I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 212.

Afterwards, Carlos moved and disappeared directly into the spot, not giving a damn about the world government's negotiating team, 100 billion berries, say Nima?

The negotiations unsurprisingly reached their first impasse, and Morgenson and the others looked at each other somewhat speechlessly at the situation, getting up and leaving.

They knew that this was a lion's share, the purpose was merely to bargain and try to negotiate the final share of heavenly gold as high as possible, the other side's reaction was a bit more intense, but it was quite expected.

One hundred billion berries, this figure is a little too big, save it, this is already enough for half a year of the navy's military expenses.

The World Government's negotiating team left and went back to communicate with the Five Old Stars to see what figure would be appropriate to reduce the heavenly share of gold.

The next day at noon, the World Government's negotiating team came back, still the same villa, the same courtyard, the same people, and the negotiations began again.

"Mr. Carlos, after deliberation, we also think that 100 billion berries is too much, it's not quite right, as a gesture of good faith, how about we just reduce it by half, 50 billion berries?" Morgenson had a faint smile on his face.

"Fifty billion is still too much, it's a heavy burden for the entire West Sea Mafia family."

"I'll give you the bottom line too, up to twenty-five billion berries." Carlos puffed on his cigar smoke and glanced at Morganson, his tone indifferent.

"It's no good, it's too little, and even if we agree, the world government side won't agree."

"The West Sea Mafia, as the true ruler of the West Sea, has a huge power, twenty-five billion is really too little, I'm afraid this is a bit of a loss of face, right?"

"Ohhhh losing face is better than losing mileage, for the reason I also said last negotiation, even if there is no heavenly gold, the world government will not suffer."

"Say twenty-five billion just twenty-five billion, if you don't agree, there's no way to continue the negotiation."

"Anyway, this time it's your world government that took the initiative to invite me to join, I'm not in a hurry so let's just spend it."

After saying that Carlos stopped talking, quietly tasting his cigar, allowing Mogensen and the other members of the negotiation to take turns persuading, arguing and even threatening just not to let up and open their mouths for various reasons and from various angles.

Of course, just because Carlos doesn't open his mouth doesn't mean that his crew doesn't open their mouths, except that in terms of talking, the people combined aren't the five across the street who specialize in talking, which again can't be used by force.

In the end, Carlos's side did not open their mouths, every dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, negotiation negotiation, talk not even talk, how to carry on?

Mogensen and others see the situation is helpless, let your tongue, the ceiling, the other side is not open, negotiations and singing a monologue can be the most meaningless, and is not signed an unequal treaty, let your side says

"Thirty billion berries, this is the bottom line of the negotiation given to us by the world government, the heavenly gold must not be less than thirty billion berries, otherwise the two sides really don't need to talk, just break up the whole thing!" Morgenthau gritted his teeth and made an appearance as if his cards were out and his bottom line could not be trampled.

"Thirty billion berries," Carlos pretended to think for a moment, gritting his teeth and bitterly resentful, "Fine, just thirty billion berries, just to give you all and the world government an extra five billion berries to save face."

Thirty billion bailey, although it was a bit more than what Carlos had expected, but it wasn't too outrageous, this amount of money was still within the range of the Black Alliance's normal development after it was drawn down and didn't affect the influence.

Negotiation was supposed to be a mutual compromise, either you compromise or I compromise, it was normal.

Since ancient times, the issue of money is often the most difficult topic to negotiate, and now at least it is negotiated, for the world government 30 billion berries compared to what it paid, or a big profit!

"In that case, the negotiations continue, so please Mr. Carlos and the gentlemen continue to read the contract down."

Morgenthau gave a look and the pieces were handed out again, Carlos and the others took the pieces and read them again.

When Carlos saw that the world government had granted the God's Eye Bandits a license to plunder, his eyebrows quirked as he saw that this thing seemed to be a privilege possessed by the Seven Seas under the King, right?

There was something not quite right about granting the God's Eye Bandits a license to legally plunder, though this one franchise of his was big enough and not weak, right?

Something tells Carlos that there is a world government conspiracy going on, what is it?

What about him is worthy of a world government other than a mafia alliance in the West Coast?

It seems like it's just this body strength as well as the God's Eye Bandits.

