I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 255.

"Well, there really is some strength, we can fight today, it's either you kill me or I kill you!" Kaido laughed somewhat maniacally.

In response to Carlos' attack, a dragon claw reached out and slapped the side of the arrow style with unparalleled precision, breaking the arrow right off.

Dragon's Hot Breath!

Kaido opened his dragon's mouth, a golden ball of fire in his mouth continued to condense and compress, and with a flick of his dragon's head, an incomparably hot golden energy erupted from his mouth, aiming directly at where Carlos was, burning everything in its path with heat!

This attack Carlos could have controlled Susano Noh to dodge, but Carlos didn't dodge as he also wanted to feel some of Kaido's strength.

The bowstring was pulled again, and the black fire of Amaterasu quickly gathered and compressed, condensing into a long, almost materialized black arrow, and although no heat was coming out, everything around it had been forcibly lined up, distorting the air.

The bowstring loosened, and the arrow of Amaterasu burning with a hairy black flame collided with the heat, the two violent forces colliding, a terrifying ripple spreading in all directions, dark clouds were directly shattered partially, a large piece of falling hail directly annihilated by the incomparably blazing power!

Even the sea, which was hundreds of meters away from the surface of the sea, was affected by the aftermath of the two men's attack, and an area of the sea was directly annihilated with a layer of dense steam that appeared and disappeared in an instant, and this was only the first aftermath of the collision!

Kaido's hot breath continued to spew out, and Carlos's pupil power continued to deplete, manipulating the black Amaterasu to wrestle directly with the hot breath.

A terrifying ripple centered on the point of collision, sweeping in all directions, which meant that both of them had something to protect themselves from, ordinary strong people involved in the fight between the two would be roasted into dry corpses in an instant, and then turned into ashes!

After a long time, the heat rest ended, and the black Amaterasu was in danger of collapsing, although the heat rest could not annihilate the fire of Amaterasu, but the condensed longbow itself could not withstand it.

The long sword collapsed and a large amount of Amaterasu fire flew back under Carlos' deliberate control, and the purple longbow disappeared from his hand.

Carlos manipulated Susano Noh to draw the purple taijutsu, and the black Amaterasu fire fell on the purple taijutsu blade like a milk swallow returning to its nest, causing one to turn black.

"What a strange, weird and powerful flame!" Kaido opened his dragon's mouth and exclaimed loudly, his interest very high, but there was a cautious glint in his dragon's eyes.

"Your hot breath is also very strong, come, fight, do not you want to see my strength?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, the wings behind him moved, and Susano Noh flew towards Kaido, slashing at his head with a simple but practical slash.

Kaido twisted his dragon body to meet the battle immediately, armed color domination covering, black dragon claws prodded, seemingly slow but speeding together, directly hitting the Amaterasu sword!


A loud sound of gold and iron sounded loudly, the air stirred, and after one strike, the two quickly engaged again, swords and claws clashing constantly, fighting and fighting fiercely.

After ten strokes, the two temporarily retreated, Kaido's two dragon claws had burned with black flames on top of them, but they couldn't spread.

"This flame can even burn the armed color tyranny" Kai Duo's large dragon eyes appeared in amazement, but his hand movements were not slow, and the tyranny vibrated, and the tyranny directly shook out the Amaterasu flame.

Carlos's eyebrows were slightly shortened at the sight of the situation, it really is true that the Tissot Flame is not omnipotent, although it is theoretically able to burn everything and cannot be annihilated, but it does not mean that there is no way to deal with it.

With the armed color tyranny protecting his body, Kaido was also more serious, it wasn't really easy to cause damage to Kaido, it might have been better if it could act directly on Kaido's dragon body.

"Don't make a fuss, continue!" Carlos coldly said, and after that he rushed up again.

Kaido was not to be outdone, the dragon roared, and also went up, and the two fought again, the aftermath of the fierce battle had destroyed the weather of the sea, hail had somehow turned to rain

After a few moves Carlos just sold all his flaws, the Amaterasu sword in his hand was accidentally knocked away by a dragon claw, and Carlos took control of Susano Noh to fight directly in the flesh.

In a meaty fight, Kaido inevitably used the same tactics as a snake, entanglement!

A huge and long dragon body wrapped around Soso Noh, climbing from bottom to top, tighter and tighter, the terrifying power continued to explode, strangling the complete body of Soso Noh to the point that the bones inside seemed to be crushed!

Chapter 289 - Battle in the Sky (Part 2)

Kaido's attack was more than just a strangulation, the massive dragon's head climbed to the head of Susano Noh, the heat of the dragon's mouth blazing!

