I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 24

After shooting one shot, Carlos left with his sniper rifle in high spirits, looking for a new object and a new place to shoot.

Shooting at stationary objects was out of the question, his shooting ability had yet to be good, and with excellent white eyes and a write-down, he had to be challenged on a high level to progress, to be interesting!

Three days later, at five o'clock in the morning, when the vast majority of people were still asleep, Carlos had secretly arrived at the landmark of Margolin Island, a white tower, nearly a hundred meters high, this tower was hung with a huge clock and also a lighthouse.

While it was still dawn, Carlos touched the top of the tower, a perfect sniping position, the whole city except for a few dead spots, most of the place is exposed to his gun!

The temperature at the top of the tower was so low and the wind so strong that regular people couldn't take it for too long, Carlos hugged his love gun, took out a bottle of milk and a piece of soft cake and began to enjoy his breakfast.

This is the meaning, a little to fill the stomach, but can not eat too much, otherwise digestion, affecting the shooting level.

Half an hour later, Carlos, who was smoking a cigarette at the top of the tower, clearly saw a large number of mafia members out in force, blocking off the streets and taking complete control of the spacious and busy pier of Margolin Island.

Ten shiny limousines were parked at the largest berth, where a number of John family members dressed in suits of various colors were standing on the dock, taking shelter from the cold and wet sea breeze, and in the center was an old man with white hair, holding an auburn cane, with a ruddy complexion, a little handsome and well maintained.

This man was the head of the John family, John Abad, a man of great influence throughout the Western Sea, even the Great Voyage had some power, though not much.

Carlos subconsciously tightened Lynn's own shirt, though it wasn't cold, and kept his eyes on the John family, glancing at the sea now and then.

After another half hour, the red sun emerged from the sea, and from Carlos' position could see a million red lights, glowing, the sea seemed like boiling iron water, a large cruise ship that didn't look very luxurious north leaned against the sunrise and slowly sailed towards the docks.

Carlos's eyebrows jumped, secretly said the rightful owner came, then change shooting position, not moving to aim at the non-stop approaching cruise ship.

A few minutes later, the cruise ship arrived at the berth, a bodyguard wearing a black suit and tie, breath than the mafia members of a lot of fierce, to be precise should be directly under the world government spy agency spy members appear, is not known CP several

I don't know how many CP's it was, but from what Carlos saw with both eyes, it was easy for them to fight ten at a time, and it wouldn't be much of a problem to fight thirty or so, there was a huge difference in strength!

In the blink of an eye, the docks became more tightly guarded, and a member of the spies stepped off the cruise ship, standing guard, scouting, and on guard, orderly and well-trained.

An old man in a gold-trimmed robe with a purple cloak came down from the ship, the old man had some loose skin on his face and a smile on his face, he had a white beard on his upper and lower jaws, the lower one was a foot long, the beard fluttered towards the dock with his back to the sea breeze, everywhere he went, the spy members standing guard all bent down and saluted, the John family was full of smiles

Carlos had a big question mark in his head, didn't he say come low key?

Is that low key?

Carlos shook his head, maybe that was what they understood by understatement

In Carlos's opinion, the row was already big enough, looking at the situation made people think it was a rat pulling a shovel, the big head in the back.

We don't understand the world of the rich, and we don't know anything about money, power and influence.

Carlos had a lot of thoughts in his head at the moment, shrugging off the jumbled thoughts in his head and concentrating on aiming for the best shot!

On the dock, the old man who was a high ranking world government official was about to walk down the ladder of the cruise ship, followed by bodyguards in front and behind him, the old man smiled and looked like an approachable person.

Just at this time, the opportunity appeared, the old man seemed to be very close to Abad, quickened his pace, past the bodyguards and walked alone, the John family, with Abad at the head in a surrounding shape also quickened their pace, almost turning into a trot.

On top of the tower, Carlos's pupils shrank slightly, realizing that this was a perfect opportunity, and without hesitation, he pulled the trigger, a dull gunshot sounded, and the bullet broke through, after pulling the trigger, Carlos didn't even look at the result this time, just picked up the Blood Night and quickly withdrew

Regardless of whether the shot hit or not, Carlos was ready to evacuate immediately, the forces deployed by both sides had exceeded his estimation, the world government spies would surely be able to identify the location of the gunfire in an instant, even if he was located three kilometers away from the docks.

