I'm a pirate

I'm the Big Boss of Pirates Chapter 277.

The golden lion's arrogant loud and thick voice spread throughout the entire island, making the high can't stop the beach party suddenly stagnant, the pirates on the beach when they look up to the sky, the golden red lion is pouncing on this piece of land, scared many pirates turned pale, the huge lion pounced, giving the oppressive feeling is too strong, only the veteran pirates and captains can still maintain calm.

As for Whitebeard, naturally, not only is he not afraid, but his response is equally arrogant and overbearing!

Only White Beard got up, tilted his head up, drank all of the remaining clear liquor in his right hand that was enough to make an ordinary person hold out or die of drunkenness in one gulp, not missing a single drop, then threw it on the ground with his hand, laughed, and did it at the same time.

"Gulla la la golden lion you guy is full of nothing to do, right? Come to me to make a fool of myself."

"Interrupt my party and watch me blow your dog's head off with my fist!"

As the words fell, the right hand drew a trajectory in the air that was neither fast nor slow, and the white light of the sandbagged fist shone brightly, except that the power of the shocking fruit could not be more plain and simple, and the punch hit the air.


A fluorescent crack spread out around the fist, space seemed to shatter like a mirror, a terrifying vibratory force raced along the air towards the golden-red lion, the coverage of this vibratory force was enormous, the sky was faintly trembling, the power was terrifying!

This scattered power golden lion are not good enough to completely intercept, the golden lion's kendo is good at the point to break the surface, the line of destruction, floating fruit of the strike range is quite good, but mid-air currently out of the clouds also has nothing to give him to play the power of the medium, tyrannical range of attack is not as good as the kendo it.

The most crucial thing is that there is no need to intercept, even if you let the white beard shatter, it doesn't matter, unless these containments are completely shaken into nothingness, you can easily reunite them with your ability at any time.

So the golden lion, Shura Dao only protected itself, the sky huge, covering the sky, the golden red lion was completely shattered under this punch, turning into a sky full of broken clouds, although not as eye-catching as the golden red lion, but under the illumination of the setting sun also has a different flavor.

"You're really rude, white beard."

"The two of us fighting for ten days and nights may not be able to distinguish between the two of us, but it's not rude to come, so you eat my sword too!"

Chopper Duet!

As soon as the words fell, the Golden Lion hovered in mid-air, his golden hair dancing wildly in the wind, and drew the twin swords at his waist, and with a seemingly ordinary wave of the swords, two grand attacks burst out and merged into one in mid-air, turning into an even more grand, sharp sword qi that enveloped most of the white-bearded bandits!

If this sword qi really fell, there was no telling how many people from the Whitebeard Bandits would die, and that grand and sharp sword qi would be enough to separate this beach directly from the island.


The white bearded man raised his hand and pulled out the naginata at his side, dancing with both hands, the white aura on the naginata twisted and shifted, cutting out towards the flying sword qi, the twisted and shifting aura shattered, countless cracks densely covering the void, the terrifying vibratory force poured out, expanding as it spread upwards, eventually completely enveloping all the sword qi, the two forces colliding in mid-air!


In the void, thunder roared at the junction of the two attacks, thunder swam, and the entire sky shook, gradually this vibration spread to the entire Glinda Island, setting off an earthquake of at least magnitude four!

"Hmph, Golden Lion, what the hell do you want, if you want to fight for a change, I'll accompany you anytime, you can fight as long as you want!"

"If you are simply here to cause trouble, I will for provocation, and the Whitebeard Bandits will go to war with the Flying Air Bandits in an all-or-nothing war!" The white-bearded man pinned his naginata on the ground, frowned slightly, and erupted with a terrifying tyrannical aura that rushed the clouds of the sky straight into the sky!


"Hahaha I've come for business today."

The Golden Lion happily descended from the sky, followed by Shura Dao Payne, who landed on the beach under the watchful and alert eyes of many white-bearded pirates.

Neither the Golden Lion nor Shura Dao Payne took the eyes of those ordinary pirates seriously, Grylls were just ants, only those captains and Whitebeard were worthy of the two's attention.