Due to Kaido's stranglehold, Susano Noh's wings were unable to open, and were even stiffly strangled, as his massive body fell from the sky at great speed, falling towards the sea.

Although the situation was very dangerous, but Carlos did not panic, these things were already in his anticipation, the long-awaited backstroke erupted, a huge pupil power wildly surged out, every corner of the body of Susana Noh appeared raging winding Amaterasu fire, black flames like maggots attached to the bone, stick to the dragon body is difficult to get rid of.

The black flames were like maggots with bones that stuck to the dragon's body. Parts of his body were burned by the Amaterasu fire, and the destructive power of the flames continued to destroy his body, causing unimaginable pain and causing his tense body to dissipate, as well as the breath that was brewing in his mouth.

The power contained in flames was often blazing, with destruction being the main focus, while the Amaterasu Fire was the opposite, with destruction being the main focus and blazing being the secondary focus.

The black flames didn't seem to be a big deal except for looking weird, but when they came into direct contact with the flesh, they understood the terror of the Amaterasu Fire.


The agonizing dragon roar came out of Kaido's mouth, but it soon stopped abruptly, and Carlos maneuvered Sugenohki to grab Kaido with both hands and throw him to the surface, the broken wings on his back poured out a large amount of purple energy to repair the wings and flap them quickly, stopping the descent, and then the sky.

Kaido's abdomen burned with the black fire of Amaterasu falling into the sea, his huge body, the huge impact smashing out the rushing water.

Kaido's body contained a special secret: although he had eaten the Devil's Fruit, he would not sink in the ocean, but could instead swim.

If Kaido traveled in dragon form, even if it was by flying: if he was in human form, it was by running or swimming in the ocean, running shallowly and swimming deeply.

Kaido fell into the seawater and was made a little dizzy by the impact, but recovered quickly however, the intense pain forced him to wake up as fast as he could.

The seawater could not annihilate the fire of Amaterasu either, seawater was a restraint on the ability, not the ability, it was Kaido who was a monster, the secret contained in his body made him not afraid of seawater.

Seeing that even seawater could not extinguish the strange and powerful black flames on his body, Kaido rushed out of the sea, the divine dragon out of the sea, but his posture was graceful, but the black flames on his body were out of step with him.

Kaido urged the large amount of Armed Colored Overlord Qi contained in his body to cut off the direct contact between the Amaterasu Fire and his body, the Armed Colored Overlord Qi vibrated wildly and impacted, causing the Amaterasu Fire to peel off from the dragon's body.

Even though the burning by the Amaterasu Fire was not long, Kaido's dragon body was still burned for a large area, and the amount of Hegemony consumed was beyond expectation.

"This Carlos is really an extraordinary strength to be able to hurt him."

"After taking such a big loss, he has to get it back!"

Kaido made up his mind and looked up to find that the color of his opponent's body had changed, from purple to green-blue, and it felt even more dangerous to him.

Although it felt more dangerous, Kaido wasn't afraid, he had fought countless battles, and fear was an emotion that wouldn't come easily inside long ago.

Continuous vomiting of breath!

Kaido opened his mouth, and a blazing pale gold fireball shot out towards Carlos, a white steam where the fireball passed, evaporating all the rain along the way.

This time Carlos didn't fight hard, handling the more nimble Sugenoh quickly dodged left and right, none of the fireballs hit him and fell into the clouds, burning a large area of cloud, making the rain behind him less.

Inside the Shin Megami Tensei!

After dodging the attack, two pitch-black, lusterless hand swords floated in his hands, and the two hand swords made two graceful arcs in mid-air, striking Kaido's dragon head left and right.

He wanted to see if the mighty hand swords that could tear through space could crush Kaido's skull!

Originally, according to Kaido's style of this level of attack, Kaido would not even defend against it, and directly use his body to resist, but the sight of the color tyranny was crazy to give him a warning, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

In the past, this kind of feeling was basically when he went to provoke the White Beard and the Golden Lion, and only when he faced the punches and knives of the two when they got serious, every time he would at least get injured if he took a serious attack from the two, he might even suffer a serious injury!

Kaido seemed rough and prone to emotions, but was actually shrewd and quite good at scheming, or what was known as the coarse.

Kaido didn't take it hard, swinging his body to dodge it.

The two Divine Mighty Hand Swords collided together, power erupted, a huge spatial vortex suddenly surfaced, the powerful twisting force at the edge of space, the tearing force was frightening, no, it was frightening to the dragon!

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