I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 216.

"As I have said before, I will return to the West Sea as soon as possible, how soon this will take depends on the efficiency of the World Government."

"The sincerity I give is that although I will not return to the West Sea immediately, I can now call back and have my men immediately begin preparations for the formation of the United States of Night."

"When I get the stuff and return to the West Sea, I can form the United States of Night as quickly as possible so that I can formally cooperate with the world government as soon as possible."

"You are in charge of convincing the top to let me get the things as soon as possible, and the responsibility can also be placed on me."


Morgenson felt a pain in his skull, giving him as many problems as he could, but he couldn't ignore the other guy's attitude, so it was really

"Okay, I'll immediately communicate above and try to convince, but if I can't, don't blame me."

"Don't worry, how can I blame you, you give me the phone bug directly, I'll say."


Wordlessly, Morgenson got up and went to an empty room, took out his telephone bug, informed Five Old Stars, told Carlos what he thought, and by the way persuaded Five Old Stars to say yes.

I don't know if Carlos was too strong, a scoundrel, or if Morgenson was too eloquent, or both, but in the end, Morgenson actually convinced Five Old Stars.

Upon learning the news, Carlos was so happy that he snapped his fingers, and O'Neill lifted a black leather case to get it in front of the two, then opened it, and the flowery Berry was simply dazzling!

"Mr. Morgenson, there are thirty million berries in this case, thank you for helping me achieve my goal, a small thank you, not a token of respect."

"This" Morgenson's heart happy, and a little blame Carlos inconsiderate, if you had taken it out earlier, I wouldn't have disliked you so much trouble.

You don't pay before you do something, you force it to be done and only pay after it's done, what kind of operation are you doing?

After a short hesitation, Morgenson took it, thirty million berries was a lot of money for the position he was in.

"Thank you, Mr. Carlos, my business is done, you see."

"Don't worry, I'm good with my word."

After saying that Carlos took out the phone bug designed to contact the West Coast side in front of Morganson and dialed Noah's phone.

The purr, purr, purr phone bug sounded for quite a long time before it would connect.

"Godfather, I'm sorry, I was just in a meeting." Noah's respectful expression surfaced on the phone worm, being incredibly respectful.

As Carlos's reputation grew on the seas, so did his prestige in the Black Alliance of the Western Sea, and a bounty of 500 million berries, that was definitely rare in the first half of the Great Voyage.

"No harm done, Noah I have a matter of considerable importance to account for you."

"Please instruct the godfather, Noah will do his best to accomplish it!"

"Well, I have reached an agreement with the world government to add the Black Alliance to the world government in the form of a franchise."

Noah, who was already in a high position in the Black League and had long since become a different person, was shocked at the news, but the mood that had grown a lot over the years made him calm down in the strong line and continued to listen to Carlos' words.

"Therefore, the Black Alliance is going to reorganize into a state form, I've already thought of a name and a system, it will be called the United States of Night!"

"You will inform the other top brass for me later, so that they can prepare what they need to establish a nation, and all the heads of clans large and small will converge on the Dao Underworld Moon to formally establish a nation when I return."

"You also need to convey to them that although the Black Alliance has turned into a national system, it will not make a big move, only a small one, and I will ensure everyone's interests."

"If there are any who take this opportunity to jump fiercely, just kill them for me, I want to see everyone support the establishment of the country when I return, can you do it?"

"It can be done, please rest assured that within the Black Alliance, our Lucifer family holds a huge advantage, and when the godfather returns he will surely see a situation where all support the establishment of the country!"

"It's a good thing, Godfather, the chance to go from black to white is not easy, and those who have fallen completely into darkness and meditation are a minority after all." Noah bent over in his suit and collar in his luxurious office on Stygian Moon Island, cutting him off.

"Hahaha good, grow up."

"When I come back, call up my old buddies from the past and have a good time, separated for quite a long time."

"That's a good feeling, I, Noah, on behalf of myself and my former old brothers, await your return, Godfather!"

"Well, that's the way it is, so go get ready."

"Yes, Godfather!"

Carlos hung up the phone, words and mannerisms showed his extreme control over the Black Alliance, this is a world where you are strong enough, you don't have to worry about your men betraying you.

The most important thing to do is to make sure that you're not going to be able to do anything about it.

"Mr. Morgenson took care of it."

"By the way, Mr. Morgenson I'd like to go to the naval headquarters and wait for the sea floor stone I requested to be delivered as soon as possible, take a tour of the naval headquarters, and then take the naval ship to Propulsion City afterwards, no problem?"

Sea floor stone is an important subject of research by the Naval Scientific Forces Research Institute, where the world's top sea floor stone processing facilities are located!

Nani? You're a pirate who wants to visit naval headquarters? Aren't you afraid of getting killed?

While you can say preliminary whitewash now, if you do get killed by the Navy, the agreement will be a paper wipe.

"Has Mr. Carlos thought this through?"

"Of course, the naval headquarters is full of experts, but in terms of staying alive, I Carlos hasn't been afraid of anyone, not even Kaido of the New World!"

Chapter 243 - Making a Mess of the Warship

Are you that confident? Where the hell do you get your confidence from, anyway? How dare you compete with that madman, that monster of New World Kato's, to stay alive?

As an official in a decent position in the world government, Morgenson knew something about Kaido, the new world's biggest name, the superstar who was qualified to challenge the old legendary pirates!

Kaido had been captured three times by the New World's naval elite, but no matter what, he couldn't do it and couldn't shut it down, and the other side obviously had the Devil Fruit ability, but the sea floor stones were useless, and it really hurt the navy!

Not only that Kaido in the new world I do not know once challenged White Beard, Golden Lion, was White Beard the world's strongest man's shock fruit beaten miserably, but also by the Golden Lion this current world's first sword, floating fruit ability to cut off bruises, but just can not dry out, the ability to save life that is really a monster in the monster!

Kaido isn't saving his life anymore, he's begging for someone to kill him, but they can't do it, so where do you get the confidence to compete with him?

I really can't bear to tear you down, and just as well, whether you go to the naval headquarters safe and sound or if something goes wrong, I'm getting the credit anyway, so be it.

"Since Mr. Carlos is so confident, it's no problem, I'll communicate with the Air Marshal of the Navy, I'm sure there won't be any problems."

"Thank you Mr. Morgenson then, but it would be best if Mr. Five Old Stars were to order it."


Why are you such an asshole? Can't I just say what I want to say and ask for permission?

You have to squeeze them out one by one like toothpaste. It's embarrassing!

"Ahem Mr. Carlos, is there anything else you'd like to tell me all together?"

"I'll report it to the top at once," Morgenson endured his displeasure, no way, can't be angry, angry also can't buy the other side, may be he will have to suffer.

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