I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 248.

Since that was the case, there was no need to fight the other side's strengths, it was only right to win the war early and reduce casualties.

Thus, the thunderbombing began.

The Thunderbolt Fruit was very good at mid-range and long-range battles, and it was also very strong at close range battles with a little development.

The only flaw is the rubber fruit. It can't be considered a flaw, but the Thunder Fruit can also damage the rubber fruit by changing its attack method a bit.


Tendo Payne was bathed in thunder light, with sturdy thunder snakes swimming around, and electric ions converging all around, this sea was much more electric and active than other places due to the large presence of electric eels and the magnetic field, and the ability to use the ringing thunder fruit was much easier and less consuming.

A lightning pillar the thickness of a bucket of water split down from the sky, extremely fast and violent, focusing on taking care of Wolverine, with the other pirates taking proper care of it as well.

Wolverine has qualified to see and hear color hegemony prediction can also be able to dodge or resist in advance, most of the other pirates can not have that ability.

There was no way to dodge, no way to avoid, that is, to dodge to the cabin can also be split open, anyone who was struck by the pillar of lightning one by one turned into coke, directly destroy all life!

Is it cooked? No, it's burnt!

There is a problem, Carlos has been unable to understand, the thunder of the violent power struck the protagonist group, Luffy even, after all, is the rubber fruit ability, struck the rest of the people also feel no big deal!

This made Carlos once doubted the power of the ringing thunder fruit, but today this one pirate was chopped into charcoal, Carlos also really understand what is called the protagonist aura, damage reduction effect is completely small effect.

"Nature-based demonic fruit, or a demonic fruit that controls lightning, it's really hidden deep enough, damn it!" Wolverine's face was gloomy as he cursed.

As soon as the words fell, a thunderbird bathed in azure thunder cut through the void and fell from the heads of Wolverine and the other pirates, the violent and destructive atmosphere made many pirates' scalps go numb and their legs go weak, this image like a heavenly punishment was really desperate!

"Must fight to the death today!"

Wolverine secretly said to himself, his body at the same time soared into the air, the armed color tyranny in his body surged, the black armed color tyranny on the steel claws of his arms was pitch black and shiny, his claws aimed at the falling thunderbird to the left and right, the air tore, six fierce and incomparable claw mane containing the armed color tyranny to meet the thunderbird.

Not to mention that this Wolverine was really two-pronged, the six clawed manes actually tore the thunderbird through the air, incomparably strong!

After a strike built up, Wolverine did not skimp on his physical strength and dominance stepping on the wall of air towards Heavenly Path Payne, fast.

However, no matter how fast it was, Carlos couldn't even compare to the speed of the ringing fruit, to be worse, the ringing fruit and the shining fruit, although not really to the speed of light, but in most eyes is not much compared to the speed of light, anyway, the naked eye is impossible to keep up.

Carlos had experimented, he could not even penetrate the trajectory of Tendo Payne's movement after incarnating lightning with his Kaleidoscope Writing Eye, and only eyes of that level of reincarnation could see a hint of a blurred trajectory.

In response to the ringing thunder fruit, the Seeing and Hearing Color Hegemony was actually better.

Heavenly Dao Payne has no idea of entangling with Wolverine, the figure transformed into a lightning light and easily pulled away, followed by a dense as rain thunder pillar from the sky, splitting down in all directions, perceiving and unable to dodge, because there is no room to dodge!

Tendo Payne had now transformed into a thunder bomber, which should be even more terrifying than a bomber, the bombs may have the power of thunder, but not the speed of thunder.

The head-splitting, stormy thunder bombing made Wolverine exhausted, the steel claws in his hands waved airtight, tearing apart a splitting thunder pillar, his stamina and dominance depleted at an extremely fast rate.

Heavenly Dao Payne kept condensing thunder, making the surrounding sky already began to change, dark clouds gathered, lightning and thunder, silver-white natural thunder transformed into a thunder python swimming in the dark clouds, making people frightened, it was the might of nature!

As a result, the lightning pillars became denser and more powerful, Wolverine's pressure increased and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Chapter 280 - The Power of the Loud Thunder Fruit

Wolverine desperately resisted the continuous and non-stop thunderbolts, growing anxious in his heart, if this continued, he might not be able to hold out for much longer, the rate of consumption of both sides was completely disproportionate.

After arriving at the ship, he immediately asked his subordinates to retreat.

But war wasn't something you could just engage in and retreat when you wanted to, especially with the ability of extreme speed like the Sounding Thunder Fruit, unless you had a strong enough expert to cover it, you could only dream about it.

Wolverine thought that Tendo Payne wouldn't be watching him all the time on the battlefield, after all, there were other enemies, but he didn't know that the Wolf Bandits were the people that Carlos would definitely eliminate, and the conflict behind them was irreconcilable, so it would be best to weaken their power beforehand.

