I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 271.

"To avoid future trouble, trouble you all to death, and none of you to live!"

Carlos's killing intent was so strong that it sounded as if it came from the Nine Hells, knowing that you were going to cause me trouble, how could I still let you leave unharmed?

There were two ways to deal with trouble as Carlos saw it, one was to solve the trouble, and the second was to deal with the person who created the trouble, and Carlos liked the second way of dealing with it the best.

Carlos clasped his hands together and made a seal to summon six Paine, six cold, dead and mysterious figures appeared in six clusters of white smoke, the six figures moved in unison to annihilate the nearly three hundred navies as fast as possible, no, it should be annihilating all the navies on this island.

Most of the navies here weren't all on the island, and most of the other navies knew the news, so all the navies on the island were going to die!

Daring to come see him, the other party should have left some sort of back-up, but all back-ups couldn't escape the soul search of the earthly path!

Killing a man to silence him. Perfect!

Chapter 308 - Exterminating the Silence

"No, run!"

The lead navy lieutenant did not expect Carlos to be so unscrupulous and daring as to want to kill them all, and the navy lieutenant, who knew Carlos' strength better, turned pale.

Unfortunately, it was already too late to leave, Heavenly Dao Payne was the fastest, turning into a blue electric light to stop the navy's way, Shura Dao Payne followed and also stopped the navy's way, and the killing had officially begun.

The gap in strength between the two sides was too great, Carlos did not make a move, just manipulated the Six Dao Payne to make a move, Bastard Payne to stall the Navy Lieutenant General, the rest of the people to take care of the other navies first, everywhere they passed was a fishy rain, under the attack of the Six Dao Payne, there were hundreds of navies killed in an instant, there was no way to stop them!

The bloody and gruesome images made Olivia turn pale and blindfolded Robin so as not to cast a mental shadow over him.

"No, you bastards stop it!" The leading naval lieutenant general looked at the remaining six Paine as if they were tigers pouncing into a herd of sheep and slaughtering them without a single match, even the naval officers couldn't last a move or two before they were killed, and roared in anger.

"You'd better worry about yourself, fighting me and daring to be distracted?"

Bastard Dao Payne's cold and ruthless voice rang out, the mysteriously strange and powerful reincarnation eyes stared at the Admiral, speed skyrocketed, and the shadow of the Dao kept flickering around the Admiral as if several people were besieging him.

Momo fruit a hundred times faster!

The heavy and extremely fast fists kept blasting out towards the leading naval lieutenant general, even if the naval lieutenant general returned to defend in time, seeing and hearing the color tyranny, armed color tyranny used with all his might, but also took a good few old punches from the animal Dao Payne, and on the spot the naval lieutenant general spat out a mouthful of blood.

The attacks of strong men of the same rank were not so easy to take.

Three breaths later, nearly three hundred navies, including some naval officers, had been slaughtered by Heavenly Dao Payne for the sake of slaughter, or turned into charcoal, or had their souls taken out, or had their organs crushed and bleeding to death, or had broken tendons and fractured bones all over their bodies, or had their bodies crippled and bleeding, a Shura hell-field of sorts!

The leader of the navy turned pale and blamed himself for underestimating the ruthlessness of a powerful man like Carlos, and as a result, his subordinates were dying.

The lead admiral had been so irritated that he had lost his usual calmness and had only one thought: to kill Carlos and avenge the deaths of his subordinates!

Unfortunately, the difference in strength is too great, and any anger is incompetent rage, the strength of this leader of the navy lieutenant general is very good, not inferior to the strength of the animal Dao Payne, before just because the billet was caught, normal battle, even if you can not win, can remain undefeated, self-preservation is no problem at all!

However, the Six Roads Payne not only has the animal Dao Payne ah, but six people ah, after finishing off the other navy, Six Roads Payne has siege the leader of the Admiralty, how a miserable word, the golden lion this level of power are somewhat unable to carry the Six Roads Payne siege!

In the space of two breaths, he was directly beaten by the besieging Six Paths of Payne, who was dying and mentioned in front of Carlos.

Carlos didn't bother to give him a second glance and directly spoke coldly, "Do it."

