I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 250.

A pirate ship rises into the air, soon more pirate ships are pulled up into the sky, the people on the pirate ship try to do everything they can to stop, one by one they jump towards the sea in panic, the more hardened pirates are attacking the black ball in the sky

Chapter 282 - Kaido in the Dark

However, whatever choice was made was too late, it was simply too late to jump into the sea and get pulled up, and it was too late to attack the black ball, attracting enough seawater and some of the pirate ships that it wasn't their attack that could shake it.

They were white bearded, golden lion level powerhouses that were more like it!

Eventually all the pirate ships and a large amount of seawater formed a huge ball of water nearly 3,000 meters in diameter in the sky, looking like a small moon!

The ball of water is constantly compressing and collapsing, every small minute there are pirates dead, pirate ships have also been crushed to pieces, sucked into the giant ball, the faint color of blood filled with!

The crowd on the Stygian Moon was shockingly stunned and sobered as they watched the giant ball in the sky, their eyes filled with blazing adoration, such a powerful captain, king, they revered as gods!


Next to the gigantic water ball, Heavenly Dao Payne's figure seemed like a speck of dust, his hands joined and separated, and with a soft sigh, the black ball at the core of the water ball disappeared, and the gigantic water ball instantly collapsed, as if the River of Heaven had fallen from the Nine Heavens!


With a loud bang, countless seawater crashed into the sea, creating a huge wave that pushed the Stygian Moon far away from the ship.

After the Earth Blast Star, the other side was almost wiped out, only a few pirates who were not saved on board managed to escape, however, those people were equally dangerous, the vast sea and numerous dangers, the hope of surviving was too slim.

The bandits have already finished off three waves of pirates who were blinded by greed and ambition since the start of the West Sea.

But in order to completely solve the covetousness of the pirate source, it would still take a big wave of events to exterminate a well-known power.

The war is over, the Stygian Moon continues its voyage, the time to heal, the time to rest, and of course, pensions and rewards are also essential.

The company has a long history of developing its own products and services, and it has a long history of developing its own products and services.

It's not that he can't do it, but he's not interested in these chores and always pushes them as far as he can. When he has that time, he prefers to take a piece of cloth and silently wipe his blade, wondering how to cut people down in the next battle.

Reaching Reynolds Sea, the voyage to the Sun and Moon Island was already more than halfway, and there were at most three days left to reach the Sun and Moon Island.

After killing this group of pirates, Carlos did not have any more fishing thoughts, sailing at full speed, directly to the Sun and Moon Island.

At this time, there was a giant island hovering in the sky somewhere in the territory of the New World Aerial Pirates. After the Golden Lion returned to its headquarters, it immediately sent people to contact the Hundred Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates to initiate various anti-eavesdropping measures.

The first to respond was the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and the Golden Lion received a call from the Hundred Beasts Kaido as he sat in his majestic and vast palace.

"Golden Lion, what can I do for you? Want to pick a fight with me?" Facing the Golden Lion, Kaido was also a bit of a jerk and roared loudly.

Although the golden lion was strong and could hang Kaido up to fight, but it really couldn't easily kill Kaido the monster, as long as he didn't die, Kaido was more arrogant, the same against the white beard.

But if there is really any means to threaten Kaido's life, Kaido is not really so fearless, all but strength as well as special physique to give the bottom line.

The first thing you need to do is to get your own personal information, so that you can make sure that you have the right information.

Grandma's leg, when in the Rocks pirate group, he was what status, Kaido is what status, he is second only to Rocks cadres, only White Beard can be equal to him, thought that resistance to beat up on more and more arrogant?

If I can't kill you, I can't hurt you?

So while the Golden Lion wasn't going to fuss too much, he wasn't going to spoil Kaido's foul temper either!

"Kato, do you want to lie dead again for a month?" The Golden Lion's eyebrows tightened, his voice cold as ice.

"Hahaha just kidding, we're old acquaintances too, just say it, what do you want from me?" Kaido said with a tightening of his heart at the news.

Although he often sought death and died, but that was actually a method of cultivation, especially every time he provoked a strong person, it was even more intentional, by virtue of his immortal nature, every time he recovered his strength improved.

Right now his strength wasn't at the point of improvement, but he didn't want to take a good beating for nothing, the Golden Lion's sword qi cutting him was very painful!

"Oh joking, you can joke even you mallet?"

"Cut the old man's bullshit, there's a war you want to participate in, and I'll give you three islands after it's done." The Golden Lion went straight to the point with a single cut.


"Hahaha I love war, how could war be any less?"

"There's no benefit without me, not to mention three more islands, so of course I have to participate!"

"You tell me, who do we work together to attack, preferably that bitch Ling Ling, she counted me out once a while back."

"What a load of crap, it's the Wolf Pirates."

"So it's that stinky dog, no problem."

"By the way, did that stinky dog piss you off?"

"I can't do anything if you don't mess with me?" The Golden Lion sneered.

"That's right, if you don't like what you see, you do it, that's why I became a pirate!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I really regret knowing you, there's really a lot of nonsense in front of an acquaintance."

"This time, we four families will do it, in addition to you and me, I will also contact Ling Ling, plus the God's Eyes Bandit Group, completely dividing up the Sky Wolf Bandit Group."

"Each of our three families will divide three islands, and the God's Eye Bandits will divide two islands, how exactly will we divide them, when I inform Ling Ling, the three of us will talk on the phone again."

"Ling Ling joins the group, I don't have a problem with it, what makes that God's Eye Bandit Group so special?"

"If you don't like it, go pick a fight with that Carlos guy, and if you win, his two islands are yours."

"That's what you said, I'd like to see if Carlos, who's been famous for a while, is really good at plundering permits interesting stuff, I'll bring it over to wipe my ass!"

Kaido hung up the phone after popping the phone bug, threw it away, and rushed out of the headquarters ghost island, turning into a massive dragon directly over the thick dark clouds on the ghost island, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

"Hahaha go ahead, go ahead, go all the way over there and get a beating, see how I'll mock you later!" The golden lion laughed freely, the sound reverberating throughout the entire palace.

After the laughter ceased, the Golden Lion called Charlotte Lingling again, both being the number one power in the New World, it was not strange to know each other's phone numbers, not to mention that the three had once been in the same boat, and their friendship was not enough, but they were also familiar with each other.

Charlotte Lingling is much better at communicating than Kaido when she's not sick, but when she is, she's even harder to deal with than Kaido!

The Golden Lion gave Charlotte Lingling the details of the plan, and also told her about Kaido's visit to Carlos.

Charlotte Lingling was unhappy about the possibility of Kaido getting two more islands, but the Golden Lion explained Carlos' strength, explaining simply that it was never beneath you or me.

Now Charlotte Lingling was relieved, and the Golden Lion made a deal with him that if Carlos got lucky and lost, the two of them would join forces and eat black and white, directly getting an extra island each and excluding Kaido.

This way, no matter what, they won't lose, and even if Carlos loses by accident, they will have an extra island, and together, Kaido won't be able to turn the tide, so if they want to cause trouble, they will be ready to accompany him!

They hooked up right away!

Chapter 283 - Landing on Sun and Moon Island

Three days later, the God's Eye Bandits entered the waters near the Sun and Moon Island without any intention of hiding their tracks and rushed straight towards the Moon Island of the Sun and Moon.

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