I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 274

Although Carlos hadn't heard from those kingdoms themselves, it was clear from their actions that basically no kingdoms had befriended the United States of Darkness to establish diplomatic relations.

For all that Carlos didn't care, just don't associate, just don't mess with her, or Carlos would show them what a barbaric kingdom was!

After returning to Sun Moon Island, the New World was in turmoil, but for the Kamui Bandits, it was calm and quiet.

Carlos was not only dealing with daily affairs, daily exercise, and rest, but also focusing his energy on developing new pupil arts, which was becoming more and more difficult nowadays, and none of them were easy.

The peaceful life passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the year 1502 passed, and it came to the year 1503, which was also the year Luffy was born!

Chapter 312 - The Golden Lion's Request (above)

In the year 1503, the year the sea became even more turbulent, not only Carlos, the monster, but also more powerful people have entered the New World or are on their way to enter the New World.

For example, the red-haired pirate group also officially entered the new world, and the sand crocodile Crocodile Crocodile, Dover, Moonlight Moria all led their own pirate group to enter the new world to fight, as well as some individuals, the most representative of individuals is Hawkeye Mihok.

The situation in the New World is becoming more and more intense, pirates fighting the navy, pirates fighting pirates, pirates fighting nations, and even the world government, navy and non-world government franchises are playing, the New World is becoming more and more chaotic and is about to become a mess.

The God's Eye Bandits are quietly developing under Carlos' orders, guarding the two islands of Sun Moon Island and Green Mulberry Island, not invading, only guarding, sitting and watching the wind and waves of the new world.

After several months of development, there are already around 3,500 pirates under the command of the God's Eye Bandits, whose combat power is comparable to that of ordinary pirates in the New World.

The most noteworthy among them is the God's Eyes pirate group's sniper Louis, the most enormous progress, although the armed color hegemony has not yet mastered, but in the color of sight and hearing is outstanding talent, mastered very quickly, attainments in the entire God's Eyes pirate group can also be ranked in the front.

As for the Armed Color Hegemony, although the talent wasn't very strong, it was considered medium, and by working hard, it was on the verge of awakening.

Carlos's Hegemony progress is there, but not very much, the three colors of Hegemony itself have not shallow attainments, want to progress, unless there is some special chance, otherwise you can only rely on time to slowly accumulate.

Carlos' main focus in recent months was on the research and development of the Straight Death Demon Eyes, these eyes are really too difficult, comparable to some myths, fantasy world's super divine eyes, design the way of cause and effect, difficult, difficult, too difficult!

But as difficult as it was, it had to be researched and developed slowly, and if these eyes were developed, there would be no one left that couldn't be killed, nothing that couldn't be destroyed.

In addition to the difficulty of developing the eyes themselves, one of the reasons for the excessive difficulty of developing them was that Carlos didn't know much about them.

Carlos only knew a few sketchy things, such as the way involving cause and effect, which usually everything in the world followed, but these eyes did the opposite.

For example, if a person died from having their head cut off, it was because there was a cause for the severing of the head that caused the person to die, whereas the Straight Death Demon Eye did the opposite, inducing the effect of death first before producing the cause of the severed head!

The principle is abstract, obscure, what dead lines, dead points and so on, sounds simple, but really to show, to be able to see these things, it's damn hard.

So these months Carlos also did not have the development progress nor up too much, well the only thing that makes Carlos feel comfort is more or less some progress, as long as it is not stagnant, even backwards, are barely acceptable, slowly with time to grind chant, Kam!

After months of research, Carlos was feeling a little out of sorts, so he put everything aside for a few days of rest the last few days.

Carlos planned to fish the inland sea between the islands of Sun and Moon, and even found a day of good weather when it was raining heavily.

What heavy rain is good for fishing? Bullying people for not reading enough?

I can't help it, Carlos just likes to fish in rainy days, the heavier the rain the better, in fact, fishing is not fish, fishing is a feeling, Carlos thieves like rainy days, looking at the gloomy sky, hazy rain curtain, dense crisp rain sounds, the mood is very relaxing!

Generally speaking, suitable for habitation of the island, the weather is relatively normal, the rain on the island of Sun and Moon is still within the normal range, unlike the magnetic field weird, unpredictable weather on the sea, that under the heavy rain than with a bath tub to pour water is exaggerated, a bad boat are to you drowned.

In the middle of the inner sea of the Sun and Moon Island, a crowboat suspended in the sea slowly floating, this is Carlos deliberately let people build a special fishing boat, Carlos think fishing will have to crowboat, and then put on hats, wearing a straw straw coat to have that taste!

The crew doesn't know what Carlos is mad about, but as the captain of the ship, with the capricious capital, the people below can only copy and make it.

Carlos sat in the bow, legs hanging in the air, head wearing a hat, wearing a straw straw, holding a fishing rod, a cigarette in his mouth, a bottle of liquor next to him, and humming a fuzzy tune, the rain fog hazy, rain hit the tinkling, the sea is all dense bubbles as if boiling, very spectacular.

"The birds on the trees are in pairs, the trees and the hills are smiling, no more slavery, the husband and wife are returning home."

It was fortunate that Carlos was the only one on the canopy boat, or else wouldn't it be a trifecta if the others heard about it?

What the hell is that? It's unbecoming.

"Boru, Boru,"

Just when Carlos was in a cheerful mood, enjoying himself, the sound of the phone bug rang out, and Carlos paused with a frown on his face, what uncaring bastard bothered him, damn it!

Carlos took an unpleasant sip of spirits, his chest burning and his mouth full of booze, and pulled out his phone worm to answer, full of displeasure, "Whoever you are, you better be important and interrupting my business or I'm going to turn the other cheek."

"Interrupting your day?"

"Carlos boy, what are you doing boy? Playing women?"

"What's so important about this? I'll send you a pair of sisters some day!" The golden lion's face appeared on the phone bug, full of carelessness.

"Sisterhood? Can I have another pair of mother-daughter flowers?"

"Ahem give me some time, it's not out of the question, I can get you any woman you want!"

"Gotta stop bribing me, you're so generous, you must have something to ask me for help, just tell me if you have something, don't be a granny."

"Hahaha you're pretty smart kid." The golden lion laughed.

Carlos trailed off, bullshit, isn't it obvious? Not only sisters, but also mothers and daughters. It's weird if I'm not the one asking for something.

The mother-daughter flower he Carlos also has well, sister flower is not available, hey think what, too evil.

Carlos was busy throwing out the evil and stimulating thoughts in his mind, repeatedly chanting the eight words, "The heart is as clear as ice, the sky is not afraid," and finally calmed his mind.

Tell me straight, what is it that you want me to help you with?"

"Would you be interested in meeting the Whitebeard Bandits with me for a while?"

"Well? The Whitebeard Bandits?"

"Did you recruit him, or did he recruit you?"

"Is it necessary to get hung up on who recruited who when it comes to things between coughing pirates?"

"Understand, it's your Flying Air Pirates who have recruited the White Beard Bandits."

"You don't understand a thing, that group of guys from the White Beard Pirates is too much, they don't give me any face at all, they dare to touch my men, I can't swallow that!"

"My men are also trash, they can't even win against a captain in the district, disgraceful, if I was at the peak of my Flying Air Bandits, would the Whitebeard Bandits be so arrogant?"

"Which captain of the Whitebeard Bandits?"

"First team captain Marko."


"Damn, you're funny."

"Not only humorous, but shameless, isn't it normal for your men to fail to beat Marco?"

"And no one under me can currently do anything to beat Marko, at most stall."

"You're looking for an excuse to get in trouble with the Whitebeard Bandits, what do you want to get?"

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