I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 265.

It didn't matter whether this item was a Devil Fruit or something else to Red Earl Ryder, because with Red Earl Ryder's strength it didn't matter if he didn't have the Devil Fruit, he was still the top powerhouse in the world!

However, this item that Red Earl Ryder found happens to be the Devil Fruit, a clue to the vampiric form of the bat fruit of the animalistic phantom species.

The clue Red Earl Ryder received was that the Devil Fruit was in the treasure trove of a certain nobleman in the city of the Spring Queen of the Great Voyage.

Two hundred years ago in the city of the Queen of Spring there was a legend of a baroness who was eternally youthful, and everyone wondered about the secret of her ability to stay youthful until the truth was revealed, revealing the horrifying sight that youth was to be maintained with fresh blood, and fresh virgin blood at that.

It has been more than two hundred years since this legend was told, and not much is still known in the City of the Queen of Spring.

The city of the Queen of Spring and the Great Voyage is a picturesque, year-round seaside tourist city, where a steady stream of tourists come year-round, making it a holiday destination.

On this night, wearing a red cape, with a blue demon pinned to his chest, a black high collar erected obliquely, holding a purple and black umbrella, a look of medieval nobility dressed like the Red Earl silently sneaked into the city of Spring Queen, standing on a towering spire, looking down on the city.

Blood red cloak danced, Red Count Ryder wore a noble and elegant smile, and with a single thought, an incomparably powerful, thick and colorful domineering aura spread in all directions with the minaret as the center, covering the entire city in two to three breaths.

Red Earl Ryder's main scouting energy was focused on the West City of the Spring Queen's City, which was the area where the nobles lived, whether they were the nobles in the middle of the day or the nobles who had fallen from grace.

The Red Count's Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny was like the most accurate radar searching for the target person, and after a few minutes, the smile on the Red Count's face intensified, and his body moved, directly stepped into the air and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Right after the Red Count left, a wisp of shadow that blended into the darkness appeared not far away, looking at the direction where the Red Count disappeared, his revealed eyes flashed with a hint of complacency, and continued to follow him.

This person is the most excellent tracker in the world government spy agency, his strength is not on the strength of the Navy Rear Admiral, however talent coupled with demonic fruit ability, making his concealment ability is very strong, his breath does not leak at all, and his speed is also extremely fast, as long as a certain distance is maintained, the top strong man's color of sight can not find him.

In the west city of the Queen of Spring, in a dilapidated baron's castle, the figure of the Red Count appeared silently on the top of the castle, and the color of the sight and hearing reflected everything inside the castle into his heart.

After understanding the structure of the castle, the Red Earl's figure moved, like a big bat falling from his mouth, and then when he was on the first floor, his figure turned, his body as if it had no weight, and quickly entered the first floor of the castle, coming to a pair of mottled murals, his palm fondling the murals.


The Red Count touched the organ and pressed hard, the ground shook slightly, a pitch-black underground hole, pitch-black inside, almost no light, as if it led to hell.

The Red Earl jumped in without hesitation, and walked forward calmly along the pitch-black passage, fully illustrating what it means to be a bold artist, as long as one is strong and confident enough, there is nothing to fear from the unknown.

Following the passage, the Red Earl came to a dead end, there is no other way out, usually can only return the same way.

The Red Earl Ryder's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, after carefully exploring the passageway and then came to the dead end, raised the purple and black female umbrella, the tip of the umbrella point on the seemingly indestructible wall, a terrifying power outbreak, with the tip of the umbrella click position as the center, a crack evenly spread around, showing the Red Earl Ryder's profound attainments in the manipulation of power.

After a few breaths, the crack seemed to spread to the end, Red Earl Ryder gave it a little push, and countless debris fell to the ground, as if a curtain had fallen, the spread was small, creating little noise.

Behind the wall, there was a basement with a sizeable area, and in the center of the basement was a purple devil fruit, the vampire form of the bat fruit that Red Earl Ryder had dreamed of.

The ancestor of this baron happened to get this devil fruit after the scourge of the baroness, the baron's ancestor was deeply shaken by the scourge and was himself upright and did not want the devil fruit to appear again, so he sealed it away and did not see the light of day.

The Baron's heirs are not known, but the descendants of the servant who followed the Baron to seal the crypt in the first place have some knowledge of it.

It was also the nobleman's integrity that did not silence, resulting in the demonic fruit that was about to see the light of day.

The Red Earl Ryder can't wait, the figure shakes, the shadow remains in place, the original speed has two coveted devil fruit in the hand.


(onom.) swoosh, swoosh, swoosh

The mechanism turned, the ceiling of the basement, the walls around it floated with dense arrow holes, and the floor on which Ryder had stepped was also broken, revealing a large hole, covered with sharp iron spikes.

