I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 234.

Of course the most crucial thing is that everyone's interests are guaranteed and not damaged, although it costs heavenly gold, but after leaving the Western Sea, it's quite good to have a backer, the territory expanded, we can share the benefits more.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, then we will discuss the specific matters of the establishment of the United States of Darkness."

Carlos made a conclusion at once, there was no way around it, when Carlos was here the Black Alliance was his one voice, the council was an executive body and had no power to decide.

This was the bottom line that strength and power brought to Carlos, everyone just needed to listen and execute what I said.

In fact, Carlos could have established a highly centralized autocratic state, but Carlos did not do so, now is not the time, where the state is established or not to push so tightly, and he also does not have so much time to manage, simply adopt the form of the United States of America, with one family or several families as a side lords.

He could always centralize power later on when he needed to, as long as he continued to have an overwhelming advantage of power!

Chapter 263 - Five of the Six Paths of Payne

There were many troublesome things involved in the establishment of a country, and although Carlos had done his best to simplify the various rules and regulations of the United States of Darkness, there were some things that could not be missed.

A country, even if it was a United States of America with a loose organizational structure, was involved in every aspect, it was still an internal aspect, and there were many things to deal with outside as well.

One meeting was simply too much to discuss, and the few days back Carlos was personally dealing with all sorts of things, and the small meetings of the General Assembly were constant.

After all, it is his own country, only the name and the instrument can not be false hands, many things need to be decided by him personally.

So Carlos was very busy, very busy, the first few days, Carlos was so busy, there were so many things that needed to be dealt with, only after half a month did he get better.

Carlos, the boss was busy, the others were even more need to say, the boss moved his mouth, his subordinates ran off their legs, the crew of the God's Eyes Pirate Group were also grabbed strong by Carlos to handle various matters for him.

After half a month's processing, all kinds of things were finally handled in an orderly manner, such as the construction of the royal palace, the selection of the army, the discussion of the system of officials, the appointment and dismissal of officials, the difference in the treatment of different levels of officials and other aspects, and even the expansion of the power.

Why was there an expansion of forces? Because it was a perfect opportunity to expand their power without causing the scruples of the world government, the navy.

But Carlos also let the Black League did not do that much, no Black League's sphere of influence absolutely do not touch.

Large and small mafia families all over the West Sea waters, some strong exclusive possession of an island, like the former five mafia families, occupying at least a dozen islands, some weak strength is not that good.

Carlos this time let the Black League do is to let the forces under the Black League to share the island with others all exclusive, both to expand the future power of the United States of Black Night, but also to give the people below some benefits.

Carlos this hands-on in the West Sea set off a storm of foul weather, due to a prior greeting, there is no crazy expansion, just to suppress the forces sharing the island with the Mafia, things are still under control, the world government and the Navy also opened one eye and closed one eye.

With things smoothed out, things were left to the people below, and Carlos just had to be the general gatekeeper, much easier to finally find the time to continue making Paine Six Paths.

With the Hell Road Payne already made and already having some experience, Carlos started making the Earth Road Payne.

This Human Dao Payne because of the cultivation of the special flexible body technique, Carlos also used the power of reincarnation to preserve it, even if it had died for more than half a month, there was not much difference between it and just dying, the whole body was soft as bones but had an abnormal toughness, like rubber, and like a python, the power contained in the body was very special!

Humanity is also not part of the main battle Paine in the Six Paths of Paine, and plays more of a supporting role, he is able to read memories with ease, much more so than Kaleidoscope Writer's Eye, and extract souls.

If you look closely, you can actually find traces of the various abilities from Kaleidoscope Writer's Eye.

Extracting souls was a great weapon, and if the soul was taken away, it was just a body left, completely finished.

Carlos chose this slippery material to amplify this soul extracting ability, once it got on it was like a maggot attached to the bone, it couldn't be shaken off, once the human hand touched the skull, it was all over!

With the production of the Human Path Payne completed, the next target was the Hungry Ghost Path Payne, the more important the main battle Payne, the more important the Payne was placed on the back.

The Hungry Ghost Way Payne is obviously important, representing their shield in the six Way Payne, along with the Barrier Fruit, the two abilities stacked on top of each other, the defensive abilities can be perfect, both energy and physical defense!

For the Hungry Ghost Way Payne materials, Carlos handled them with more care and attention, taking more time to make, the time of the Hell Way Payne and the Earth Way Payne combined.

Once the Hungry Ghost Road Payne was made, three of the six Road Paynes were completed, leaving three of the six Road Paynes as the main battle Paynes, one more important than the other.

