I'm a pirate

I'm the Big Boss of Pirates Chapter 237.

This is ranked by overall strength, but the Tao of Earth, the Tao of Hungry Ghosts, and the Tao of Hell naturally have their wonderful uses, and the Six Dao Payne is the strongest state when all exist in one!

It is noteworthy that after these people were made into six Paine, those who had Hegemonic Hegemony among them completely dissipated.

It's no wonder, although they live with another kind of driving, they have lost themselves, and what's the point of talking about the spirit and overbearing dominance, so naturally they dissipated.

But it was no big deal, dissipating was dissipating, and overbearing dominance would not be used again for them who had no emotions, fear was impossible to be afraid of, the feelings were gone.

"Open your eyes, wake up!" Carlos snapped coldly, eyes closing and opening, a pair of purple, wavy eyes emerging, the same reincarnated eyes, pupils surging and infusing them along with the connection buried in them.

Six pairs of eyes opened at the same time, identical to Carlos's, but dead, emotionless, unblinking, spiritless, angry.

Carlos picked up the rattling fruit placed beside him and tossed it to Tendo Payne, commanding, "Eat it!"

Tendo Payne took it, and without any hesitation held the ringing fruit and nibbled on it, oblivious to the indescribable taste of the demonic fruit, and they had no sense of taste, they ate everything the same.

"Try the ability." Carlos looked expectant.


The cold, ruthless voice sounded, and the azure arcs of electricity swam all over Heavenly Dao Payne's body, gradually enveloping his body in thunder, cold and ruthless, indifferent to all living beings, his eyes as if he was the Nine Heavens Thunder God high above!


The piercing sound of electricity breaking through the air sounded, and Heavenly Dao Payne, using the battle instincts in front of him to employ elementalization, transformed into an azure-colored current that instantly traversed the entire Divine Might space and came to the edge, then returned to the spot in the blink of an eye.

The speed was astonishingly fast, even with Carlos' current speed, and with this speed alone, one could see how powerful the resounding thunder fruit was, and those whose perceptions weren't strong enough didn't even have time to react.

The Six Pern had always been manipulated by the Outsiders, or Ones, who no longer had enough spiritual intelligence of their own, retaining only their combat instincts and basic knowledge of affairs.

In other words, in order to use the full combat power of the Six Paen, it would have to be manipulated by Carlos himself, and in fact Nagato in Naruto's world is also manipulated personally.

The loud thunder fruit is said to be handed over to Tendo Payne to use and develop, but actually it is Carlos who is using and developing it, which is considered a kind of tricky way.

Counting Carlos more than Blackbeard's cowhide, two devil fruits is nothing, counting the original devil fruit, Carlos can use six devil fruit abilities!

In addition to the abilities of the ontological body, there's the fruit of separation, the fruit of barrier, the fruit of conjunction, the fruit of Momo, the fruit of resounding thunder!

He's a six-fruit powerhouse, Carlos!

Chapter 267 - Silent Preparation

Except for the Ranging Thunder Fruit that needed to be developed and utilized, the rest of the fruits didn't need to be, and the Ranging Thunder Fruit Carlos wouldn't always seriously develop it, only requiring that it play out to the level of Aneeru.

Carlos didn't have the energy for further development, after all, he hadn't even developed his own Devil Fruit to its limit yet.

The ringing thunder fruit may not stay with Tendo Payne, but if Bergapunk is interested and willing to help him, the ringing thunder fruit belongs to him!

This demon is a world where only Vegapunk can exert real power, and Carlos as a time traveler has to be willing to do the same!

Tendo Payne would lose quite a bit of strength without the Ringing Fruit, but Carlos believed that the wisdom of Bejar Punk could compensate and even increase it!

"Put these masks on." Carlos picked up six more masks from the side and flung them on, and with a subtle manipulation of power, they flew towards the matching Payne.

"Yes." The six Paynes spoke indifferently, one hand outstretched each, before placing the masks in their hands on their faces.

The faces of the six Paine's were covered, leaving only six pairs of indifferent reincarnation eyes, also wearing a black background and red cloud clothing, with the temperament of their respective masks more sudden, mysterious, not easy to mess with at a glance!