It's a good thing that senior official of the World Government isn't dead, but if he is, both the Mafia and the spy members of the World Government will go crazy and will definitely do whatever it takes to find out who sniped him, and the entire Maglin Island will be under martial law, only allowing people to enter and not leave, and it won't be that easy to leave then!

On the dock, at the moment when Abad and the old man with the outstretched hand of that high ranking world government official were about to shake, a bullet broke through the air, most of the hearts and minds of the people relaxed, and the few who sensed that something was wrong also couldn't make it because of the distance, the bullet just like that went straight through the old man's head and exploded his head!

The old man's body flew out like a rag doll, white and red splattered in all directions, Abad, Abad's sons, the real power elders of John's family, the bodyguards behind the old man were all splattered to a greater or lesser extent.

The old man had a hole in the side of his head and retained his handshake, the smile still remaining on his face, but he had died a violent death in an instant!

It was as if time had frozen at this moment, time had slowed down in the perception of everyone on the dock in general, it wasn't that time had frozen or slowed down, it was that everyone had been confused!

Can't, won't, and don't dare accept that!

Chapter 27 - The Woman in Black

The dumbfounded situation on the dock lasted for several breaths, and finally it was the old man's bodyguards who were the first to react, the old man's personal bodyguards behind the old man looked terrified and panicked and ran over, kneeling or crouching and shouting loudly, but it was clear that his head had been opened so big a scoop, it was impossible to live.

The sharp, piercing whistle sounded instantly, the signal of the telephone bug spread everywhere, and the spies who reacted quickly were at full speed, running or jumping one by one towards the direction from which the not-so-loud gunfire had come, all looking indifferent or serious or angry!

Then the John's reacted, and Abad screamed as if he'd gone mad, as if he'd been shot, and all the John's around him were panicked and terrified.

"Quick, quick, quick!"

"Immediately use all your forces to blockade the entire Maglin Island, no matter who it is, and remember no one is allowed to leave the island no matter what!"

"Send out all forces to investigate, search the entire island, be it the city, be it the wilderness, even if it means digging to find that sniper!" John Abad face red, hideous, bloodshot eyes shouted, this moment what elegant and dignified calm posture is also gone, like a madman shouted.

"Yes, yes, yes" came members are basically the John family lineage, all of them have real power in their hands, a panicked answer, take out a variety of phone bugs, dial a number.

Including the city government officials one by one from the nest was scolded and all pulled up, from white to black, to gray, all kinds of power in just a few minutes all mobilized, the people who received the call almost cover all the industries of Margolin Island.

The naval sub-base stationed in the west of Margolin Island was also agitated, partly because of the bodyguards around the old man, and partly because of the John family, this naval branch was also inextricably linked to the John family.

The navy was assembling, warships preparing to leave port and blockade all of Marglin Island's waters!

Carlos's shot made the entire still-quiet Margolin Island instantly agitated, noisy, and not knowing how many people will suffer an unintended disaster!

This point Carlos didn't care much, the real commoners wouldn't suffer much from untoward disasters, the key was those lurking pirates, killers, bounty men, and even hoodlums in Margolin Island.

In the middle of the forest in the east of Maglin Island, Carlos carried a gun case on his back, speeding through the forest, running, jumping, fast leopard, agile as an ape, running towards the sea.

As Carlos ran, he took out a phone bug and waved a number, which quickly came through.

"How long until Olsen is east of Marglin Island?" Carlos's voice seemed calm, but actually contained a hint of anxiety, but Olsen couldn't hear it.

"Boss, it'll be soon."

"I Kamgan, not soon, soon, give me a specific time, at the very least, a general time!"

The phone bug went slightly silent, then sounded again.

"Boss, we'll be there in ten minutes at the most!"

"Okay, just ten minutes!"

"Ten minutes to get there to give you all credit, but if you don't, you won't get credit and you'll be punished!"

"Yes, yes, boss, we'll be there."

"Drive faster again, motherfuckers, full speed ahead!"


Carlos hung up the phone bug, put it in his arms, and focused on making his way, making it to the ocean two minutes later.

Breathing in a slightly fishy, cool sea breeze, Carlos exhaled a long breath, Kam, kinda exciting!

It was a scramble at times like this, and it was a good thing he had the wisdom to inform Olsen ahead of time, or it might not have been easy to get out of it.

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