I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 259.

The God's Eye Bandits and not to mention, just entered the new world, the Flying Air Bandits, the Hundred Beasts Bandits, BIGMOM Bandits which is not a lot of conflicts, how suddenly united against them?

This is really going to take a pro life, a carelessness, the entire pirate group can be finished.

In fact, as long as there are enough interests, there is naturally no permanent enemy, there is the divine eye pirate group this opportunity, there is Carlos, the golden lion alliance then threading the needle, there are enough interests, joint action is naturally not surprising.

Each of the islands occupied by the Skywolf Pirates was of good value, and among them there were those of particularly great value.

"Captain, we seem to be caught up in a conspiracy, we've been targeted long ago, the premonition is not too good" Wolf Fang's face was filled with worry and concern.

"It's not a bad premonition, it's an ironclad not too good, this operation was all led by their captain himself, we can't compare in terms of quantity or quality"

"It happened suddenly, our chances of winning were slim, and there wasn't enough time for me to string together other forces to fight."

"War Wolf later you call and tell the outgoing Blood Wolf, Greedy Wolf to pay attention to their own safety, things are unavoidable, flee immediately."

"I personally lead people to transfer the money and treasures in the pirate group's treasure vault, this time the other side is prepared, we were caught off guard!"

"As long as there's enough money and all three of you are alive, keep following me and it won't be too long before we have a chance to rise again!" Wolf Keos put his hands behind his back and took a deep breath, saying so but definitely still unhappy inside.

"Yes, Captain."

"Right, Captain, the other side is too victorious in bullying, if we really can't resist, we must find a chance to take out this anger, otherwise the brothers will definitely suffocate!" War Wolf was filled with hatred.

"Don't worry, I, Keos, am not easy to bully, and I will make these four great pirate groups live in fear!"

"Let's split up."

The words fell out and the two disappeared.

Chapter 293 - Ancient Species

Over Sirius Island, the spatial vortex emerged, Carlos's figure emerged, eyes closed and opened, the scarlet kaleidoscope writing eyes disappeared into purple rippling reincarnation eyes, condescending, suspended in the high altitude, the wind in the high altitude was swift, blowing Carlos's robes.

"Hehe, hurry up or spatial ability to give ah, 1.5 billion berries to hand."

Carlos wasn't worried about the three golden lions going rogue, 500 million berries was nothing to them, going rogue was simply disgraceful, Carlos also had the strength to take the 500 million.

"Since I'm here first, I'll be the one to make the first move!"

The words fell, Carlos was high in the air wondering where to create a little noise, and soon Carlos found a small palace on a peak not far away.

This peak was the highest, and to be able to build a small palace on it, needless to say, the owner of the palace must be extraordinary, the second most powerful person in the Wolf Pirates, and more likely the palace of the Captain of the Wolf Pirates.

After all, the boss didn't even live that high, so why should his subordinates live the highest?

Carlos flew over and landed forty-five meters above the palace, raising his right hand to point at the small palace beneath his feet.

Vast Heavenly Gravity!

A huge and terrifying gravitational outburst acted on the small palace, rumbling huge sound rang out, the entire small palace was trembling, the top of the mountain was also shaking, countless debris rolled down the mountain.

The entire small palace was lifted up into the sky, following Carlos's figure after flying hundreds of meters, and then plummeted, smashing the mountain peak, the huge impact directly crushed the mountain peak in a small half.

Hundreds of meters high, the huge size of the mountain accompanied by countless debris falling down the high mountain, the momentum is simply unstoppable, landed on the ground smashed a huge pit, the whole island is gently trembling, shock waves sweeping in all directions, will shatter everything along the way, boom, deafening sound spread throughout the island!


Carlos laughed happily, moving loudly enough to be comfortable and painful!

Shortly after the rock landed, Carlos also landed on the earth, precisely on a section of the mountain that had smashed into the ground, and at that moment, amidst the smoke and dust, a voice rushed towards Carlos at great speed.

"Who is rushing to make trouble in my Sky Wolf Island?"

When the voice arrived, a middle-aged man with a square face and open green eyes rushed in front of Carlos, full of rage, shot out, his body radiating a miserable battle intent and raging killing intent, and a pair of incomparably sharp wolf claws wrapped around a powerful armed-colored tyranny grabbed at Carlos' throat.

