I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 219.

Suffocation space!

The Tea Dolphin pulled his hands to the sides, a strange force acting on the area where Carlos was, Carlos could clearly perceive that the Qi around him was dissipating at a rapid rate, quickly turning into a vacuum!

Powerful demonic fruit, supposedly of the superhuman line, controlling the air or something.

Carlos's mind was spinning, but he didn't dare to slow down, if the surroundings turned into a vacuum, he wouldn't be able to step on air to float, that wasn't the most important thing, the most important thing was not being able to breathe, he held his breath long enough, but he didn't want to get hit.

Forcing himself in battle was something he valued greatly!

While the air hadn't completely overflowed, Carlos moved, leaving the area he was in, and this time the furious Peach Hare attacked, the two of them worked well together, a grand and sharp peach-colored sword qi cutting at Carlos, the timing was good, than Carlos forced it back again.

The sword qi cut out by the peach rabbit was similar to Doris's cherry-colored sword qi, but it was much more powerful.

"What a nice strength!" Carlos exclaimed, he wasn't joking, even though it was only a short encounter, the two were currently working together very close to the general's strength, enough to last a long time in the general's hands.

"Hahaha since I'm not allowed to go out, you two can come in together!"

Carlos laughed loftily, his eyes somehow turning into reincarnation eyes, his hands pointed at Peach Bunny and Tea Dolphin, his ability activated.

Wanxiang Heavenly Invocation!

Two palms of light black energy emerged, the air around the palm of the hand distorted, because the air is scarce, it looks like the space is distorted in general, two strong gravitational force instantly acted on the two, this mid-air and not good to stabilize the body, the two unresisted fly to Carlos.

Pupil power surge, the sleeve in the slowly extended two black sharp iron rod, this iron rod in Naruto time is spaced to pass chakra, but in this world because of the demonic fruit ability, is the transmission of physical strength and will.

Not good!

The two of them secretly called out that the other party was really difficult, but this situation wasn't so bad that it would make them panic.

Although their whole bodies were controlled by gravity, it was not easy to adjust their movements and could not move, but the two also had their own ways to deal with the situation, which was why they were experienced in fighting and had a big heart, if they panicked in the face of this situation there was only one way to die!

A strong Lieutenant General like Peach Hare, although he was a new Lieutenant General, not as strong as those veteran Body Arts Lieutenant Generals, he was also very strong in the manipulation of his body.

Just closing his eyes, Peach Hare mobilized his whole body's strength and dominance, and although he couldn't break free from Carlos' powerful gravitational force, it was enough to break free from a hand.

Peach Hare opened his eyes and shifted his right hand, which had briefly broken free of control, and stabbed forward, the tip of the sword black as ink, hard and sharp, and according to the length, it must have been Carlos who was hit first.

The Tea Dolphin's Demon Fruit was strong, dealing with this method was even simpler, only to see the Tea Dolphin take a deep breath, physical exertion, the Demon Fruit ability activated, a breath of air spewed out, air currents surged, dozens of feet long transparent wind blades flew towards Carlos, because of the gravitational force of the speed is swift.

Carlos smiled with his eyebrows, and with his familiarity with the reincarnated eye, it was no longer possible to break his moves this way.

Carlos threw his hands out, undoing the gravity, and the two figures crashed into each other left and right.

Seal Art Suction!

Then Carlos' left hand, a layer of white film that emitted a faint fluorescence surfaced, all the wind blades touching the white film instantly crumbled into pure energy that was absorbed by Carlos, and the consumed physical strength was replenished by a trace.

This was the Hungry Ghost Dao's ability, it could only absorb the energy attacks from the Devil Fruit, domineering energy could not be absorbed, sword energy could not be absorbed, and the absorbed energy could be turned into stamina, but the conversion ratio was very low.


The two bodies of Peach Bunny and Tea Dolphin collided sideways, but there was nothing charming, there was only pain, and colliding at high speed and with blood and anger can be unpleasant.

The air around Carlos was gradually returning to its original state as Tea Dolphin's move was interrupted and broken.

"Hahaha not bad, come on again, make me happy again, to pass the boring time!" Carlos laughed, closing his eyes and opening them, the reincarnation vanished and the scarlet triangle of the Great Windmill Kaleidoscope emerged.


