I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 200

"We don't need to register which country we're going to, we're pirates!"

"Pirates, did you know that?" Carlos was interested.

The people of Air Island still knew something about pirates, since the existence of Air Island, there were always people who happened to come to Air Island, and this included pirates, and they knew that most of the pirates were vicious, and a small number of them were like the Rogerian Bandits.

The Roger Bandits were the last band of pirates to come so far, and were treated with the hospitality of their god!

"I don't care if you're pirates or not, you have to obey the laws of this kingdom anyway, and breaking the law must be punished!" The shinobi captain righteously pointed his weapon at Carlos and the others at the bow of the ship at the same time, as did the rest of the shinobi.

"Pops said it right!"

"Unfortunately, you are not strong enough to defend the law."

Carlos clapped his palms, and with a thought, a tyrannical explosion of tyrannical energy instantly enveloped the division other than the captain, and in an instant, all but the captain were stunned, and fell to the white sea with their eyes bleary, and without anyone to maneuver the pulleys, one by one they began to sink into the white sea.

"This" the captain of the shinobi looked horrified, he was completely unaware of how his team had been struck down.

"Don't just stand there, hurry up and save your team members, they aren't dead, they just passed out."

"You guys are so weak, I can't even bring myself to kill you."

"Get them to my ship, I need you to take us to your so-called gods."

"As long as your gods meet my demands, I won't bother to make a move on you." Carlos opened his mouth with a faintly arrogant tone, words that didn't take them, their supreme being, into account at all.

This made the sharpshooter captain hate them with a passion, but he could only hold back for now, saving the lives of his team members first, and then settle the score when all the support came.

Carlos didn't know what the shinobi captain was thinking, and it didn't matter if he knew, anyone on this ship was an expert to the air islanders.

The power of the God's Eye Bandits was not something that the Air Islanders could resist, there was a world of difference between the Straw Hat Bandits that had entered the Air Island, mixing the new world was completely enough, and sending any two main combatants would be enough to suppress the resistance all together!

All of the empty islands combined were too small after all, and there was too little communication with the outside world, the number of strong people was too small, and the quality was too poor, completely incomparable to the so-called Qinghai they talked about.

Among all the strong people of the Air Island, when it came to the Qinghai Sea, only Aneeru was able to mix and mingle relatively well.

The main purpose of coming to Air Island this time was to ring the thunder fruit, followed by opening his eyes, as for the strongest people of Air Island, Carlos really didn't see eye to eye!

Chapter 224 - God Gan? Faure.

This sharpshooter captain was downright patronizing, listening to Carlos' words and hurriedly diving down in the white sea, floating up and sending one of his team members aboard the Stygian Moon.

Carlos smiled silently at the sight, the man's strength was unimpressive, but he was bold and open-minded enough.

"Captain, I'll do it next time." Rain's Hillel's left hand rubbed the hilt of the knife at his waist, his eyes mic'd, Thunderstorm needed to stain the blood of the Air Islanders!

"You? It's better not to, you're hitting too hard."

"No need to kill for now, wait until you see their so-called god, if that god doesn't know better, then it's not too late to kill."

"Doing it now would be a deadly feud with the other side, and would be detrimental to what we're trying to accomplish."

"Hiryu, how many times have I told you that killing is just a means to an end, you must control your desire to kill, don't kill for the sake of killing and be controlled by the desire to kill."

"People lose themselves when they are controlled by their desires, and you are not you." Carlos admonished with the seriousness of his face as he looked at Rain's Hillel.

"I know that, Captain." Rain's Hilliu thought for a moment and nodded.

"You'll be the one to take the next shot, Doris, and remember, keep them alive."

"Okay Captain, please don't worry, I'll use the back of the blade." Doris smiled warmly and said softly.

There was no avoidance at all in the conversation between the few, which made the shinobi captain look very ugly, this group was so despicable, and even more inexcusable to despise their god!

After three minutes, the support of the shinobi team arrived, quite a few people, a rough look, about twenty people, speeding through the white sea, the momentum is quite enough, but also more handsome.

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The shinobi attacked under the command of their respective captains, and their weapons equipped with Zangiefei, Impact Bay, Flash Bay, Inflammation Bay and other offensive shells opened fire, blasting at Doris who came at them.

