I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 269.

Since he had already interfered, he couldn't lose or gain nothing.

Red Earl Ryder read out his phone number, and Carlos wrote it down, just a phone number, and with his strong mental power, he would not forget it if he wrote it down.

"By the way, I wanted to ask why you helped me?"

"I remember that you are involved with the World Government, you are still the King of the World Government franchise" asked Ryder, the Red Earl, a little confused.

"How was that? To each his own, just take what he wants, help you I can get more profit, naturally I will not help the Navy."

"A master like you, the value of a favor is not something that can be measured with money or something, but rather immeasurable" Carlos trailed off.

That was comforting to hear!

Red Earl Ryder's inner senses were a little better for Carlos.

"Well, what's done is done, so let's part."

"I reckon the navy has sensed that someone is up to no good and is probably looking around for tracks, so goodbye from here, see you later."

After saying that Carlos left, mopping up, Red Earl Ryder said something interesting under his breath and left immediately as well.

He needed to return to the new world to find some strong blood to replace the lost blood, and only the blood of the strong could make him recover quickly.

After Carlos left, there was no need for God's power to hurry, using the animal's ability to psychic out a large bird with silvery white feathers, sitting or lying on the bird's back, beautifully enjoying the sky or the scenery below.

Carlos was more interested in the scenery, especially places he hadn't seen before, and in his previous life, no matter what kind of transportation he did, he was also able to stay off his phone, not sleep, and see the journey straight to the end.

The purpose of this time out was to find Robin and her daughter, so they could translate the location of the Underworld.

It is not difficult to find the mother and daughter Robin, Robin has his contact information, he also has the contact information of the two women, make a phone call to ask for a clear location is it.

This time personally out, one is the ancient weapon underworld is a matter of great importance, by him personally to do the best; two, also want to come out to take a break, he is also a long time since a person to take a break and play.

Robin's mother and daughter had left the Western Sea and wandered the four seas, having just recently entered the Great Voyage, and were currently on an island famous for its cuisine, the city on this island was called Gourmet City, not too far from the City of the Queen of Spring.

Robin mother and daughter in the West Sea, with the influential and powerful West Sea Mafia, now the United States of Night as a backing, there has not encountered any danger, but after leaving the West Sea, the West Sea Mafia whip, not well cared for, but also encountered dangers and accidents.

In the past, the two women had been instructed by Carlos, and the mother and daughter had no fears.

The two women were chasing history and traveling, having a pretty good time, at least they felt happy enough.

At midnight, Carlos arrived at the Food City and entered the city without a word.

The city was colorful with flashing neon lights, tall buildings, traffic, wide streets, and most of the sides were lined with various food shops, the first time you entered the city, it gave a feeling of stepping into a food court in a previous life.

Today Carlos was wearing a blue suit, white shirt, red striped tie, tall, upright, handsome, with a confident and easy temperament, and no small amount of charisma.

Carlos also does not need to move any means to cover himself, he now has a serious identity, the Navy not only can not find him trouble, he has trouble can also trouble the Navy, this is one of the rights of the world government franchise, completely open and honest to walk the world!

Carlos did not rush to Robin mother and daughter, this situation is like going back to the previous life, so that Carlos has some feelings, should have a good feeling, experience, back.

Carlos had a good stroll on the street, the turn back sea quite good, and then came to a business booming barbecue restaurant, sat down, although wearing a suit to eat barbecue is a little strange, causing many people to look at the side, cross-eyed, but Carlos did not take it to heart, as long as not excessive, we are not a world of people, do not bother to count.

Sit down, order food and wine, then pull out the phone bug and start asking for a girl, about naturally Olivia and Robin, their place is not far from here, wait a little while.

This city's food industry was so well developed, poor security was impossible to do, in fact, this food city's security was very good, indicating that the food city was quite strong and could deter pirates.

After making a phone call, Carlos is not rude, and he began to drink beer, the most expensive kind of barbecue restaurant, jerking meat kebab, what kind of lamb kebab, beef kebab, fish kebab and so on all comers, absolute carnivores, grilled vegetables and what to say later.

After ten minutes, Carlos had already eaten hundreds of skewers, watching many people look sideways as Carlos jerked his meat skewers and drank without slowing down at all, still at the same speed, swift and elegant.

Hundreds of skewers were completely trivial to Carlos, just an appetizer, if he really wanted to let go of the food and deliberately control the digestion of his flesh, he could eat the entire stock of the barbecue.

