I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 196.

Carlos laughed proudly, the blue whiskers can dissipate, the eyes closed and opened already into a triangular sickle kaleidoscope eyes, the body moved towards the beach to escape.

Karp looked at the fleeing Carlos, and then at the two huge meteorites that were about to fall, and under the powerful Seeing and Hearing color domination, this terrifying and vicious move was nowhere to be seen in Karp's eyes.


Karp stomped his foot in anger, eventually he didn't care about the escaping Carlos, whether Carlos could escape or not, the most important thing for him now was to deal with these two meteorites, otherwise Gaya Island would be finished.

Such a huge two meteorites, he also had to do his best to get rid of them, that bastard for the time being he had no time to care, for now keep today's beams in mind!

With a movement of his body, Karp stepped on the air and quickly rose into the air, the enormous power in his body was fully mobilized, and he waved his fists and kept using group attack moves, such huge two meteorites, he had to break them enough to break them!

Fist Bone Meteor Shower!

Karp's face was livid as he waved his fists, under the terrifying power, a powerful fist print flew out like rain and landed on the huge meteorite.

Karp's powerful fist that could crumble mountains blossomed with terrifying power, every fist print that fell on the meteorite would shatter a point, countless fist prints fell on the meteorite in, the huge meteorite was constantly blown smaller and smaller, thunderous roars resounded throughout the entire Gaya Island!

The first meteorite was struck into a rain of debris as Carlos' raining fist attack bombed, followed by a second class meteorite, and facing this one, Karp became even more irritable, as if he wanted to let out his frustration directly.

The figure of Karp flickered around the second meteorite, the pitch-black glittering metallic luster of the fist is not fancy, unpretentious and directly smashed on the surface of the meteorite, each punch down, debris flying, cracks spread in all directions.

Fist after fist, soon the second meteorite was also directly blown into rubble by Karp, thus showing Karp's great power, Carlos summoned the Heavenly Hindrance Shock Star, the size of the meteorite was much larger than the meteorite summoned by Fu Fuhu in the theatrical version, several times, even ten times larger than to deal with the meteorite summoned by Dolfino and Luo.

That night, countless debris fell from the sky, rain of debris mixed with torrential rain, and some daring, drunken, and navy men were pelted by the sudden rise of the debris, running for cover, in disarray!

Chapter 219 - The Seven Seas of Martial Prototype

After expending a great deal of effort to break the two meteorites into pieces, Karp landed on the ground panting.

It wouldn't take much effort if he was trying to defend himself on his own, but because he had to protect Gaya Island and its people, he had to hit the rubble hard enough or there would still be a lot of casualties.

"That brat has gotten away,"

"What a tricky character, if he enters the New World, I'm afraid he'll scorch the navy and the world government later on, possessing such terrifying strength at such a young age!" Capp's face was grim as he said to himself.

"Still have to deal with it early."

"Erm I'm just a lieutenant general in the Navy, what's my hurry when the sky is falling and I have a tall man to stand up to it?"

"Forget it, just report the situation up, and let the naval and world government brass have the headache of how to handle it."

Aboard the Stygian Moon, amidst the awe, even adoration, of the crowd, Carlos returned majestically!

Although he hadn't defeated Cap, let alone killed Cap, his previous performance was enough to make people impressed and revered.

Carlos was very happy, but on the surface he still looked calm and relaxed, and instructed the crew to start the Stygian Moon, stay away from Gaya Island for a while, and wander around for a while before returning.

Late at night, Marin Vandal, the office of the War Admiral, who had just finished listening to Karp's report on the situation, the Buddha of War looked grave and serious, walking around the office.

After a moment's hesitation, the warlord left the office and went to the office of the outgoing Admiral Air.

When the time came for the three generals with enough strength and merit to appear, it would be the time for the outgoing Navy Marshal Air to step down and for War Country to take over as Navy Marshal, as well as the time for the three generals to take office.

The navy got busier after the start of the Great Voyage Era, and these were the years when pirates were increasing, and overtime was common for the naval headquarters as the naval hub.

Knock knock!

"Come in!" There was a thick voice in the office and the warrior pushed in at the sound of the door.

"Huh? What are you doing here, War?" Empty asked somewhat strangely.

He had already handed over half of his rights to the Warring States, and by rights the Warring States should be busier than he was, so why did he have time to look for him?

"Marshal Air, there's one thing I can't make up my mind about and want to discuss with you, I've already informed Crane on the way here."

Air nodded at the words, a little confused in his heart, what is it that is worth discussing with the three of them together, which monster in the New World is causing trouble again?

Although a little curious, but empty is not in a hurry, wait a while will know, this point of patience he still does not lack.

A few minutes later, the knock on the door sounded again, the newly promoted Grand Staff Officer Crane entered the room, calmly and elegantly greeted Air and Warrior.

"Alright, Warrior, Crane is already here, tell me what's up."

Empty spoke, and War Country nodded, giving a detailed account of what Karp had reported to him, focusing on depicting Carlos' true strength, listening to Empty and Crane's faces growing heavier and heavier

According to what Karp had seen, in terms of strength alone, offering a billion-dollar bounty wasn't too much to ask, and with such great strength, in the first half of the Great Voyage, unless the Navy sent out Lieutenant Generals and their masters and above, they could totally do whatever they wanted and no one could stop them!

"This person is so young and so strong, how could such a monster appear in the West Sea, in the Great Voyage and not in the New World" the Crane Staff Officer frowned, apparently Carlos' situation made her feel all a bit tricky as well.

"The priority, I think, is to discuss a countermeasure on how exactly to deal with this man and the God's Eye Bandits"

"Otherwise, when they enter the New World, that navy will really be one more heartbeat away." War State frowned, incredibly worried.

"Don't worry, War State, things aren't as bad as you think."

"As far as I know this Lucifer Carlos is the leader of the West Sea Mafia, right?"

"You also know the process of his bounty, by the way, our navy is really a little bit justified, directly trying to deal with him as an ordinary pirate, but we didn't expect to kick off the iron plate, making it very passive now."

"From the way the other side acted and the information we got, the other side isn't the kind of vicious and hopeless pirates."

"I think it's better to let the world government decide on this matter," said Air with some meaning.

"Marshal Air, you mean to pull the other side" warrior's eyebrows furrowed, this was really not to his liking, the navy had repeatedly suffered at its hands, losing face, mileage, pulling the other side, this

"Warrior, you will have to take over my position in the future and have a longer view."

"Nowadays, our navy is stretched to the limit due to the endless stream of pirates, even if we continue to recruit troops, we can only barely control the situation outside the New World."

"I think there is still a part of the pirates that is worth pulling together, by bringing them together, the enemies decrease and the boost increases, the effect of this increase and decrease is remarkable!"

"Even without the added boost, a reduced number of enemies would be good for the Navy." Crane snapped out of his reverie and spoke up to add.

"Crane is right, fewer enemies is good, and we are able to draw more power to maintain order in the sea!"

"We'll experiment with this Lucifer Carlos, and if it works well, then we can push through and use pirates to make pirates!"

"No one else dares to say that Lucifer Carlos has grown to where he is today, and I think the world government would be happy if he defected or joined the world government!"

"The World Government's control over the Western Sea is basically hovering between the first and second to last among the four seas."

"Once Lucifer Carlos joins or joins the world government, then the world government's control over the Western Sea will instantly go up a notch."

"Even though it's indirect control, there's a huge amount of profit involved-it's not just one country .

Instead, it's a sea!"

"The Mafia is huge and entrenched in the Western Sea, and the various large and small families add up to the equivalent of seven or eight ordinary countries!"

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