The fourth Paine to be made is the Bastard Way Paine, this one can psychic out special psychic beasts that have been processed by the Reincarnation Eye, and can even multiply psychics and strengthen them, making them even more powerful and difficult!

This Payne is the most suitable Payne for support everywhere, psychic out psychic beasts can run to various battlefields, can be an important strategic force, the remaining two Payne no matter how strong they are, they can only stay in one battlefield.

Besides, with the Animal Dao Penn is not so concerned about the strength of the troops, the psychic beasts are powerful in battle, and there's no need to fear sacrifice, no need to care about food, it's simply the perfect battle weapon!

And the material of the Animal Dao is the dead Bundy Wald, with the increase of the Momo fruit, speed, and size become bigger, the Animal Dao will not even be inferior to the Shura Dao and Heavenly Dao.

Known as the world destroyer of Vald's peak strength is not inferior to the general, although the strength of these years was held in the propulsion city has decreased, but barely still has the strength of the general.

Carlos had been perfected when he made it, but its own strength had still fallen below the general, but with the ability of Bastard Road, after summoning various enhanced psychic beasts, it still had the strength to wrestle with the general.

Carlos was open to such an outcome, having done his best to produce it after all.

Although the Bastard Dao Payne itself fell below the general, the overall strength also gave Carlos great expectations for the Shura Dao Payne and the Heavenly Dao Payne.

The material used to make Shura Dao Payne was Douglas Barrett, a man who at his peak was definitely quite a bit stronger than Valder, a true top-notch powerhouse!

Although strength also fell in Propulsion City, the fall in Propulsion City was not as great due to the fact that Barrett was an all-round top powerhouse, whether it was dominance, physical skills, or demonic fruit all had the qualifications to compete for the world's top powerhouse.

So when Carlos labored, Barret's body was too strong, even if he died, and inserting an iron rod was quite a waste of effort, but the results were pleasing.

Shurudo Payne produced it, and Carlos had absolute confidence that it reached the strength of a general, and not a weak one at that!

There's no way around it, the Pirate King world doesn't have clear power levels, but the ranks in the Navy are a good reference point!

Barrett's own physical skills, dominance, and demonic fruit abilities coupled with the Shura-do, Carlos had reason to believe that this Shura-do Payne was definitely the strongest Shura-do!

The most terrifying and purely murderous weapon, much more terrifying than the Navy's future pacifist!

Pacifists belong to rations before this Shudo Payne, to experiments that have been fused, transformed, and released in the form of Shudo powers by the Fruit of the Merge!

Shudo Payne hadn't done very well in the world of fire, but Carlos was absolutely convinced that this Shudo Payne could definitely shine and shock the four corners of the world!

Six Paens, five Paens have been made, and Carlos is about to take a break from making the core of the six Paens, Heavenly Paens, when Noah comes to inform the nation of the establishment of various affairs, and all is ready!

It had taken a month to prepare, not counting the time that hadn't come back and was ready Carlos had to put off the production of Heavenly Way Payne for a while.

It would take a few days to produce the Heavenly Dao Payne, and the world government was afraid that it couldn't wait any longer, it had been so long.

I guess the opinion is already not small, these days the urging phone calls did not come less, simply deal with this matter before saying again

Chapter 264 - Big News (Previous)

Time passed as usual, and the day came on January 1, 1502 in the Sea Circle calendar, and Stygian Moon Island was bustling with activity today, with newspaper reporters from the Western Sea and even the great voyages converging on Stygian Moon Island.

What's more, the Mafia Family Alliance has a major announcement to make, and specially invited the major newspapers to witness it.

There's no need to say that the newspapers in the West Sea will not give face to this uncrowned power of the West Sea, and the people sent out to lead the team are the top brass of the newspapers.

The great voyage's some newspapers do not need to give face to the West Sea Mafia, anyway, the West Sea Mafia can not control them, but these newspapers received a hint from the world government, do not come or have to come.

Today is a big day, the entire Underworld Moon Island, including the surrounding waters, are patrolled by ships of the Black Alliance, and the Black Alliance has already given a greeting to the entire West Sea forces, black and white, beforehand.

Anyone who dares to make things difficult for the journalists and friends who come to Plutonian Island is trying to become a sworn enemy of the West Sea Mafia and will receive the most brutal retaliation!

Because of a greeting, the newspaper reporters do not have any oil to fish, the lawless West Sea pirates are also not interested in shot, except for some unlucky to encounter an accidental incident of the newspaper, the others have arrived smoothly.

The Plutonian Moon all the way with a black suit, the body was long gun sentries, from the pier to the palace where the press conference was held, every three meters there are people standing guard, both sides of the road, a man tall and strong, indifferent face, showing what is the real ruler of the West Sea's boldness!

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