Just as Carlos was enjoying his meal, Olivia and Robin finally arrived at the barbecue restaurant, and under the guidance of the clerk, came to Carlos, Carlos looked up and saw Olivia and Robin who were full of excitement and joy.

Chapter 306 - Revisiting Old Dreams

Olivia, Robin and the two girls are wearing similar colored clothes, simple but stylish, they look a bit like parents and children, they are not bad looking, what a mother and daughter flower!

It has been a long time since I saw Olivia, Robin, this time to see Carlos quite happy, even smiled: "Quickly sit down, eat something."

Carlos's smile made Olivia, Robin's heart a peace of mind, after all, Carlos's status today and once has been unable to speak the same language, once, although also not bad, counted as the big brother of the West Sea, stomping the West Sea are shaking three shakes.

Today's Carlos, although not quite the world's big brother, stomping the world would shake three times, but it is also considered the world's side of the powerful power, influence and influence has increased greatly, has spread to the whole world.

Olivia and Robin were worried that Carlos had changed before they came, but looking at Carlos' smile as before, the two women felt a lot more at ease, sitting next to Carlos on the left and right.

"Just take whatever you want to eat yourself, don't be shy, it's rare for me to be so relaxed"

"Brother Carlos, you're amazing, I've read all about you in the newspaper." Robin's little mouth praised like honey.

"Hahaha" Carlos laughed openly and reached out his hand to touch Robin's little head, Robin had grown up a bit, but she was still a child in terms of age, at most she could call the word teenage girl.

"Tell me a little bit about what you've been through, and if there's anything I can help you with, just say so." Carlos picked up two pieces of roasted, golden, aromatic meat and placed them in front of the two of them softly.

Olivia smiled gently and took a bite of the barbecue, and told the story of their experiences over the years, stories that Robin, who was competing with the barbecue on the side, interjected from time to time to add.

The two women's experiences were not as majestic and hot-blooded as Carlos's, but they were exciting, and they had been to many places, met many people, and encountered many things over the years.

Of course, there is no missing the experience of being chased by the navy, the world government, the world government, the navy also knows the news that Olivia is still alive, and reissued the reward for Olivia, thirty million berries higher than Robin.

The two men explore history, and the reward will not be withdrawn until the obsession with history is eliminated, and Carlos has no way to operate because it has trampled on the world government's bottom line.

O'Hara's scholars have a relentless pursuit of knowledge, chemistry, and history that is frankly admirable, but Carlos would never do such a thing.

In fact, Carlos has a way to change the thoughts of the two girls, which is to use the pupil technique to change their minds, the two girls are absolutely incapable of resisting, but Carlos does not want to do this, this is equivalent to turning the two girls into puppets, the walking dead.

There was no need, even if they were wanted by the world government, the navy, so what?

With him here, the world government can't do anything to them, so let's teach them something when we're apart to enhance their ability to defend themselves!

After talking about the experience of these years, the three of them chatted together, talking about the world, and got along quite well, especially Carlos would sometimes take advantage of Robin's inattention, giving Olivia an ambiguous look.

Olivia was shy and timid, lowered her eyelids, slightly bowed her head, a look more than shy and then later, Carlos reached out his claws, secretly and silently from under the table on Olivia's legs, feeling the amazing elasticity and the right amount of softness.

Olivia was shocked and shy, but the face does not change color, the woman acting naturally good, do not move a hand wanted to take away Carlos's salty pig hand, but instead the hand was caught, struggled a few times, can not come out can only be held by Carlos.

Robin had no idea of his big brother's actions in hitting on her mother, she had already had enough and was sitting in her chair, concentrating on a book she was carrying with her.

It was no wonder that she would be so knowledgeable and grow up to be sexy and full of knowledge when she studied so intently.

The meal lasted until after midnight, when Carlos paid the bill and returned to his residence with Olivia and Robin very much in tow.

The two women were not particularly wealthy though, and they didn't bring much money with them when they left the Western Sea, plus their special status, so the accommodations were very ordinary.

Carlos took a look at this, which was no good, and directly asked the two women to pack their things and go with him to live in the highest class hotel in the food city.

"We're both wanted, the more upscale the place the easier it is for us to be found, and we've been spotted by the navy recently, we don't know where the navy has tracked us down" Olivia was a little worried.

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