Doris's speed, most of the attacks simply can not hit her, can only hit the sea of clouds behind her, a small number of attacks, Doris pulled out the red cherry, easily deflected.

The two captains of the shinobi were busy commanding the shinobi to surround and close, compressing the space for Doris to move, and Doris allowed them to surround her, which was exactly what Doris wanted.

Sakura Wind Dance!

Just when all the shinobi, including the two shinobi captains close to the 20-meter radius of Doris, Doris hands with a knife dancing in place, the sky of pink cherry blossoms falling in all directions, seemingly soft but sharp, followed by a sudden appearance and expansion of the tornado.

The tornado suddenly appeared and expanded, pulling all the shinobi in a twenty-meter radius into it, the seemingly soft but sharp cherry blossoms moving with the wind kept cutting on the body of the shinobi, blood spilled, screams resounded ceaselessly, turning into a sad music!

The captain of the shinobi who stayed on the Stygian Moon was so anguished that he wanted to fight for his life, but under the shock of various terrors around him, he had to watch.

The wind scattered the flowers, a pink sturdy dress of Doris was delicate and valiant, the red cherry slowly returned to its sheath, and twenty divine soldiers were half kneeling on the white sea with blood flowing all over their bodies, injured quite lightly.

Although the injuries of these shinobi looked horrifying, but they were all some external wounds, just more, if it wasn't for the fact that Doris used the back of the blade and deliberately controlled the power, it would have been normal for these people to be cut into pieces.

On the Stygian Moon, Carlos smiled slightly and looked at the surviving shinobi captain, "It's up to you if you want them to live."

Without saying a word, the Divine Soldier Captain left the Stygian Moon with a black face, and exchanged words with those injured Divine Soldiers for a while before those injured Divine Soldiers followed the Divine Soldier Captain to the Stygian Moon.

Carlos didn't care about these people, he wasn't one to kill indiscriminately, but if Ganfur didn't do what he wanted, these people would be the first Air Islanders to die, these people counted as hostages, who would die first if they didn't die first?

With the locals, the rest of the way was easy, heading straight for Angel Island under the command of the captain of the shinobi.

Ganfol didn't live in the Island of the Gods, Appajardo, like Aneeru, but rather in Angel Island, very pro-life, the complete opposite of Aneeru's who treated the people like dirt and wreaked havoc.

This was one of the reasons why Carlos hadn't been sorely disappointed with these shinobi, people like Ganfol were still worthy of respect, and even more so if the title of god was removed.

The primary purpose of this visit to the Empty Island was the Ranging Thunder Fruit, and if the Ranging Thunder Fruit was taken away, it would have saved everyone on the Empty Island from a catastrophe!

It's not too much to ask that he asks Ganfur to go to the Gods, get some of the special products of the Empty Island, and then go to the Golden Metropolis Sandora to find gold and take that gold away, is it?

It was a deal, and Carlos didn't think the people of Air Island were at a disadvantage, though they didn't know what was to come, and would certainly think that the God's Eye Bandits were oppressing them, but Carlos wouldn't explain to them that the world was inherently the law of the jungle, and the God's Eye Bandits were already restrained enough.

If the other pirate groups from the New World came to Air Island, perhaps Air Island would be in for a disaster worthy of Enniru, reduced to slavery!

Not that Carlos was embarrassed about Aneeru, taking his chance for nothing, but he didn't like owing people favors, even if they didn't know that he owed them a favor

He would have a corresponding compensatory measure, and while it wouldn't give him the power of the ringing thunder fruit, it wouldn't leave Enylu without the power to defend himself.

The power he gave would both give Enylu the power to defend himself from bullying, and also not grow to have the power to destroy the Hollow Island, Enylu a person who had mental problems and was not quite normal mentally due to his upbringing experiences.

The Stygian Moon was fast, with a clear destination, riding the wind and waves, and it didn't take long to reach Angel Island, its huge size instantly attracted the attention of many Air Islanders, one standing at a distance watching and discussing, pointing out from time to time.

When the ship stopped, Carlos looked to the captain of the shinobi and spoke softly, "You go inform your so-called god, we'll wait for him here."

"You have fifteen minutes, more than fifteen minutes and they will all be dead!"

The captain of the shinobi looked ugly and didn't say anything, just nodded silently, urged the skateboard beneath his feet, and with a movement of his figure, he left the Stygian Moon and quickly went towards the highest point of Angel Island.

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