlos took out a bottle of hard liquor and chugged it down in the storm, his chest and abdomen feeling like magma, his blood boiling, his battle spirit rushing to the sky!

Half a minute later, a figure that wasn't large in stature but had the momentum of a mountain cut through the rain curtain, seemingly a simple, fancy-free punch smashed into Carlos, no armed colors added, only pure physical strength, where the fist passed the gale stopped, the rain turned into nothing, and the air was drained away!

Carlos mobilized his whole flesh power on his fist and met it with a punch.

The moment his fists touched, Carlos felt a great power coming towards him, and in an instant, Carlos changed his attention, and no longer fought hard, he unleashed his mighty ability to transfer a part of his body, including his arm, into the mighty space.


The Kapton, clad in a cloak of justice, was in a state of shock, the feeling of the other man's power that was still alive between the touch of his fist disappeared, his punch seemed to hit the air, the power was completely wasted.

Their silhouettes staggered, standing in the midst of the majestic rain, the sea not far away had roared up in the wind, the storm, and from time to time a loud rumbling thunder sounded.

Hulk Carlos gently exhaled a breath, the momentary touch just now made him understand the terrifying nature of the peak Capo, the absolute top of the world, the sheer physical strength alone had a feeling of a mountain collapsing and Peerang Mokotang!

Carlos had a bottom in his heart for the encounter with Karp, with his current strength he could at most defend himself in the hands of Karp who was more than twenty years younger, to defeat and kill the other party there was some possibility unless Karp himself was careless and made a big mistake.

His pupil power wasn't strong enough to reach this point, and it was unlikely that he would be able to surge his pupil power for a short period of time, he needed to experience time to settle down!

"Heh heh heh interesting ability!"

"But kill the navy and you'll pay for it tonight!" Karp laughed and turned around, emitting a mountainous heaviness all over his body, powerful enough to directly drain the wind and water.


Thunder roared, a huge silver-white lightning pierced the night sky, illuminating the night, making Carlos see Karp's face clearly, square face with a light beard, serious and solemn, which has the half-day comic look seen on the anime?

"Hahaha there are many people who want my life, but so far no one has been able to succeed!"

"Navy hero Cap, right?"

"You can come and try it!" Carlos laughed without showing any weakness, the outburst of momentum, though not as thick as a mountain, was more fierce!

Chapter 217 - The Great Battle of Karp (Middle)

"Good, gutsy, no wonder you've achieved what you have today!"

"But you're not even close!"

The sound reverberated, overshadowing the sound of the wind and rain, Karp's legs slightly flexed, catapulting out like a high-speed cannonball, not only fast but oppressive, a pair of iron fists with an unrivaled boldness, a double fist breaking all laws of confidence smashing towards Carlos!

Carlos's mind shifted, his eyes shifting and his pupils surging, knowing that he couldn't fight Karp anymore, he was quite a bit worse than Karp in terms of physique, and his speed was barely about the same, so he'd have to give up the melee he was good at.

Susano Noh in his second form!

Blue energy erupted out, bones, meridians, flesh, and skin instantly condensed into a bust that was nearly twenty meters tall, golden pupils that seemed to illuminate the night like two search lights, and a body filled with destruction and tyranny!


Karp slammed both fists on the blue suzanoh, a loud bang rang out and the powerful shockwave caused the rain around him to be instantly shaken into a mist, Carlos's form involuntarily receding back to deflate, each step leaving a deep footprint on the wet, soft ground.

"Is this the ability that Sakaski, Polusalino and the others mentioned?"

"It's really interesting, but not quite the same color, but that's not going to stop me!"

"My name is Iron Fist Capo, and under the iron fist, nothing breaks!" Karp spared his interest and said with great confidence.

In the next moment, Karp's right fist left Susa Noh, the powerful armed colored tyranny wrapped around his fist, the wet earth cracks dense under Karp's feet, and the force hit Susa Noh from the ground.


The blue Sousa Nohon had cobweb-like cracks floating in the center of Karp's fist, as if it would shatter in the next instant.

"It's not that easy to plan my defense!" Carlos snorted.

Carlos's eyes transformed into Uchiha's Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Eye, though since he didn't know Uchiha's Kaleidoscope Writing Eye ability, Sugenori was able to use it.

The Kaleidoscope Writing Eye rotated, a powerful surge of pupil power, and a large amount of blue energy erupted, not only speedily mending the broken places, but at the same time, the blue energy transformed into a piece of hard armor, transforming into Susano Nohki's third form, firmly blocking the power of the kappa.


In a heartbeat, Carlos had two blue blades of light emerge from both of Sugenori's arms, one left, one right, cutting towards Karp.

"Wow what the hell is your demon fruit, it's really giving more and more surprises"

In the middle of the conversation, Karp was not ambiguous, one move, no fancy, both fists wrapped around the armed color domination, one left and one right to meet the two huge light blades.

A completely disproportionate collision, but the result was shocking, the seemingly insignificant fist directly hardened and broke the two blue light blades, the blue broken blades flew far away, and then dissipated!

"Hahahaha truly worthy of being a naval hero, the strength is truly terrifyingly strong, conventional means, useless against you."

"Let's go straight to the stage of only white heat!"

Carlos was smiling, his eyes spinning rapidly, his battle intent rushing to the sky, more pupil power exploded out, if the pupil power that flowed out before was a stream, then the pupil power that flowed out now was a river, completely incomparable!

Suddenly, he's in his entire body!

Carlos directly crossed over to the fourth stage of Susa Noh, countless blue energy bursts rapidly forming the lower half of Susa Noh's body, Tengu armor protecting his body, fierce and powerful head, bloodshot eyes, dorsal wings, lower part of the wings transforming into two arms, holding two swords, the hundred year tall, mountain-like size, emitting a terrifying atmosphere of breaking Morrowind, full of oppression!

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