The Divine Luo Heavenly Journey!

A huge repulsion erupted as Carlos' mind moved, and his claws blasted the repulsion layer causing a strong wave to erupt, but it wasn't enough to tear through the repulsion layer, and he was directly bounced a few dozen meters away, along with completely slapping the dust away from the surrounding area.

"You are the highest cadre of the Wolf Pirate Group, War Wolf, right? The strength was not bad" Carlos was quite impressed.

The strength of this war wolf, the current God's Eye Bandit Group, not counting his Six Paths of Payne, not counting his words, only Rain's Hillel can fight with the other side, and also won more than lost, the strength is very strong.

The demonic fruit of the war wolf was an ancient species of animal lineage, a kind of wolf said to live in ancient times, this kind of wolf was called a white bone phallus wolf, its body was born with bone spines, bone armor, its eyes were like phallic fire, there was no copper head and iron bones tofu waist on this wolf, its nature was fierce and cunning!

"How dare you, Carlos you dare to invade Wolf Island, I'll kill you!"

The war wolf became furious when he saw Carlos's face, his body changing into beast form, his powerful momentum draining the dust around him, revealing his true face.

Only a fae wolf appeared in front of Carlos' eyes, seven or eight meters tall and more than twenty meters long, wrapped in white bone armor all over his body, with thick bone armor on his head, waist, limbs, and tail, strong defense, with white spikes of varying lengths on top of the bone armor, green eyes like burning medusa, cold and ferocious breath like a ghost beast from hell, yet the battle intent was incomparably strong, adding a point of masculine intent!


A clear and incomparable cracking sound rang out, only to see the war wolf shaking all over, the solid thorns on his back actually fell off and burst out from his back head, turning into a spiked black, mostly white bone arrow, dense as a sudden rain, fierce!

"What a brilliant armed color domination attainment!"

This armed color hegemonic attainment called War Wolf was indeed high, surprisingly, he was able to make the detached attack cover the armed color as well, definitely a talent.

Carlos exclaimed, but it didn't affect Carlos's shot.

Carlos' mind moved, a mysterious figure wearing a red cloud uniform with a black background and a mask of blood sea Shura surfaced to block in front of Carlos, his arms were black, he kept swinging, but his feet didn't move a step, countless white bone spines were smashed to pieces in his hands, not a single bone spine could escape from the punches, it was Shura Dao Payne.

Just now using the divine Luo Tianzheng could not be used immediately, the cooldown time was still there.

Ka-ching, ka-ching.

Blocking the attack, Shura Dao Payne began to fight back, raising his arms, and from his fingers to his shoulders, a rift surfaced, and a missile exploded out, slicing straight lines or arcs in mid-air, blasting the war wolf.


Explosions sounded continuously, War Wolf's body was not small, but his movements were extremely agile to dodge a missile, most of them were dodged by him, an ugly hole surfaced, with bone armor to protect his body, War Wolf seemed to be in a mess but actually wasn't injured.

As soon as the missiles finished exploding, Carlos's Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny as well as his eyes clearly caught the traces of War Wolf, raised his right hand, pointed it in that direction, and used the Universal Heavenly Gravity, causing War Wolf's figure to stagnate and not be drawn away.

Even if the war wolf used its long and sharp wolf claws to grasp the ground with a death grip, the ground left a deep furrow!

At the same time, Carlos's mind moved, Shura Dao Payne clenched his right fist, his whole body's strength as well as a large amount of dominance gathered in his right fist, rushing towards the war wolf.

This was a momentum building strike, plus a reaction, if it was smashed solidly by this fist of Xiu Luo Dao Payne, it was feared that it would be seriously injured without dying.

War Wolf's green wolf pupils were anxious and terrified, if this strike hit hard, he might be slaughtered.

Just in the nick of time, the captain of the Wolf Pirates, Kanekios, finally arrived, and a moon white pillar of light exploded towards Carlos.

The original body, however, appeared in front of the war wolf, winding up with a powerful and overbearing punch, and collided with the iron fist of Shura Dao Payne.

The moon white, incomparably cold pillar of light caused Carlos to have to stop the Ten Thousand Lengths Heavenly Gravity and dodge the attack, the pillar of light blasted into the ground leaving deep control holes, an extremely cold power spread, everything in its path turned to ice, the surrounding temperature plummeted!

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