The Wolf Pirates were the first to attack him, but it also provided the bandits with a perfect excuse to take over an island in retaliation, right?

60 million volt brontosaurus!

This was the most powerful thunder and lightning that Heavenly Dao Payne was currently able to emit, the time to get it was still short after all, and to be able to develop it to this extent was already drenched in foresight.

Endless thunderbolts blossomed out from Heavenly Dao Payne's body, the natural thunder in the dark clouds were also triggered, and countless thunderbolts condensed into a tens of meters long azure thunder dragon with a terrifying destructive aura, the oppression was extremely terrifying!

Wolverine's face changed dramatically, even if he could barely block an attack of this magnitude, he would still be seriously injured!

And if you were seriously injured on the battlefield, or targeted by an enemy powerhouse, that was definitely ten deaths away.

Wolverine's head was spinning extremely fast, instantly weighing the pros and cons, and with the perception of seeing and hearing color domination, he jumped into the sea as the thunder dragon fell.

Wolverine was not a Devil Fruit Ability, the sea had little effect on it, and the likelihood of surviving by jumping into the sea was still relatively high.

As for the electric eels in the Reynolds Sea, although they were troublesome, they couldn't do anything about a strong person of Wolverine's level, and were much better than Heavenly Dao Payne.

In an incomparably dazzling azure light, the brontosaurus struck the pirate ship, the violent and destructive power erupted, the pirate ship, even the people with the ship directly vaporized, the pirates on the ship was lucky, did not suffer any pain, and was gone in an instant.

A pirate ship was completely wiped out, a layer of seawater was directly electrolyzed, the terrifying power directly made the scalp of the pirates who witnessed the Heavenly Dao Payne's might go numb, where did this strong man suddenly appear from?

There's no such person among the members of the God's Eye Bandits either, how can there be a natural demonic fruit that controls thunder, troublesome, tricky!

By finishing off the toughest of the pirates who attacked this time, the power of the Sounding Thunder Fruit will be complete!

Not that there are no pirates strong together to do the siege of Tendo Payne, but they float as easily as Tendo Payne, moreover, can not catch up with the thunder speed, in terms of flexibility, the ringing thunder fruit is actually stronger than the shining fruit.

Because the yellow ape's shining fruit movement can only move in a straight line, want to change direction, have to be refracted to do, ringing thunder fruit is not so troublesome, thunder's trajectory is curved very normal, or curved curve, steering do not know how many times.

It's not like there's a restricted type of demonic fruit among the strong pirates, so trying to siege Tendo Payne can't be done.

So, Tendo Payne completely transformed into a turret, a magical turret, shelling the entire sea!

See and hear the color increase!

An invisible wave of electricity spread in all directions, and Heavenly Sanction Payne's own Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny increased with the spread of the wave, soon enveloping the entire battlefield, the entire situation of the battlefield mirrored in his mind.

Heaven's Sanction!

The thunder that swam in the dark clouds suddenly stalled, the lightning disappeared, the rumbling thunder dissipated, and an incomparably oppressive atmosphere permeated the battlefield, like the stifling heat before a heavy rainstorm was about to fall!

I don't know how long it took, whether it was an instant or a long time, a bucket-thin silver-white thunderbolt pierced the sky, the scene of countless thunderbolts erupting, the dazzling light stimulating many people to tears, unable to stop!

These lightning rays were mainly divided into two parts, one part was to chop at the more powerful pirates among the enemy, and the other part was to target Wolverine who was diving into the sea.

The sudden burst of lightning, that kind of extreme speed to see and hear the color was not enough to dodge, one could only fight hard with their physique or dominance!

Some with strong physiques and strong overbearing strengths resisted a thunderbolt but it wasn't a big deal, just suffered some minor injuries, paralysis and whatnot; those whose physiques weren't strong enough and whose overbearing strengths weren't strong enough were rather unlucky, and were directly struck by a blow and severely injured, their bodies paralyzed and unable to move.

But they weren't the most unlucky, the most unlucky were the pirates who fought with the crew of the God's Eye Pirates, the opponents of the non-main crew were struck, and there was a great break, and the difficult opponents were easily dealt with.

The opponents of the main crew were qualified to see and hear the color tyranny, lightning is generally not good to hit, but no matter whether to dodge or to fight hard there was a flaw, expert fight a flaw not to kill, but definitely enough to turn the situation.

God's eyes of the pirate group's main crew seized the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to open up, leaving their respective opponents are not lightly wounded, the balance of victory tilted towards the direction of God's eyes of the pirate group's main crew

As for Wolverine, he was also blasted out by the intense thunder bombardment, and there was electricity swimming on the surface, in the sea, and even at the bottom of the sea, looking as if it had become an ocean of thunder.

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