Carlos didn't know if the future King Shichibukai had such a thing as a legal plunder permit, but such a power King Shichibukai did have.

In that case, was the world government trying to use him to take pressure off the navy and give the pirates a pirates-for-pirates rule?

There were other possibilities, but Carlos felt that this one was the most likely, maybe there was already an idea within the navy or the world government to use pirates to make pirates, he might be a test case!

Although the power of the God's Eye Bandits couldn't be king in the New World, in the first half of the Great Voyage, the Four Seas was definitely an overlord!

If some method, such as legal plundering of licenses, or several other methods, were used to draw some of the pirates' attention to the God's Eye Bandits, it would definitely be a relief to the Navy, and the Navy would be able to draw more forces to where they more deserved to go!

Carlos felt that the world government, the navy is probably a similar idea, the bogeyman is already there.

Although he felt that he knew about the conspiracy of the world government and the navy, but Carlos did not have the intention to refuse.

In order to join the country to join the world government would have attracted the hatred of the pirates, hatred a little bit bigger does not matter, most of the pirates in the first half of the great voyage he really does not look at, how many are sent to the food!

He wasn't currently planning to rush into the New World, plans changed with the times, originally he was planning to enter the New World and mobilize the mafia to enter the New World after gaining a foothold, and train his troops in the New World.

But now that he had joined the world government, he felt that he could have changed his plans slightly, and first find an island in the first half of the Great Voyage to use as a staging point to practice with a band of pirates who had ideas about the God's Eye Bandits.

With so many powerful cannons on the hull of the Stygian Moon, it was about time for that much space to be put to good use.

As for when he would enter the world, Carlos felt that it would have to wait for a while, the change in his identity made it harder for him to get a foothold in the new world, and he would need to be stronger to do so!

At least all the major warriors under his command would have to master the two-colored tyranny, and all six of the Paine Six Paths would have to be manufactured to have a better chance of establishing themselves in the New World!

After reading this article, Carlos was to continue reading, and after turning a few more pages, Carlos saw what he considered to be the more important article, about the world government, the navy's convening authority over the God's Eye Bandits.

This article makes Carlos dissatisfied, according to the words in the piece, then he God's eye bandits to put it bluntly become the world government, the navy's dog, waved at once, and then go; to put it bluntly is also a thugs, thugs how high can the status?


Carlos frowned after reading this article, without even thinking about it, and then directly threw the pieces on the table, the crew saw the situation does not care whether they saw the article or not, have to follow the support, a randomly threw the pieces on the table, popping sound after sound.

The world government negotiating team saw a corner of the mouth or a frown, they understand there is a moth, bullshit is inevitable.

Chapter 239 - Princess Peach Rabbit?

"Regarding the World Government, the Navy's question about the calling of the God's Eye Bandits is very unreasonable and must be changed!"

"I led the Black League into the world government as a member state, a collaborator, not an underling of the world government, a lackey, so how can you be allowed to call in and wave it away?"

"Are you kidding?"

"Who does he Five Old Stars think I am?"

Carlos said that some could not hold back the fire, bang slap on the table, the terrifying power in the deliberate manipulation of pouring on the table, the whole solid wood table instantly inch shattered, into a piece of debris directly scattered, fell on the ground, pieces, tea what fell on the ground.

Carlos' sudden outburst startled the crowd, and the two sides stood up to confront each other, and the atmosphere grew heavy

Hundreds of billions of heavenly gold Carlos wasn't even this angry, even if negotiations could be bargained for, the five old stars dared to put such a treaty on it, this was an insult to him Carlos, who was this looking down on?

Carlos was oblivious to the tense atmosphere, lit a cigarette with an expressionless face, his eyelids lifted, his eyes transformed into reincarnation eyes emitting inexplicable power, staring at Morgenson without speaking.

Being stared at by Carlos's reincarnated eyes, even if Carlos hadn't used any tactics, Morgenson, a person who belonged to the official's avatar, was under great pressure!

"Don't be angry Mr. Carlos, the treaty is written, but it's simply impossible to implement it without a deal, so if you're not satisfied, you can discuss it slowly." Mogensen forced a smile.

"There is nothing to negotiate, not even weakening a treaty like this."

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