"Gion is careful, the other party's eyes have changed again, and although it's different from the information, the effect should be similar." Tea Dolphin's dirty face was full of gravity.

Peach Hare nodded, in the middle of the battle, there was no count on Tea Dolphin's name calling, usually Peach Hare would never give a good face.

It was normal for the two to think that Carlos's Reincarnation Eye wasn't as strong as the Kaleidoscope Writer's Eye, because Carlos hadn't shown the true power of the Reincarnation Eye, so there was a misunderstanding and a reversal of perception.

The power of the reincarnation eye is fully reflected in the fire shadow, the reincarnation eye in the hands of the long door to play the power is very ordinary, because he is not the original master, in the hands of the original master Uchiha, a look past the nine tailed beasts easily dry down, easily suppress the nine tailed beasts!

This kind of strong world, in fact, no matter what world, it is necessary to keep the cards, this kind of world is even more necessary, never let anyone figure out the strength, the reincarnation of the eyes hidden power is the hidden card of Carlos!

Chapter 246 - Moon Reading World Day Trip

"Aren't you coming? Then I'll do it!"

Carlos found that after Tea Dolphin cursed, he whispered with Peach Hare, and his body moved, taking the initiative to attack, his feet on the void, his figure flickering like an instantaneous movement, his attack target switching at all times.

Peach Hare and Tea Dolphin did their best to push the Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny, scouting out Carlos's movements and preparing for Carlos's sudden attack.

Suddenly, Carlos rushed straight towards Peach Hare, who was very confident and brave, and did not run away from the situation, but moved to meet him.

The Tea Dolphin saw that Carlos was aiming at the Peach Hare and rushed up to help, if it was a close fight, he would not be able to use his own ability unscrupulously to avoid injuring the Peach Hare, so he planned to rush up to support it.

However, he did not expect that Carlos was a diversionary tactic. His extreme control over his own flesh made him able to freely toss and turn and change direction at extreme speed.

The momentum of the forward dash stopped immediately, and turned back, because Carlos's speed was faster than the rabbit, the two of them also have a distance, the rabbit did not catch up for a while, can only temporarily follow behind the ass.

Tea Dolphin was shocked by the sudden change, but after years of fighting experience, Tea Dolphin didn't panic and waved his hands at the incoming Carlos.

Tea Dolphin didn't want Carlos to get close to him in a one-on-one situation, his physical skills, domination, although not bad, but compared to the same level of power, let alone stronger than him.

Skyhawk Claws!

Carlos's five fingers became claws, blood-red dominance surging over his palms, staining a pair of claws bright red, and a stern, resonant eagle cry resounded through the sky!

Carlos incomparably domineering and ferocious snapped his claws into the two tornadoes, terrifying and fierce power instantly erupted from between his five fingers, physical strength, and domineering concentration, tearing the two tornadoes apart.


Tea Dolphin looked at Carlos who was charging at him again and couldn't help but gulp, too brutal, to just break the tornado created by his Devil Fruit ability?

Monthly readings!

With a smile on his face, Carlos' pair of triangular windmill kaleidoscope writing eyes met the eyes of the teal dolphin, and the powerful pupils hidden in his eyes instantly erupted.

Susa Noh!

After the moon reading the red energy surged into bones, flesh, tendons, skin, and instantly turned into the first form of Sousa Noh, a grand and sharp peach-colored sword in the back fiercely beheaded on Sousa Noh, the overbearing and domineering edge layer by layer tearing the skin, tendons, flesh and blood, and finally beheaded on top of the bones, directly cutting the bones in half, almost completely breaking the defense.

After blocking Peach Hare's ferocious strike in the back, Carlos shifted his energy into the moon reading space, the blood red sky, the blood red moon, the black with red earth, full of death, blood, killing!

On the top of a dark, inky mountain, a small figure was hidden on a cross, somewhat confused and looking around while trying to struggle with his body.

"What the fuck is this place, asshole?" Tea Dolphin cursed, feeling a little panicked, this place doesn't look good by any means

"Oops Gakkai, sorry for being late, it took a little extra effort to deal with the Gion attack outside."

"Welcome to a trip to the world of moon reading, everything in this world, including time and space, is at my disposal!"

Carlos' voice reverberated through the world, echoing, and on top of the mountain, next to the cross, a dozen black ravens with blood-red eyes popped out, the ravens colliding together and eventually transforming into Carlos' form.

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