This information was something that Red Earl Ryder did not understand, and neither did the descendants of the Baron's servant, and this trick was secretly laid out by the Baron to target situations where the servant's descendants might come.

The mechanism the Baron had laid out was ruthless and desperate, absolutely deadly to an ordinary person or an ordinary strong man, but to an inhumanly strong, monstrous person like the Red Earl it was a carving and worthless trick!


The purple-black umbrella opened, and the Red Count stepped on the air, hovering in mid-air without moving, a terrifying tyrannical tyranny rushed in all directions, arrows were shattered to pieces wherever they passed, all attacks were shattered in an instant, and the crisis was instantly averted!

Red Earl Ryder was all smiles as he looked at the demonic fruit in his hand, not bothering with anything else.

After a while maybe it was enough, Red Earl Ryder opened his mouth and bit into it, then the smile on his face instantly disappeared, becoming very ugly, a big pile of folds!

"How could it be so unpalatable, I don't know how those two guys, White Beard, Golden Lion, used to eat it" Red Earl Ryder forcefully swallowed the pulp into his stomach, full of bitterness.

After taking a bite, Red Earl Ryder threw the rest away casually, as the world's top powerhouse, Red Earl naturally understood that a bite of demonic fruit would do, and the effect of eating more or less would be the same.

With his eyes slightly closed, Red Earl Ryder hit the attention in comprehending the ability of the vampire fruit, cultivation to a certain realm is a hundred things, with the Red Earl's control over the power, soon the devil fruit was developed to a profound point, progressing very fast.


Piercing bat sounds rang out, and suddenly the Red Count's body transformed into hundreds of blood bats flying quickly towards the outside, blood bats, although small, but their teeth were sharp and long as if they were needles, hideous and vicious, very terrifying!

A flock of bloody bats flew out of the passage, then to the bottom of the castle, then out to the castle, and finally to the bright moon

Chapter 301 - The Red Earl's Order (Previous)

Leaving the castle, Red Earl Ryder was a little eager to try his abilities.

Hundreds of bloody bats in mid-air reunited into a human body, and the Red Earl gave birth to a pair of bloody wings behind him, like a bat searching for objects in the darkness.

A few minutes later, the Red Count found the object, a young girl who had a fight with her boyfriend and left in a fit of pique.

The blood of a youthful girl should taste better than that of a man, right?

This is a subconscious reaction, so the Red Count spared the man, and chose the girl, from the sky like a hawk across the sky instantly captured the girl, sharp fangs without mercy, without hesitation stabbed into the girl's carotid artery, the girl in fear and despair quickly sucked out of the blood, and died young.

For a top powerhouse like Red Earl Ryder, who stood on top of the world, killing was as easy as eating and drinking water, with no psychological burden at all.

Normally, Red Earl Ryder wouldn't have bothered to kill an ordinary person, but now that he had the Vampire Fruits, he couldn't control his desire to try out the effect!

Blood bat wings soaring in the empty sky, Red Earl Ryder flew into a forest, casually speaking corpses abandoned in the forest, standing on top of a tree, smashed his mouth, his face full of smiles, saying to himself: "This devil fruit really works, I can feel my body getting younger."

"But there's so little power in the blood of ordinary people, it's best to kill the strong."

"Well I remember there's a navy stationed in the Spring Queen's City, so take the navy."

After talking to himself Red Earl Ryder flew away, the people who were following him also followed him, as for the shriveled female corpse in the forest no one cared, this was a world of the strongest of the weak, the death of an ordinary young girl was of no concern to anyone other than the people involved!

This night Red Earl Ryder trampled the distribution of naval garrisons in the city of the Queen of Spring, and all the navy inside was killed and their blood sucked clean out of them!

In the hands of a strong man like Red Earl Ryder, those navies were simply defenseless, at the mercy of the Red Earl to slaughter and suck!

The Red Earl Ryder who had replenished enough blood felt that his body was at an unprecedented peak, his wrinkles were gone, his old age was gone, and his strength was back at its peak, even a tiny bit stronger than it was at its peak.

Don't underestimate this hint, to a strength like Red Earl Ryder's, a hint of improvement is very rare and valuable.

The satisfied Red Earl Ryder was ready to return to the New World and continue his elegant and unrestrained life, unaware that a net had been spread out in front of him, waiting for him to dive in.

Red Earl ate the information of the phantom beast species vampire fruit, killing innocent girls, enough for the key is the slaughter of the navy, so that the still in office of the naval marshal, the war country is very angry, decided to do whatever it takes to capture Red Earl Ryder, so that the rest of the life in the propulsion city to repent.

The operation was carried out by Air himself, leading War State, a big two of the navy, an army general, and a strong man no less than an admiral in the world government's spy agency, a total of four men in action.

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