I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 198

Sanctuary Marijoa, or among the top floor of that tall building, the five old stars today, one by one, like gunpowder, temper was incomparably hot, drinking and cursing constantly came out of the brilliant and atmospheric hall.

"Dorag, this bastard, dared to do such a thing, how did he Karp teach" Parkabe Kaiichi sat in his chair and cursed angrily.

"This case must never be made, even if he is Karp's son, Dorag must die!" Ogata Kenichi looked livid.

"It's not just Dorag, I think the navy needs to be cleared internally as well, and the slightest suspicion should be closely interrogated, or else there will be no end of trouble!" Masaya Hiroki's eyes sharpened and looked to the four men in a deep voice.

"Everyone, calm down, the priority is to put out the fires that appear in the major kingdoms and the revolutionary armies in plain sight first."

"And then deal with the hidden backbone of the revolutionary army, the navy, the army, the spy agencies, all the forces under the world government must cooperate and simplify the procedures, make sure to extinguish this force that is shaking the foundation of the rule!" Keiichi Noda's voice was resounding, iron-blooded and murderous, his eyes filled with murderous rage!

"It's not enough to put out the revolutionary forces, what's the most important thing?"

"It's to completely destroy their ideas, they're so dangerous."

"Once this idea spreads widely, it is worse than the expansion of the revolutionary forces!"

"The source of this ideology is Dorag, and I propose that for the first time the bounty on Dorag be mentioned to the level of the top sea pirates of the New World, and that not only the various agencies of our world government take action, but the forces of the Dark World take advantage of it as well."

"Dorag's wolf ambition to hide in the Navy for so many years, must be very good at hiding himself, the effect of power in the dark world may be stronger."

"As soon as they detect Dorag's whereabouts, immediately mobilize the top battle forces to surround and kill him, without giving Dorag any chance to escape!"

Hirano Masato's fluffy beard trembled lightly as he spoke, thundering and murderous, a bit of a mismatch with his more benevolent-looking face.

"It's not enough, those who have been influenced by the Dorag's ideology cannot be spared either, no matter what country they are from or what identity they have, they must be eliminated!"

"Those with ordinary identities are eliminated directly, and those with special identities are eliminated using other means!"

"When we find Dorag's trail and need to round up, I suggest trying not to use the strongest people in the navy, and if we do, we have to be very selective."

"That guy Karp has too much prestige in the navy, and Dorag is well-connected in the navy, so if the slightest word gets out, the big event will be ruined!"

"I agree, in addition I think that the inspection period on the matter of the Admiral Warrior to take over as Marshal of the Navy is extended, empty to serve as Marshal of the Navy for a while longer."

"At the same time, let the Navy's efforts against pirates return for the time being, to first cooperate with other agencies, and with the nobles of the troubled country to put out the fires of revolution, no, rebellion!"

"It's time for the media to use tougher measures as well, so that the impact of this matter can't be expanded further."

"Our media should also step up their efforts to publicize this!"

"A warning should be given to those in power in the world government franchise, and an even more severe warning to those in power in non-franchise countries!"

"Warnings aren't enough, but the joiner countries are a bit more scrupulous, and the non-joiner countries are all quite bold."

"I propose expanding the number of spy agencies and spreading them in all directions, not only to act as surveillance, but also to make them too busy to care!"

"A full expansion of the military is also imperative, and I think the tax aspect can be mentioned appropriately."


One by one, the five old stars spoke enthusiastically, offering all sorts of opinions and acting as if they wanted to suppress the world and put out the fires of revolution once and for all!

In the end, the Five Old Stars' proposals were implemented, but just distributed according to the difficulty of the situation, and the big moves were frequent, so it seems that the Five Old Stars were very stimulated!

North Sea, late at night, outside the capital of a world government franchise, beacons are everywhere, the revolutionary army influenced by Dorag rose up against the erudition of the kingdom's nobles, the decaying kingdom's army was losing ground before the vigorous revolutionary army, the revolutionary army was in full force, and only barely managed to hold the country's capital in the face of the large bounty offered by those nobles in high places.

Dragon translates to dorag, the western dragon, and the Monch D dragon is also called Monch Dorag.

The highest building inside the capital except the palace, a golden garden roof, a man wearing a dark green coat, head hidden in a cloak, hidden hideous red tattoos standing quietly, behind a round of bright jade bright disk, cool as water moonlight scattered all over the city, the night is no longer black.

Suddenly, the sound of shouting and killing started, and the revolutionary army wearing various colors of clothing outside the capital surged to the capital like a tidal wave, with a variety of weapons, including guns, knives, swords, iron rods, wooden rods, spears, and axes, most of them cold weapons.