The mask of Heavenly Dao Payne is in blue, white and blue, symbolizing the blue sky and white clouds, and the blue color is a pair of thunder eyes; the mask of Shura Dao Payne depicts a picture of the battle of Shura in the Sea of Blood; the mask of Animal Dao Payne depicts a picture of several representative beasts of prey fighting.

On the mask of Penn of the Way of Humanity, there are villains doing evil and good deeds, each occupying the left and right side; on the mask of Penn of the Way of Hungry Ghosts, there are all kinds of evil spirits fighting and devouring in hell; on the mask of Penn of the Way of Hell, there are the blurred faces of the Ten Hades!

These were all designed by Carlos himself, and by and large Carlos was satisfied with them.

After that, Carlos spent some time infusing the Six Paine with enough pupil power so that they could maintain their basic activities for a long time.

After everything was done, Carlos left the Divine Might Space and returned to the palace where he lived.

This time back Carlos wasn't in too much of a hurry to leave, so it wouldn't be too late to rest for a few days until everything was ready.

As for the strength that had become greedy for the God's Eye Bandits, let them wait slowly, and when he got bored, he would go play with them again.

Carlos didn't believe they dared to come to the Western Sea yet.

Once he's done with Payne, there's nothing he needs to do personally, so enjoy the ride.

How to enjoy it?

Well drink a flower bar.

What's the deal with him Carlos is now His Majesty, it's not too much to ask for some girls in the territory to drink with him and then do what he loves to do, right?

Maybe they even feel honored.

With an idea in mind, Carlos gave the order, and this small matter could be taken care of by any random official.

It wouldn't be appropriate for someone of Carlos' status to play with the girls in those special positions, so it had to be a good woman, or at least not a bad one.

With Carlos' strength, status, and position, the official in charge of the office just put out a little rumor to go, and there were many people who wanted to suck up to Carlos and send beautiful women to send their daughters.

So soon Carlos was wrapped in warm jade and warm fragrance, all types of women, innocent, flirtatious, well-informed, small family, flirtatious, valiant, strong female type, no matter what type, but any woman sent to him must be unpersoned, otherwise it was to hit Carlos in the face, to suffer greatly!

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what is going on in the world.

Carlos for several days in a row to indulge in the tender land, all types of women tasted one and all, fortunately the body is strong, the bottom is thick, otherwise the loss of these days are likely to empty the body, and thus affect the life expectancy.

The color is scraping the bone steel blade, the ancients sincerely do not deceive me ah But a proper scraping can still be, can not be scraped through, scraped to the marrow.

When Noah reported to him that everything is ready, Carlos just rely on great willpower, restrained himself from indulging in the gentle countryside.

From the lipo team, the gentleness rose and went under Noah's guidance to see the results selected after nearly ten days' time

There was no need to look at the logistical and medical personnel, if they were ever needed to fight on the Stygian Moon, then the Stygian Moon, the God's Eye Bandits were already in jeopardy, not more of them would be enough to save the day.

A few minutes later, Carlos followed behind Noah and some officials, acting as an honor guard to a remote palace, below the palace was a wide training ground, a thousand mafia members wearing thin black suits with the logo of the United States of Night pasted on them, sweating, standing in the sun, motionless and straight.

Carlos was quite satisfied with what he saw, although he didn't know the exact strength of these people, but it wasn't a rabble by the looks of it.

"Noah, what is the strength of these people?"

Carlos took out a white cigarette, a faint opening, beside Noah was busy taking out a lighter to light Carlos, that respect dog's legs look, which has half a day the United States of Darkness big brother look.

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have a clear idea of what you want to do.

"Godfather, no, your majesty, these thousand people are selected from the armed elite of the entire country."

"Of these, mainly our men make up forty percent, but no matter which side they come from, their strength is undoubtedly the best."

"Perhaps in close combat, the ability to fight on their own is not as good as the group of New World pirates you brought back, Your Majesty, but in terms of the use of firearms, those New World pirates are far from a match."

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