If it weren't for the fact that pirates had rules and great pirates had to save face, it wouldn't take the Golden Lion too long to slaughter Whitebeard's ordinary pirates!

Of course, this kind of thing can't be done, any group of people have rules, either overt or covert, pirates are no exception, there are no rules.

The strong man really want to randomly slaughter the basic pirates of the new world, then the whole new world can be completely chaotic, you do this, others can also do this, that still development a fart ah, this kind of thing navy and the world government most want to see, the pirates are not stupid.

"Tell me straight what's going on, when did you Golden Lion become a granny and act like a pussy."

The Golden Lion didn't care about what Whitebeard said, the Golden Lion agreed with Whitebeard, so Whitebeard's words were tolerable even if they offended him.

"It's about a while ago, one of my cadres was killed by your white-bearded bandits."

"Heh that subordinate of yours didn't know any better, he dared to commit treachery in my territory, he deserved to die!" Whitebeard scowled, "Well done Marco, I'd have hammered him too if I'd found out!"

"I don't care what exactly my subordinates did, all I know is that my men died at the hands of your Whitebeard Bandits, and I just want justice!" The Golden Lion's face was cold, and his tone was equally strong and domineering.

As the two of them talked, the atmosphere became condensed, the nearby air seemed to freeze, the scene was silent, no one dared to make a sound to disturb the two big brothers!

"Well it's okay if you want to get it back, how do you want to get it back?"

"Is it a war against my White Beard Bandits?"

"Then you can give the war, it's just the two of you today, I'll take you as you go and fight it out outside the war!" The white-bearded man also did not give an inch, and spoke up in a domineering manner, "It's finished when we do it, who's afraid of who?".

In the heyday of the Flying Bandits, as long as it touched his bottom line, he wouldn't budge an inch, not to mention the greatly diminished strength of the Flying Bandits, his white beard had a great chance of winning, what to be afraid of?

"War? Don't worry, sooner or later!"

"I have my own solution to this matter, I have brought my co-captain with me to teach the captain of your band of pirates a lesson today."

"The main one is the one who did it, Marko, and the other captains will be taught a lesson by the way!"

The golden lion this arrogant words, a sudden scolding, it is too arrogant, even if it is the vice captain of the Flying Air Bandits, defeating one person, up to two would be the top of the sky, but also dared to presume to teach all captains a lesson, this is too arrogant, completely do not take the white bearded bandits in the eye ah!


"I don't know,"

"I'm just laughing at the fact that finding death isn't the way to find it."

"And I don't know where to find a weak chicken, so let me teach him a lesson first."

"No, y'all move out of the way so I can cut him first."

Chapter 316 - Shura-do vs Marko (above)

A noisy near the beach, white bearded pirate group of members of the righteous indignation, it is the words of the golden lion is too angry.

White Beard raised his left hand to press down, and soon the scene quieted down, and suddenly laughed: "Gulala la la golden lion you this guy is really more and more arrogant, but white bearded pirate group is never afraid of a challenge!"

"If you want to fight, I'll fight!"

"Marko, pirates, take some of our entertainment time and teach the Golden Lion's so-called lieutenant a good lesson."

"Yes, Pops!"

"No problem, Pops!" The captains, led by Marco, promised.

The golden lion had a smile on his face at the sight, not a bit prepared for the old man to come? A big surprise is in store for you guys. Heh heh.

"Everything is in your hands." The Golden Lion turned with a smile on his face to look at Shura Dao Payne, who was wearing a red cloud robe with a black background and a Shura bloodbath fighting mask.

"Don't worry!" The Shura Dao Payne controlled by Carlos had been secretly observing the White Beard Pirates, estimating the strength of the White Beard Pirates.

The White Beard Bandits were indeed powerful, needless to say White Beard was absolutely powerful, the other captains also each had their own best skills, their strength was not weak, and the ordinary pirates were also outstanding, their fighting power surpassed the ordinary pirates of the New World 99% Bandits.

This was only a part of the fighting power of the White Beard Bandits, unlike the original White Beard Bandits who attacked the naval headquarters, White Beard was able to mobilize more power in the New World, the home base.

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