With the attack of the revolutionary army, the silent night was suddenly very lively, the noble troops defending the city ignited their cannons and pulled the triggers in their hands, and a hot shell and lead shot out, turning into a rain of steel.

The men of the revolutionary army were incomparably brave and fierce, putting life and death at risk, even if the noble army was well-equipped, with lead bullets raining like rain and cannonballs like forests, they could not stop the revolutionary army from charging, with incomparable fervor and a terrifying will to fight!

Dorag stood silently watching the movements outside the capital from high above, until the front army of the revolutionary army approached the walls, the figure moved, the sky changed abruptly, and in the blink of an eye the clouds gathered and covered the bright moon and stars, thunder roared, silver snakes flew, the wind sprang up, and the bean drops of rain fell in a continuous curtain of beads, the raindrops bounced on the earth

The dark green cloak was thrown, and a fierce wind swept the raindrops in all directions and shot them away.

In the hands of Dorag's weak raindrops turned into a terrifyingly deadly weapon, more terrifying than a muzzle shot bullet, a raindrop pierced through all the noble soldiers lying on two sections of the city wall, screams rang out non-stop, a cloud of blood mist burst open in the rain!

Dragon Claw Fist!

Dorag raised his right hand expressionlessly, his thumb and forefinger closed together, his middle finger and ring finger closed together, and his little finger alone in a row, posing a strange claw shape, without any fancy, seemingly plainly buckled into the city wall, a terrifying force sweeping in all directions, and a large section of the city wall collapsed in an instant!


Seeing the walls collapse, seeing the figure of Dorag, the revolutionaries, as if they had been struck by chicken blood, let out a roar so deafening that it covered the sound of thunder in the sky, rushing recklessly towards the gap, unstoppable, even if there was a sea of swords and fire in front of them, they could not stop their advance!

Dorag stood at the edge of the broken wall and laughed at the sight.

Chapter 222 - The Empty Island

Just when the revolutionary army first showed their cutting edge, just when the world government, the navy was frazzled, Carlos finally waited on Gaya Island for Kulikai and the others to find a rising sea current with enough power.

After five days of waiting, early in the morning, Carlos and the others took the Certain Stygian Moon to the Measured Sea, which was located at the northeast corner of Gaya Island, about seventy kilometers away from Gaya Island.

Kulikai also brought the Sarutama United Army to follow along behind the Stygian Moon.

After arriving, the time for the rising sea current to erupt had not yet arrived, so before they parted, the two groups had a luxurious and delicious banquet together, with the Divine Eye Bandits treating the guests.

This is the divine Eye Bandits to make some thanks in advance to the Ape Mountain United Army led by Kulikai, and if they can really send them to the empty island there will be a lot of benefits behind them; if the estimation is not correct and they are not sent to the empty island, then the Ape Mountain United Army has no need to exist!

Because send no empty island, that God's eye pirate group's destruction of the Stygian Moon is a foregone conclusion, from thousands of meters above the sky fall, Carlos has to busy to save his crew, can't care about the Stygian Moon.

The Stygian Moon was too big and consumed too much pupil power, he now had enough pupil power to save his crew, and absorbing such a large Stygian Moon would also take a lot of time, and might fall on the surface of the sea before he finished absorbing it.

In the morning near eleven o'clock, Kulikai with the United Army of Sarugama in their own ship and the Pluto far away, holding binoculars in the left hand to keep observing the water surface movements, the right hand with a telephone bug to keep communicating with the helmsman of the Pluto, the Pluto with Kulikai's command of the Pluto constantly in adjusting their position.

As time passed, a bubble suddenly surfaced in the sea where the Moon was located. At first, the bubble was very sparse and small, only the size of an ordinary person's thumb, but behind it, the bubble became more and more dense and bigger, and the biggest one was even the size of a sea bowl.

"Captain, Kulikai says three minutes at the most before the rising currents erupt!" Riley hissed loudly at the phone bug.

"Got it, everyone get ready to hold on tight." Carlos nodded and chimed in to the phone bug in his hand.

"Aye, Captain!"

"Understood, Carlos."

The rest of everyone's voices rang out on the same band as the phone bug, each with a different expression, but inside they were nervous, excited, and looking forward to it.

The legendary empty island, ah, if it really worked, it would be time to see it.

Two minutes passed, the bubbles on the surface of the sea finally densely covered a thousand meters radius of the sea, all the creatures under the sea all scrambled to flee, not daring to stop for a moment.

Suddenly, the dark sea floor rioted, and a terrifyingly powerful ocean current carrying the power of nature erupted from the sea floor, rushing to all obstacles and crashing on top of the Moon.

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