Bringing up the leading naval lieutenant's earthly way Payne immediately nodded, his right hand pressed the leading naval lieutenant's head, earthly way ability launched, directly took out his soul, soul extraction process, nose and face swollen, dying naval lieutenant incomparable pain, face hideous horror like an evil ghost, but the good thing is that it was not too long.

The soul was extracted, and the naval lieutenant immediately died violently, his body puffing and falling to the ground.

The Human Way Payne absorbed the soul and quickly searched the soul memories of the Admiral, quickly finding what he wanted and passing the information to Carlos.

Carlos closed his eyes and opened them in slight thought, his eyes shone with a cold light and said coldly, "Heavenly Way Payne go search the four corners of the world and dispose of some curious guy, dispose of whoever he is!"

"Hell's Way Payne to deal with all the bodies at the scene, and the rest of Payne to follow Earth's Way to deal with the island's navy as well as naval intelligence."

"Kill all of them, and leave none behind!"

Six Dao Payne nodded silently and went to work as Carlos had told him to.

Harboring Olivia, Robin two, and then take out one more admiral, suddenly hundreds of navy is not a trivial matter, if exposed, the navy is bound to be outraged, the world government will certainly react, otherwise how to lead the team?

So this had to be covered up and all evidence destroyed, without evidence how would the navy and world government suspect him, his departure from the New World was known only to the core crew of the God's Eye Bandits.

I've been in the New World, how can I slander people for no reason? You think I'm a bully?

want to

Covering up all the people who know except Olivia and Robin all must be silenced, the Navy and Naval Intelligence must be silenced, the intelligence part of the Navy is not as good as the spy agency of the world government, but it is also quite powerful.

In addition to the Navy, some Navy blockade of this area without leaving, the curious must die too

Who told you to be curious and see things you shouldn't see, curiosity killed the cat, can also kill people, this time can't care about what is innocent or not innocent.

Only after ordering things, Carlos collected himself, his face became softer, and turned to look at Olivia and Robin behind him, the two women's faces were pale, their eyes horrified, shocked, the two of them still saw Carlos doing things for the first time, Carlos' image in their hearts was somewhat subversive

"Okay, it's okay, I've taken care of it all."

"No one can take you with me, you can do what you want." Carlos smiled gently, a far cry from his previous coldness.

Carlos' words and expression made the two women feel much more at ease, their hearts moved by what Carlos had done for them, and the shock and shock in their hearts gradually disappeared.

Robin looked at Carlos with a face full of adoration, while Olivia was full of tenderness, her eyes like autumn water, imploring.

"The fun was interrupted today, so let's stop playing and go back."

"Stay with you for two more days, it's time for me to return to the new world."

"Call me if you encounter any difficulties in the future, if you want to find a safe place to rest, come to New World Sun Moon Island, let me know and I will send someone to pick you up."

The two women nodded silently and left after Carlos.

Carlos continued to spend less than half a day in the food court, after all the finishing touches were cleared up by the Paynes, and left the food court with Olivia, and Robin to take them to their next destination.

After two more days with them, they left, which, by the way, was the most relaxing two days Carlos had had these days.

In the evening, Olivia cooperated fully, playing as much as she wanted, posing fully, changing all kinds of clothes, and the people were the same, but there was something new every time.

When she left, Olivia was glowing as if she was ten years younger, making Robin gaze at her frequently, and Olivia was very embarrassed.

Parting is always sad and reluctant, but we each have our own path to take, the future is still long, there are encounters on the landscape, there is no hurry, life has dreams, each is wonderful!

Chapter 309 - The King of the Underworld Has Arrived

Carlos and Olivia, Robin mother and daughter respectively, naturally, not directly back to the new world, just saying, the main purpose of this time out ancient weapons pluto has not yet got it.

Carlos went directly to the location of the Ancient Weapons Pluto's sleeping position, which is located in the great voyage near the South China Sea windless belt under an island.

It is the first time in the history of the United States that the United States has been able to get a copy of the United States Constitution.

It took Carlos more than an hour to reach his destination, as he used his might to keep driving, but also to identify the location and adjust his route.

This was still because the Divine Might was too buggy, otherwise it wasn't an easy task to enter the depths of the Windless Belt, and not just any person or force could do it.

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